View Full Version : 1.1's HOW the...

05-02-10, 10:23 PM
*** do you live with them?

Evo went into mitsi for a day trip and they gave me a "like for like" car Oh yesssss a mighty colt 4 door 1.1

Mighty funn was had.

That is all.

05-02-10, 10:24 PM
since its a curtosey car, its faster than the evo FACT!

05-02-10, 10:30 PM
Dam right it was, it even left a massive Number 1 up the road Oh yes! the power.

05-02-10, 10:32 PM
better than a number 2

05-02-10, 10:36 PM
^^ PMSL! +1.

Rexy. its good to see your taking advantage of the perks lol

05-02-10, 10:44 PM
I do try lol. :D

05-02-10, 10:48 PM
i expect nothing less of you :) lol

05-02-10, 11:20 PM
I got a brand new Colt 1.3(08 plate) as a courtesy once, it wheel spun in 3rd in the damp it was loads quicker then the 1.2 Clio I had... It was crap though tbf

05-02-10, 11:32 PM
lol, there awesome for tooting about town in. Anything more and they fail lol. lol

And i was thinking about getting a colt turbo :O so glad i didnt.

05-02-10, 11:33 PM
"like for like"

They were refering to street cred, not power :d

06-02-10, 12:00 AM
LMFBO, hey lick me. :thumb:

Logical Improvement
06-02-10, 08:05 AM
Treat a miscourtesy car how you expect them to treat your car.

Oh you did, because they did

06-02-10, 09:14 AM
I got a brand new Colt 1.3(08 plate) as a courtesy once, it wheel spun in 3rd in the damp it was loads quicker then the 1.2 Clio I had... It was crap though tbf

Thats probably because they have the worlds crappest tyres, my new corsa has them, and if i try to exit a junction a little too quick it wheelspins, and thats a 1.2lol

oh and by exitting a junction a little too quick, i don't mean flooring it then dropping the clutch:p

06-02-10, 11:23 AM
The only courtesy in a courtesy car, is the fact that you were given it lol

06-02-10, 03:02 PM
ROFL when the Celica had the front bumper repainted at the local Toyota paintshop, they gave me a Fabia 1.4.I looked at the girl with a "WTF" look on my face, she goes "oh but its a sport model"... no wonder skoda aren't renowned for their racing prowess!

06-02-10, 03:19 PM
I got given a 1.8 zafira when I wrote my civic off. had only been driving a few months. Oh how the boy racers laughed at me doing hand brake turns round the maccy d's car park lol

06-02-10, 04:00 PM
I have actually got a colt turbo. ahem.

when I took it back to the garage to have something done to it, they gave me a spanking new lancer to drive around in. lovely jubbly I thought. only about 3 times the size of my colt and looks dam good. but it was their diesel model so was not actually that quick. boo

I looked good in it parked though. lol

06-02-10, 04:10 PM
I'd only been driving a month... stalled the Colt 12 times in a week hahahahahah, I think I've stalled both of my Novas less then 3 times in a year and 11k miles

Nova clutches FTW?... probably not

06-02-10, 05:06 PM
I'd only been driving a month... stalled the Colt 12 times in a week hahahahahah, I think I've stalled both of my Novas less then 3 times in a year and 11k miles

Nova clutches FTW?... probably not

cable ftw ! :thumb:

06-02-10, 10:07 PM
our mitsi dealer once gave me a hyundai getz 1.3 as a like for like with my L200 double cab... so i folded down the seats, found some cardboard from the parts dept, & stuck my wacker plate & tools on the back.. it was dragging its ar$e a bit up the road, but it went surprisingly well

07-02-10, 10:53 AM
the spacker bus i had (was the colt 1.1) was immense fun! but nearly rolled it god knows how many times! was grateful to get my car back!

made me appreciate what i had not had for a while lol!