View Full Version : Oil Cooler or not?

28-01-10, 11:51 PM
Doing an xe conversion at the moment but I live in Jerey and there are no xe powered novas over here to have a look at :(

Looking at a few pictures on here it seems that the oil cooler has been removed :confused: is this correct or not and what do you do to the feed and return if it is correct.

29-01-10, 06:06 AM
for day to day driving running no oil cooler will be ok but if your planning to do track days, rallies etc then an oil cooler MAY be benofficial(sp)

Will F
29-01-10, 08:55 AM
Its probably easier to keep it if you have one on teh engine already..

Otherwise you need the threaded mount from a 1300 small block oil pump for the filter... (they are shorter)

29-01-10, 09:24 AM
its easier ditching it, thats why i ditched mine, took about 5 minutes to swap it over, rather than the hours of fiddling trying to get the cooler to fit somewhere

29-01-10, 09:33 AM
ive never ran one to be fair dont even have one on the let

29-01-10, 09:41 AM
i'm fitting one next week.

I am planning to do track days and want to keep the oil nice and cool-er.

29-01-10, 09:57 AM
if its there its easy. depending how neat you want it just cable tie it to the slam panel support that goes to crossmember

sr jack
29-01-10, 10:02 AM
you can also find claibras without oil coolers, thats where i got one from

George g
29-01-10, 03:49 PM
if you want to know if you need one then it would be more beneficial to actually get a oil temp guage as its only when oils get to a certain temperature that they degrade and an oilcooler is necessary.

i THINK (if i remembere correctly but feel free to correct me)
mineral = 110 deg C
Semi = 140 deg C
Synth = 180 deg C

or there abouts. if your oil is getting to that temperature and sustaining it then it would be advisable to cool it, however most oils wont reach that on a daily drive, only in racing/track or rally applications... other than that, its a nice thing to show to people thats shiny at carpark meets to make them go "wow"...