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View Full Version : green laning

nova josh
24-01-10, 07:09 PM
what is it?

24-01-10, 07:10 PM
off roading, but in lanes. Not for novas.

nova josh
24-01-10, 07:11 PM
i know its not just heard it on tv and wasnt sure

24-01-10, 07:12 PM
Usually in byways in land rovers,
but i know people who do it in a 1.1 fiesta

Youtube it :thumb:

General Baxter
24-01-10, 07:17 PM
Usually in byways in land rovers,
but i know people who do it in a 1.1 fiesta

Youtube it :thumb:

landrovers = british fail x far lol

24-01-10, 07:27 PM
know a few who do it in suzuki 4x4 van things. jacked right up

General Baxter
24-01-10, 07:45 PM
the beast from the east lol


show how big it 'was' im 6ft 3" and rather large, look how small i look lol

24-01-10, 07:49 PM
all you need to know


24-01-10, 07:52 PM
Dicking about in some mud hoping to get stuck just so you can get use out of your 4x4's winch.
Sounds great..........

24-01-10, 07:55 PM
i think ill stick to autocross lol

General Baxter
24-01-10, 07:57 PM
who needs mud lol

24-01-10, 08:04 PM
who needs mud lol

nick, i hope you enjoyed that, cos from what I heard over christmas, the farmer was paid by some dodgy gippo based skip/waste company to fill it all in for cash..... illegal or what?

24-01-10, 08:11 PM
Dicking about in some mud hoping to get stuck just so you can get use out of your 4x4's winch.
Sounds great..........

pmsl! lol

24-01-10, 08:15 PM
landrovers = british fail x far lol

i meant range rovers.. lol

and this is my mates laning fezza lol
and yes that is the angle we got it up lol


24-01-10, 08:29 PM
/\ bollocks, you've been out catching doggers

24-01-10, 08:36 PM
/\ bollocks, you've been out dogging
:roll: lol

Logical Improvement
24-01-10, 08:58 PM
Green because on Ordanance Survey Maps they use a green dotted line to signify that they are Roads.

24-01-10, 09:03 PM
Green because on Ordanance Survey Maps they use a green dotted line to signify that they are Roads.

funny that... cos on my OS maps, the byway, or green lane looks like this


General Baxter
24-01-10, 09:04 PM
Owned Lol

24-01-10, 09:18 PM
they are green lanes because of the lack of tarmac

24-01-10, 09:21 PM
4x4's are for old people who cant ride motorbikes!

Motorbiking down the lanes is FTMFW

24-01-10, 09:23 PM
funny that... cos on my OS maps, the byway, or green lane looks like this


That would be a permissive access/bridleway....

A green lane is called a byway open to all traffic on an OS map and looks like this ++++++++++

24-01-10, 09:30 PM
That would be a permissive access/bridleway....

A green lane is called a byway open to all traffic on an OS map and looks like this ++++++++++

pink landranger 1:50000 OS map has them as pink crosses

you must have the ramblers favourite, the 1:25000

24-01-10, 09:32 PM
Err dunno, asked me dad as he worked for the OS for nearly thirty years, he said yours is what was the old one inch maps!

24-01-10, 09:33 PM
Err dunno, asked me dad as he worked for the OS for nearly thirty years, he said yours is what was the old one inch maps!


24-01-10, 09:36 PM
who cares ?

24-01-10, 09:37 PM
who cares ?

you must, you posted an answer

24-01-10, 09:50 PM
no imm pished :)

Logical Improvement
26-01-10, 05:47 AM
funny that... cos on my OS maps, the byway, or green lane looks like this


I'm a little older than you and back in my Youth (Hosteling days) they were green. IIRC the description was "ROAD used as a public footpath"

26-01-10, 08:53 AM
I'm a little older than you

Jesus you must be old, Older than mowgli?!! lol

26-01-10, 12:57 PM
I thought green laning was homosexual parlance for taking it up the rear in the countryside (in an environmentally friendly manner):confused:

26-01-10, 01:02 PM
4x4's are for old people who cant ride motorbikes!

Motorbiking down the lanes is FTMFW

No wonder you have so many points/convictions etc. lol

4x4'ing FTW.

26-01-10, 01:29 PM
I wouldn't mind having a go at green laning,in a 4x4 or on a
motorbike I think they would both be fun!

26-01-10, 01:35 PM
The difference is when you play in a 4x4 it is slow, controlled etc. I could imagine most 'crossers' just flying about and being t!ts. lol

I'm not saying bikes can't be fun though!

26-01-10, 01:38 PM
That's generally what motocross riders do,however green laning motorbike riders tend to be far more sensible and are concerned about people riding where they don't have permission etc and giving all off road bike riders a bad name,they do seem to do a good job of this though!

General Baxter
26-01-10, 05:15 PM
The difference is when you play in a 4x4 it is slow, controlled etc

well lol

Angus Closier
26-01-10, 08:28 PM
The difference is when you play in a 4x4 it is slow, controlled etc.

Your doing it wrong!!!