View Full Version : will i get my wrist slapped if...?

waynes sri
17-01-10, 10:53 PM
when i send my car for painting im thinkin of sending it with no bumpers because im having them off to repair the front one and have them painted and also to make it bit better for the painter save them time in removing.the thing is would i get told of by the cops for driving it with no bumpers???:confused:

17-01-10, 10:57 PM
Depends what there like. A lad told me today they reyes inpounding his car as one side clip on his bumper was loose so stuck out on side a tad. I wouldn't bother risking it if it's possible.

17-01-10, 10:59 PM
Think it has to have no 'sharp' edges, but you never know what they're going to class as being dangerous. IMO may get away with no rear more than a front. I've seen a Corsa without a front before because of getting it painted mind

17-01-10, 11:04 PM
depends how far your going really?
if your only going a few miles and not going on any
motorways you should be ok, just make sure you put
your number plates in your window.

sr mikey
17-01-10, 11:11 PM
i drove withought a front bumper for ages ... even went from scarborough to notingham to get a new one and never got pulled over ... had number plate in window aswell.

17-01-10, 11:14 PM
i got a 21 day ticket ages ago and it read front and rear bumpers missing and the reason was sharp edges. so maybe remove the front bumper bar supports.

17-01-10, 11:16 PM
I wouldnt advise it tbh, could you not clip them into place and pull them off on arrival, its not overly hard to remove a nova bumper in all fairness, some coppers may pass you by and not bat an eyelid whereas others would do you for it as in theory your car may not be roadworthy, oh and it is definately an offence not to display your reg plate correctly, in your window is not correctly!

17-01-10, 11:29 PM
Ive done it a few times with no problems.. but i always cable tied my plates to the car instead of in the windows.

17-01-10, 11:29 PM
look at it from a coppers point of view your sat eating your dough nut and a young lad drives by with no bumpers on the car makes it look dodgy straight away so imo will pull you and find something to do you for there is still a stigma attached to nova id leave them on and take them off when you get there only a 10 min job any way to remove the grant total of 14 bolts and thats if there all there

nova danny1
17-01-10, 11:52 PM
I once had an almera and took the back bumper off to paint it.it was off the car for about two weeks and i got pulled and they gave me a ticket can't remember what it was called but i had a week to get the bumper back on and take it to an MOT station to get a form to say it was put back on(which costs £12 iirc) and then go and produce it at a police station.

waynes sri
18-01-10, 09:16 AM
I once had an almera and took the back bumper off to paint it.it was off the car for about two weeks and i got pulled and they gave me a ticket can't remember what it was called but i had a week to get the bumper back on and take it to an MOT station to get a form to say it was put back on(which costs £12 iirc) and then go and produce it at a police station.
sounds like i may be going to leave them on then.i guess i could have it painted then have the bumpers done after i just didnt want my bumpers getting chips or over spray on them lol

18-01-10, 09:45 AM
i wouldnt do it,

i once got 3 points, 60 quid fine when i drove a nova with no front bumper

18-01-10, 09:58 AM
its up to you, seems very harmless to a normal human but to a scum bag pig its a big deal and will give them there power fix and something to do for an hour:thumb:

18-01-10, 10:45 AM
For what it's worth just drive there with them on and take them off once you get there, is it really worth risking a slap/points/fine!

18-01-10, 11:26 AM
You'll be OK if you cover any sharp edges with bubble wrap/tape or something but for the hassle you may as well take it up with the bumpers on and then as said you will know you're 100% legal.

18-01-10, 12:34 PM
its up to you, seems very harmless to a normal human but to a scum bag pig its a big deal and will give them there power fix and something to do for an hour:thumb:

I resent that comment, so its not your fault that youre driving a vehicle which is in theory not roadworthy and a 'scumbag pig' (as you so eloquently put it) stops you and does you for it, im sorry but you have a very misguided opinion of right and wrong.

