View Full Version : Brakes that dont warp?

29-01-10, 12:16 AM
I've had a go with different types of discs but they always seem to warp. i have the 2.0 16v ATE brakes on my nova and the vented discs warp, is there a make that are less prone to it or can i change the whole set up to a different type like V6 Brakes. or do they just all warp like poo! :thumb:

29-01-10, 12:18 AM
i assume you do bed them in properly?

29-01-10, 12:25 AM
what going down a long hilll and pressing on them very lightly? so they get hot?

edit: But isnt bedding in more for the pads, just to get a coat of the pads onto the surface of the disc?

29-01-10, 12:34 AM

29-01-10, 01:28 AM
Get big hard ones, Discs that is, don't buy cheap crap spend good money on good discs and pads like mintex etc or ap

sr jack
29-01-10, 10:05 AM
i found the can warp if you have uneven braking. get this tested as if one side is better it cooks that side and not the other,thats what mine was doing.

29-01-10, 10:15 AM
cant go wrong with GM pads and discs

29-01-10, 10:16 AM
I use cheap pikey discs and expensive pads.

The heat I get into the discs is unreal and they dont warp...
They were bed in properly (going down a long hill braking gently isnt how is done)... rough rule of thumb, as it will vary from pad manufacturer, warm the brakes up with a few 30-5mph "stops" (dont actually stop unless you have to) then a few 50-20's then a few 50-5's and then 70-not much depending on the road. let it all cool down with gentle driving thereafter and DONT sit still with yer foot on the brake pedal

I dont sit there in traffic etc after a long stop with my foot on the brake pedal.

generally its the trasnfer layer that 'feels' like the disc is warped when its not

George g
29-01-10, 01:44 PM
If all your discs are warping then you must be doing something wrong! I have yet to warp cheapo discs...

Warping is what happens when the brakes are run up to a high temperature during use, this makes them expand, once you stop the disc starts to cool, if you hold the peddle down, this means the heat is kept within the pads and the area of the disc the pads touch. This means the discs cool un-evenly and therefore it contracts at different rates - warping it.

Do you hold the brakes on when you stop in traffic or at lights? As soon as you come to a halt, take your foot off the brake pedal and put the handbrake on, that way they cool more evenly and don't warp.


29-01-10, 01:46 PM
Never had a problem with "warped" discs, but as per above I always bed my brakes in properly and don't stand on the pedal after a complete stop.

29-01-10, 03:08 PM
Sounds Like You Brake Like My Grand Mother !!!!!!!!!

29-01-10, 03:21 PM
burgo i will check your link in a min as it wont load up at the mo

but arent you ment to brake from 70 doen to 30 a couple of times, then 80 down to 20 then again to zero to bed them in?

might be talking sh1t?

(sparkie waits for JACK intervention lol lol)

29-01-10, 03:31 PM
yes i bed them in the right way. Well i either buy new ones or just wait till the one i got now grind flat! but that will take a very long time! not to worry though. Maybe i just bought a bad set or... Braking....Your doing it wrong!

General Baxter
29-01-10, 03:36 PM
are you sure your just not driving like a spoon ?

29-01-10, 03:50 PM
(sparkie waits for JACK intervention lol lol)

My TRD brakes came with instructions for bedding in, which involved a series of runs from various speeds and a variety of braking pressures. Never to a complete halt though.

29-01-10, 03:58 PM
reckon it would help flatting the pads some on emery paper and re-fitting them ?
im as skint as a tramp and dont wanna get a 2nd mortage on the house just for pads and discs.
might be worth doing this anyway, as on the 2 litre brakes ive got, the pads need to wear down a third before full length pad contact is there, might help on the braking front anyway ? used these buggers across 3 nova's now, and the pads nor discs have worn down a friggin millimetre, they'll still be going long after im dead lol

29-01-10, 04:08 PM

My TRD brakes came with instructions for bedding in, which involved a series of runs from various speeds and a variety of braking pressures. Never to a complete halt though.

thought that would tickle you lol

no maybe not may just have been down to 20

and im sure the guy said from 100 down to low ish something mph

just smooth but firm i was told

all im going on about is when i put new dics pads all round on my evo, but new brakes are new brakes right!

29-01-10, 04:18 PM
I went through 3 sets of discs when i had the 1400 in mine, drove it like i stole it loved that engine lol

I upgraded to v6 stuff and not had a problem

29-01-10, 04:18 PM
Oh and for the record the disc doesnt "warp"
The pads leave deposits on the disc surface which build up making it unflat, causing the juddering you feel.

This happens if you use the brakes heavily and get them v.v hot and then come to a complete stop with the brake pedal (pushing the burning pads against the burning disc....)
Either drive steadily to let them cool down, or dont stop with the brake pedal, use the handbrake to stop the last couple of feet.....

When i bed brakes in i just do a load of increasing harsher 60mph to 20mph stops, making sure i dont stop the car completely with the brake pedal before letting them cool. Ive never had braking problems.

General Baxter
29-01-10, 04:50 PM
nerd alert

29-01-10, 04:54 PM
Just proving a point :p

29-01-10, 05:15 PM

29-01-10, 05:19 PM
Also worth checking the vents inthe disc are going the right way. Some vented discks have straight fins which means you can install the discs either way, but some are directional, and if you install them wrong, they wont cool properly.

Ignore the way the grooves are cut as well. Some cheap grooved discs ive seen, the guys who put the grooves in obviously ignored which way the vents were running.

29-01-10, 05:20 PM
Also worth checking the vents inthe disc are going the right way. Some vented discks have straight fins which means you can install the discs either way, but some are directional, and if you install them wrong, they wont cool properly.

Ignore the way the grooves are cut as well. Some cheap grooved discs ive seen, the guys who put the grooves in obviously ignored which way the vents were running.

thats a good point but which way should the vents face? forward or backwards?

29-01-10, 05:26 PM
Backwards looking from the top (so the vents sweep backwards), so they can eject the hot air. Put them on so the vents face forwards, and the heat cant escape.

29-01-10, 05:27 PM
Lee your old one's were still going good on my car when i sold it a few months back.

29-01-10, 05:28 PM
Backwards/forwards makes no sense to me when you're talking circular objects lol instinct says it should expel air outwards though.

29-01-10, 05:30 PM
Backwards/forwards makes no sense to me when you're talking circular objects lol instinct says it should expel air outwards though.the vents can be spiralled like this


hence being able to face forwards or backwards

*edit done

29-01-10, 05:33 PM
Backwards/forwards makes no sense to me when you're talking circular objects lol instinct says it should expel air outwards though.
Thats why I said 'when looking from the top' you pudding :roll::d

EDIT so on burgo's pic, that disc need to move anti clockwise as you look at it from this side

29-01-10, 05:34 PM
they can face forwards and backwards at the same time, but never one or the other one a circular object. The top will face forwards and the bottom backwards for example.

29-01-10, 05:35 PM
Lee your old one's were still going good on my car when i sold it a few months back.

Those courtnay discs were fapping awesome.

29-01-10, 05:35 PM
they can face forwards and backwards at the same time, but never one or the other one a circular object. The top will face forwards and the bottom backwards for example.

Brain pills are on the top shelf lol

Brake discs rotate. :tard:

29-01-10, 05:36 PM
Thats why I said 'when looking from the top' you pudding :roll::d

EDIT so on burgo's pic, that disc need to move anti clockwise as you look at it from this side

So you did lol

edit: the timing of these posts is making me look more of a tard than I am :( I call rigged forum.

29-01-10, 05:39 PM
Those courtnay discs were fapping awesome.
They were that bud...