View Full Version : Dont use talktalks's internet there ****!!!!!!!

30-01-10, 01:38 PM
anyone else having problems with them?

30-01-10, 01:55 PM
Yes!!! On hold ofr 30 minutes passed around from pillar to post for another 30 minutes then they hang up, ring up again, another 25 minutes waiting, then the indian/chinese woman says do a ****y speed test, take the results and ring them in 48 hours, absolute ****s

waynes sri
30-01-10, 01:59 PM
it as been **** in the past at not working but touch wood been fine for a while

30-01-10, 02:02 PM
I made a thread on migweb about them too, they are the worst ISP EVAR! Connection drops, sometimes for HOURS, once took me over 3 hours to get online, I gave up after an hour and watched a DVD, came back and saw it had connected, opened mozilla and it crashed again :mad::mad: hate them, I'll NEVER use talk talk again once this contract is up.

30-01-10, 02:17 PM
what annoys me is the indian people they reffer you to , youve been waiting on the line for 40 minutes the last thing you want to do is try to understand an indian person im not being harsh but its rediculous you have to make them repeat the word about 3 times before you understand

30-01-10, 02:27 PM
Troo that, and its not being harsh, they really are hard to understand. Talk talks internet service riles me more, especially at times when I need to be on and I cant get on.

I'm getting angry now lol

vx kev
30-01-10, 06:35 PM
Was crap in the past and is still crap. Whats better is they have taken over AOL in the UK apparently which shows because loads of peeps up this way are having problems with that now! :mad:

TALK TALK - KNOCK KNOCK?????????????

General Baxter
30-01-10, 06:37 PM
iv gone from 7.8mbps with them to 4.6mbps
we get it free with the phone line, on a adsl modem

but im now shooting along at 48.6mbps for £35 a month :p

30-01-10, 07:03 PM
but im now shooting along at 48.6mbps for £35 a month :p
lol how did you manage 48mbps?!

31-01-10, 12:08 PM
I made a thread on migweb about them too, they are the worst ISP EVAR! Connection drops, sometimes for HOURS, once took me over 3 hours to get online, I gave up after an hour and watched a DVD, came back and saw it had connected, opened mozilla and it crashed again :mad::mad: hate them, I'll NEVER use talk talk again once this contract is up.

on mine if you look at the box with the password in the password seems to change by its self then it wont conect if i delete it an retype the correct one it works for a while until it changes again:confused:

31-01-10, 12:20 PM
talk talk are not the worst, wanadoo are, i tried them a few years ago, atleast someone answers at talktalk lol

yes i know a few people on talktalk, its not worth what you pay for it, may aswell get 20MB? with o2 for about £8, you only need to be a current customer, this includes a pay as you go phone.

Or if you don't have a landline,go with virgin 20MB for £20 a month, you get a free wireless router and its cheaper for around 3 months, also if you get someones name and address that has a virgin account you both get £30 off, over the 12 month contract it works out slightly cheaper than paying for a landline and broadband, of course after 12 months it would be cheaper going for the o2 option

General Baxter
31-01-10, 12:23 PM
lol how did you manage 48mbps?!

http://allyours.virginmedia.com/html/broadband/50Mb-difference.html zoom zoom :thumb:

31-01-10, 12:30 PM
First got talk talk took day just to set up the internet said we had connection but wouldn't allow us on internet? sorted now though next problem was every time phone rang internet cut off had to buy a micro filter but apart from that all good now :)

31-01-10, 12:31 PM
http://allyours.virginmedia.com/html/broadband/50Mb-difference.html zoom zoom :thumb:

Hhmmm looking in to that!

Talk talk are utter sh*te, they wanted my mates bank numbers/card number so they could disconect him.. Worse service and line ever!

General Baxter
31-01-10, 12:33 PM
Hhmmm looking in to that!

best money iv ever spent, £55 to have it installed, was done in 30mins, conneted the 3 pcs, and ps3 and xbox to it, tested it all, was gone,

im on talk talk at the mo tho,
it dont like having the ps3, xbox, and 2 of the 3 pc's connected lol

31-01-10, 12:36 PM
I'm on Virgin, i get about 9mb most days... But want more!

31-01-10, 12:39 PM
I'm on Virgin, i get about 9mb most days... But want more!

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/AMBIT-256-CABLE-MODEM-HAXORWARE-1-1-Rev-39_W0QQitemZ120523258257QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Comp uting_Networking_SM?hash=item1c0fbef991

i have two modems running side by side:thumb:

01-02-10, 12:22 AM
Virgin operate "traffic management" and don't actually state what their FUP is :mad:

I don't live in a virgin area either (only have Orange, TalkTalk and someone else) so thanks to BT's crappy infrastructure and their fcuking up of the local exchange I can only get a 1mb connection :(