View Full Version : I think i have found heaven!

02-04-03, 12:22 AM
LOL, well, not quite, but ive been working in this new pub restaurant now for almost a month, and i have only just noticed that in the celler, there stands three Nitrogen tanks, about 5ft 6' tall and about foot and half in diametre, fuuuuuuurkin Nitrogen! :D

lol, if only i was running NOS, id be sorted for refills, we dont use it, it is just sitting there, ya wanna see these tanks, they are huge! :roll:

02-04-03, 12:53 AM
any1 ever have a fag down there?

02-04-03, 01:02 AM
lol - reminds me when I used to work in a pub n you had to change the Guiness barrel - had to attach a carbon dioxide cylinder to it before hand - the amnount of times this thing used to pingoff and drowl you in guiness!

I got sick of it!

though I love Guinness


02-04-03, 01:05 AM
haha ade i was reading your post and saw u in my footer with a big green boggie! :lol:

02-04-03, 01:41 AM
lol, yeah, all the guys that smoke go down there for their fag breaks, i dont smoke, dunno why it has taken me so long to spot them!

the giuness is different now, but was that with the old pump taps?

the only time i have beer explode on me is when the tap that goes onto the barrel seizes and gas is p!ss!ng out, as soon as i place it on the barrel, i get a soaked! lol

i wonder what my boss will do with the Nitro, ill see if he wants to sell it, i wonder what it is used for!

02-04-03, 08:14 AM
The pub Nitrogen would do a really good job of putting any flames out in your engine really quickly.

02-04-03, 09:08 AM
Nitrogen. hahaha. :P WE breath in nitrogen. You need Nitrogen Oxide for use with cars. NO2. Nitrogen is not combustible. You could put it in fire extuinguishers if CO2 wasn't cheaper.

02-04-03, 09:23 AM
heh yeh was just about to say that

N2 is whats in those nitrogen tanks

u need N2O - Nitrous Oxide

and not NO2 as snoface said - which is Nitrogen Dioxide

u get nitrogen dioxide out the exhaust along with a few other NOx's and its toxic

Nitrous oxide(N2O) can be used as laughing gas too :D

02-04-03, 02:19 PM
Ah - the days of my chemistry class come flooding back - the periodic table, burning magnesium, my chemistry teacher throwing board rubbers at us and lighting the gas taps to make bunsun flame throwers!!!


Heres some more chemical equations for ya -

H2SO4 - salt (I think) **correct (wisewood)
H2O - eau
HCL - hydrochlorid acid

Got that on me arm once - bugger did it burn!

02-04-03, 03:17 PM


Or fertiliser!

02-04-03, 07:00 PM
ah yes. thanks for correting me aargon. although i got a C in GCSE Chem i have forgotten 80% in the last 2 years. I knew it deep down though.

Chris LR
02-04-03, 09:56 PM
I lost all my GCSE knowledge inside of 6 months, I passed 8 of em too...

03-04-03, 01:25 AM
Ah - the days of my chemistry class come flooding back - the periodic table, burning magnesium, my chemistry teacher throwing board rubbers at us and lighting the gas taps to make bunsun flame throwers!!!

LOL, i did all that as well, i cant remember what i got for my GCSEs, i didnt apply myself as i didnt give a %h!t back then, i was too buzy skipping lessons with the then gf, i regret ot now! (as if!)

but yeah, the stuff in the tanks are N2, damm, oh well, the thought was good while it lasted, not sure what it is used for, it just sits there!