18-01-10, 12:39 PM
lollollollollol @

seems very harmless to a normal human but to a scum bag pig

im guessing you dont like the police then! lollollol

18-01-10, 12:40 PM
You'll be OK if you cover any sharp edges with bubble wrap/tape or something but for the hassle you may as well take it up with the bumpers on and then as said you will know you're 100% legal.

make up bubble wrap poverty spec thin bumpers ftw a sort of art attack lol

18-01-10, 12:42 PM
or a Snowplough made of cardboard lol

18-01-10, 01:11 PM
i still reckon a mk1 on early mk1 golf metal bumpers would look ace.

18-01-10, 01:19 PM
how much more do you seriously think they are going to charge you to remove the bumpers before painting!!! its a ten min job and most bodyshops round here charge £30-£40 an hour so they £3-£4. christ even if its a fiver its hardly gonna break the bank is it

18-01-10, 02:06 PM
i still reckon a mk1 on early mk1 golf metal bumpers would look ace.

have you seen the price they go for when the chrome is mint :eek:

18-01-10, 03:11 PM
Triumph Vitesse ones look like they'd fit a saloon...

18-01-10, 08:42 PM
I resent that comment, so its not your fault that youre driving a vehicle which is in theory not roadworthy and a 'scumbag pig' (as you so eloquently put it) stops you and does you for it, im sorry but you have a very misguided opinion of right and wrong.
another keyboard warrior:roll: join the filthforce, sounds like your that type of person

18-01-10, 08:48 PM
easy enough to remove when you get there, so may aswell do that.

But if you are goin to drive it remove all bars and put pipe insulating tube over any thing 'sharp' or pointy etc...... and make sure plates are on display. i know some one who did this for weeks whilst smoothing out his bumper (on a corsa) and he got pulled and it was fine.

18-01-10, 08:50 PM
No you shouldn't.

I got pulled with no front bumper of grille on. I was told i might suck a kid in.
Made me fit the grille at the side of the road then let me drive home...lol

18-01-10, 08:54 PM
another keyboard warrior:roll: join the filthforce, sounds like your that type of person

How am i a keyboard warrior just because im pointing out that youre breaking the law and you get caught for it and you think they are the bad guys, yes there are a lot of coppers that are jobsworths but driving a car that looks like its not roadworthy or has probably had bits fall off it is clearly your fault and yet youd have the audacity to moan and say theyre picking on you for a power trip!

puss puss
18-01-10, 09:01 PM
Hmm when the snow hit i had a mishap in the mondeo. Front bumper snapped leaving part of it on (sharp edges of plastic) Drove it around like that for a good two weeks or more. (am an apprentice with a babe and a miss's, and a nova lol so money is tight) Had to wait till i got paid, Never got stopped had a 3 hour drive to somewhere with a friend and back. Plenty of police looking at me. But if your nice to them there normaly nice to you back (other half of the bumper if the back helps lol)

Number plate was in the window as well but yeah you get the idea :)

18-01-10, 09:15 PM
To be fair in a mondeo, they probably thought you were some old guy lol Did you duct tape it? All the ones I see have duct tape on the bumper somewhere!

But yea, as said it takes a few mins to remove the bumpers. I'm sure the bodyshop won't mind even if you do this yourself when you turn up. If the problem is taking the bumpers off and bringing them home, either get a mate to come with you in his/her car, or I'm sure the bodyshop will have somewhere they can put them for you.

As for the police, they're just doing their job, some of them.. "interpret" their roles differently to others. Thats all I'll say lol

18-01-10, 09:23 PM
Mk2 Mondeos come with a roll of duct tape in the tool kit. lol

18-01-10, 09:25 PM
And ford seemed to have had the foresight to make mundanos in the same range of colours as duct tape too lol

puss puss
18-01-10, 09:40 PM
**** shouldnt of opened my mouth now *doh* lol

Na ducttape wouldnt fix it, got a new bumper with front fogs mine didnt have them before lol

Different colour mind you

sr mikey
19-01-10, 07:17 PM
yh ive noticed the duct tape is always the same colour as the car ... all ductape i can find is grey and black ... where do elderly mondeo drivers shop for theres.

puss puss
19-01-10, 08:05 PM
yh ive noticed the duct tape is always the same colour as the car ... all ductape i can find is grey and black ... where do elderly mondeo drivers shop for theres.

The mighty anti text god is gonna butt rape you hard


leave us mondeo owners alone no tape on mine :thumb: