View Full Version : Car cover

07-02-10, 06:02 PM
I need to buy a car cover for when the car returns from the bodyshop. It will be garaged of course but I dont want dust to settle on it and to protect the new paint from. This won't be for a prolonged period just until the car gets completed, maybe a few months.

Anyone covered a car after paint? Any recommendations?

Thanks :thumb:

07-02-10, 06:17 PM
Talk to the bodyshop about what's suitable - I'd be reluctant to put a cover on new paint as it'll rub against it.

07-02-10, 06:22 PM
I'd rather just follow a normal wash/care routine as they will probably recommend to you than a cover tbh.

07-02-10, 06:25 PM
Pm Sparkie as he's a car cover that's been especially made to fit a Nova, he won't be selling it but will be able to tell you how much it was. It looks brilliant and even has made to fit bit over the wing mirrors.

Pistol Pete
07-02-10, 07:14 PM
Dont cover a freshly painted car. Paint will need to breathe for another few months after painting. I have just had mine painted, well back in November last year!!!! Bought a cover off Ebay for it. Not covering it at the moment.

Dust settling is no biggy. Nice fresh paint, dust will son blow off once out of the garage.

07-02-10, 07:39 PM

halfords medium size car cover, as said dont cover new piant unless its unavoidable, ie high dirt/ dust area/ overspray etc

07-02-10, 09:19 PM
IIRC there's covers with a fleece type inner lining, I assume they'd be better as it won't rub.

I'll ask Sparkie but I won't get any old cover something specialist if I have to cover it.

Will have a word with the bodyshop too.

Pistol Pete
07-02-10, 09:28 PM
Have a search on here. IIRC there was a thread and someone posted a link to a decent looking place. Mine from Ebay is fleece lined.

07-02-10, 09:37 PM
ok cheers Pete

08-02-10, 10:52 AM
Errect [LOL] a gazeebo type affair around it if you have the room?
Better than covering a freshly painted car, or just do as said and blow the dust off it when need be. lol

08-02-10, 12:15 PM
I'd leave it uncovered for a while, and just regularly wash/polish/wax (no cut) it to remove dust. Then cover it after a few weeks.