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07-02-10, 07:34 PM
..Fcuking hate painting. Basturd house.

That is all

07-02-10, 07:40 PM
lol my job this week.

Thankfully only got a little to do, but it's a deep red, going to a biscuit brown.....How many coats. lol

07-02-10, 07:42 PM
Keep telling ya, mask everything up then dunk a banger or other high powered artillery style firework in the tin of paint, light fuse, bail and shut the door lol

07-02-10, 07:42 PM
One of my jobs to do next month, I hate painting it's crap. So much easier in Photoshop lol

07-02-10, 07:43 PM
lol my job this week.

Thankfully only got a little to do, but it's a deep red, going to a biscuit brown.....How many coats. lol

Depends on the paint tbh, get some decent "one coat" stuff and maybe only the 2 :) more expensive, but usually better value for money are the better paints, 20l of watery pish is all well and good for £2.50 but when you have to do 35 coats it's not so great lol

07-02-10, 07:44 PM
Keep telling ya, mask everything up then dunk a banger or other high powered artillery style firework in the tin of paint, light fuse, bail and shut the door lol

Stolen from mr bean! I'm onto you mr spud lol

07-02-10, 07:46 PM
Fixed it yet? lol

07-02-10, 07:49 PM
Keep telling ya, mask everything up then dunk a banger or other high powered artillery style firework in the tin of paint, light fuse, bail and shut the door lol

Cant when your trying to be like that flouncey bloke, Laurence Frilly knickers Bowen and got accent walls in every room. At least im not putting miles on Butch i suppose lol Glossing next, not looking forward to that sh1t.

Jack, yeah course i have, come get it lol

07-02-10, 07:53 PM
lol no rush tbh, I have the nova to pootle around in for the time being :)

If you want a hand painting though, I'm still off work next week :d

07-02-10, 08:06 PM
lol sweet, ill be working it round my epic work load, be mint when shes done. Cheers dude, just got gloss work to be done now, and thats the painting done. Then its, tiling, carpets, hardwood floor and a good clean up. Then set to the garden... wooo lol

07-02-10, 08:07 PM
..Fcuking hate painting. Basturd house.

That is all

Welcome to my world :(

07-02-10, 08:08 PM
Keep telling ya, mask everything up then dunk a banger or other high powered artillery style firework in the tin of paint, light fuse, bail and shut the door lol

I wouldn;t be lying if i said ive never done such stupid, childish & immature things as that....

07-02-10, 08:11 PM
Dunno how you cope with it fella. Its like Mot'ing all day, bloody mind numbing.

07-02-10, 08:13 PM
Dunno how you cope with it fella. Its like Mot'ing all day, bloody mind numbing.

LOLing at shethole council house tenants, nail gunning the chippys tools the floor, driving around sites showing our lakkies how to paint, smoking, cuppo tea, 4" rollers, more driving, M6 traffic, attacked by irate dags, putting the boot in, an then home mostly.

Kinda average day for me really.

07-02-10, 08:15 PM
I don't mind painting. Makes a change working inside, especially if it's my place or a mates. Few beers, some tunes and we're off :thumb:

How'd you come to run your own 'firm' at your age, Mike?

07-02-10, 08:21 PM
How'd you come to run your own 'firm' at your age, Mike?

I dont run my own firm, i co-own/run a decorating company with a childhood mate of mine.

Im self employed, same as Loony, was originally a sole trader an things just grew from there really. Coming 24y/o on Thursday so got plenty years left yet unfortuantly :(

07-02-10, 08:23 PM
I don't mind painting. Makes a change working inside, especially if it's my place or a mates. Few beers, some tunes and we're off :thumb:

Thats what me and my best mate are doing, but Pepsi/Sprite/IrnBru, plenty of chocolate and McCoys crisps lol

07-02-10, 08:24 PM
Co-own/run own company is what I meant. Plenty stress young, lol. Plenty more too. I don't think I could be arsed with all that paperwork. Self assessments are enough for me, for some reason they want one every bloody year. :(

07-02-10, 08:25 PM
Thats what me and my best mate are doing, but Pepsi/Sprite/IrnBru, plenty of chocolate and McCoys crisps lol

FTW! :thumb:

07-02-10, 08:25 PM
Being your own boss is cool dude, its mega stress but i farking love it. And i can turn and say... im 25, im a Managing Director/Owner of a company lol

07-02-10, 08:27 PM
Would be cool, but there's no chance of it in groundwork trade now. Being a gaffer at 24 wouldn't be easy, too many faces turned at being bossed around from a younger lad. Would be nice to dictate working hours though, the old 7-5 is getting tiresome already. :(

07-02-10, 08:27 PM
Co-own/run own company is what I meant. Plenty stress young, lol. Plenty more too. I don't think I could be arsed with all that paperwork. Self assessments are enough for me, for some reason they want one every bloody year. :(

Comes with the job unfortunatly, im sure Loony will also agree on that.

I have my fingers in a few things elsewhere too, all legal an all i will add!

07-02-10, 08:28 PM
I have my fingers in a few things elsewhere too, all legal an all i will add!

All over 16 you see.

07-02-10, 08:29 PM
All over 16 you see.

That too lol lol

07-02-10, 08:31 PM
I wouldn't mind having involvement in other things, but I thought buying a house would be a nice easy, profitable thing to do..then branch from that. Paying the mortgage along with everything else turned into quite a mission. One day I'll delve into something else..

07-02-10, 08:35 PM
Dude, trying getting a mortgage when your in my situation. Took me a fair while, it pays to be your own boss and then it doesnt. Its hard work, but thinking i have OCD hence why im always pushing myself to an early heart attack lol

07-02-10, 08:37 PM
it pays to be your own boss and then it doesnt.

Too bloody true. Altho the tax rebates kick áss! :d

07-02-10, 08:41 PM
Tax.. dont remind me... got my corporation tax coming up in a bit... not happy

07-02-10, 08:49 PM
Tax.. dont remind me... got my corporation tax coming up in a bit... not happy

Ooooh :(

You had to VAT register yet too? That is a really boring weekend of paper work :cry:

07-02-10, 08:51 PM
Yeah had to be dude. Im a limited company, and Mot station so was really needed to be.

07-02-10, 08:52 PM
Yeah had to be dude. Im a limited company, and Mot station so was really needed to be.

Ah i see lol would make sense really lol Didnt realise you were limited but can fully understand the reasons as to why you are!

07-02-10, 09:02 PM
Oh yes. But when it came to the Mortgage for my house, instead of being employed which i am. I own the company but am employed by it too, cos i own more than a 50% share in it, im self employed so mortgage time was well gay.