View Full Version : Is it me or are these NL forums the slowest dam things.

02-04-03, 06:50 PM
They are soooo slow. and often give up loading pages if you have more than 3 windows of them.

Can't they get better hosts?

02-04-03, 06:52 PM
maybe its your 28k connection quick as fuck here, pages load immediately

02-04-03, 06:53 PM
mines almost instant (cable)

02-04-03, 06:54 PM
Mines good on 56k. If you have more windows open its bound to slow and thats cos of your connection, nothing to do with the novaload server.

02-04-03, 06:57 PM
i'm on 128kbps ISDN (64kbps i use).
That is more than enough. and while i waiting for 3 pages to load i can surf ebay and the rest of the net fine. When i stop surfing i'm still waiting for the pages and sometimes they don't load at all.

02-04-03, 06:58 PM
oh yeah, and at college they have 3xT1 lines (very fast) and NL forums still slow.
Maybe its just the south west of england?

02-04-03, 07:08 PM
Nice and fast for me on broadband in southampton

02-04-03, 07:09 PM
Im in south mate and it wouldnt make any difference anyway! Half the sites you browse route from america anyway!

It deffo aint the forums! When i browse them i dont use 1 window, i open all the unread topics! sometimes like 20 windows and its all instant! Im running 600K yeah but still fine!

02-04-03, 07:25 PM
thats what i do whitey but i only open like 6/7 max. w e i r d.

02-04-03, 07:30 PM
mines fast. wooooooosh cable 8)

03-04-03, 10:07 AM
I'm in the south west and mines pretty quick, although I am on Broadband. Only 576kbps!

03-04-03, 10:36 AM
Can't they get better hosts?

The hosts we use are for novaload are a very good, very reliable company and since starting ot use these a few months ago nobody has complained and most have found novaload to be one of the quickest sites of its kind.

I have got other sites hosted with the same hosting company and they too run very quickly.

Its not the hosts - must be osmethign to do with your connection or the time of day you use the site with other people sharing your connection or lots of network activity for your ISP.

03-04-03, 02:13 PM
less of the "Fkucing" this and "Fkucing" that, or one of us might happen to hit the Fkucing "Ban" button...

Im on a 64k ISDN line now and its fine... thats with about 4 other people sharing it too.
Its obviously much quicker at home with DSL..

03-04-03, 02:37 PM
less of the "Fkucing" this and "Fkucing" that, or one of us might happen to hit the Fkucing "Ban" button...

kev do i detect a little emotion from you there?? good grief!!! :lol:

fair point though...

03-04-03, 02:43 PM
less of the "Fkucing" this and "Fkucing" that, or one of us might happen to hit the Fkucing "Ban" button...

kev do i detect a little emotion from you there?? good grief!!! :lol:
fair point though...

kevs got every right

theres nothing wrong with this site anymore - im sure even kev will agree that phpBB was running slow however he had it before, but now its a minter.

i wouldnt like it when people slag my site, even though i know its a bit dated and people dont rate it that much

takes me back to the old days: nothing nice to say then keep it shut

03-04-03, 02:43 PM
I appologise, It pissed me off when I saw it lol

you know how much work we/I put in on the site for the relocation etc.

03-04-03, 02:48 PM
well i didnt do much really kev - i just sorta sat in on msn meetings where you were saying "so what you think then" and i sorta said yeah go on then :lol:

it has worked fantistically ever since the server change though... always nice and fast and no down time either. most impressive mate.

i understand 100% you being annoyed about people slating it... it annoys me and its not my baby. (although sometimes i do feel like it is) :lol:

03-04-03, 06:24 PM
Site is excellent for speed and content (cambridge area with 56k modem)... J

Ben (lurk75)
03-04-03, 06:35 PM
Mines fine, god knows what i got (heap of shit)

I open a window per forum and it runs fast enough, its not lightining quick but thats my PC.

In veitnam is was fast as fook!!!

Ben (lurk75)
03-04-03, 07:21 PM
:o get three for that

03-04-03, 07:24 PM
less of the "Fkucing" this and "Fkucing" that, or one of us might happen to hit the Fkucing "Ban" button...

Im on a 64k ISDN line now and its fine... thats with about 4 other people sharing it too.
Its obviously much quicker at home with DSL..

:o :o :o

GO KEV u tell him

05-04-03, 01:32 PM
sorry bout the swearing. dunno why i did it, just got to me waiting and getting nothing displayed. I think i'd had a few to drink also. :evil:

05-04-03, 02:08 PM
mine loads ok - 56k - at work I blink and its loaded!