View Full Version : Please Help,Stolen Mk3 Astra GSi C20Let, K584 VVR East Yorkshire

17-01-10, 02:44 PM
Hi all my friend had his car stolen in the early hours of sunday the 17th of jan between 2am till 8am from Long Riston, East Yorkshire.

My friend has only rebuilt the engine 900 miles ago and he was still running it in, so you can imagine what he is going through.
My friend Ross is putting a cash reward up for any info about where the car has gone and who did it??

Im guessing the car will be getting stripped for parts so here are some pics incase you get offered any parts.


PLEASE CALL OR PM 07824 449527














17-01-10, 02:47 PM
ill keeps my eyes and ears peeled as im not far away.

17-01-10, 02:47 PM
i think your right and its been nicked for bits hope you find it though

17-01-10, 02:49 PM
ill keep an eye out this side of the humber

17-01-10, 03:51 PM
Dang mate! really feel for him!
Ill keep an eye out round trhese parts, the amount of cars that end up here from other parts of the country is unreal! :thumb:

17-01-10, 04:28 PM
Ill get this posted across the other forums im on aswell Brodie, ill also pm Joff to draw his attention to this as this was taken from the same village he lives in :eek:

17-01-10, 04:58 PM
i got offered a atra gsi kit in white today.
i will find out more info asap im from beverley

17-01-10, 05:18 PM
Worrying to hear about this especially in this little sleepy hollow :confused:

Let us know if anything turns up - probably some nice citizens from North Hull Estate !


17-01-10, 05:33 PM
i got offered a atra gsi kit in white today.
i will find out more info asap im from beverley

yeah if you could find out anymore info that would be good:thumb: thanks

17-01-10, 05:34 PM
Thanks to the rest of you:thumb:

ben doodar
17-01-10, 07:27 PM
That astra is gorgeous, all the best for gettin it bk, f#cking scumbags want filling in!

17-01-10, 07:43 PM
Come on lads need any info PLEASE

17-01-10, 08:14 PM
Its posted on VVOC, CavCrazy and i keep bumping it as my status on facegay for ya Brodie:thumb:

17-01-10, 08:59 PM
u2u'd mate

17-01-10, 09:02 PM
u2u'd mate

in english please

17-01-10, 09:04 PM
Means he has pm'd him Rich you puddin lol

Mark ive text him to let him know youve messaged him:thumb:

17-01-10, 09:05 PM
in english please



17-01-10, 11:22 PM
spoke to a mate yesterday who was offered a let, i'll text him now mate.

18-01-10, 08:18 AM
spoke to a mate yesterday who was offered a let, i'll text him now mate.

Please let me know if you hear of anything? Where was your mate from?? Who offered him the engine? Thanks

18-01-10, 08:23 PM
ears are open in halifax area mate hope it gets found

18-01-10, 10:11 PM
contacted my mate, he was offered a let by a kid in driffield. my mate lives near brid. he is getting me the guys number.

SR Kyle
19-01-10, 12:31 AM
hope you get it back mate i had my nova stolen and it aint nice i was lucky and got it bck in one peice hope you have same luck

19-01-10, 02:34 AM
not being funny mate, but being from a rough council estate with a lil experience in these matters, that would be hidden away in a garage that night and stripped there and then. hope this isnt the case mate.

all the best for getting it back

19-01-10, 06:51 AM
not being funny mate, but being from a rough council estate with a lil experience in these matters, that would be hidden away in a garage that night and stripped there and then. hope this isnt the case mate.

all the best for getting it back

i agree the shell would be weighed in the next day at two different yards as you dont need a log book if its in 2 pieces,
just hope its still in one piece for ya mate

19-01-10, 07:29 AM
Kick a bloke while he's down guys lol

I'll keep an eye out over this way as well and on other forums.

19-01-10, 12:55 PM
The OP said they think its probably gonna have been stripped/taken for parts but that doesnt mean you give up looking for it does it, if we can find someone locally selling a let, a set of white 17" alloys and a white mk3 GSi bodykit, then chances are weve found our culprit and at least he may be able to recover the parts to build another one.

If it were any of your cars would you just say 'oh well thats gonna be stripped by now so no point looking' would you, i think youd be plastering the net and keeping an eye on local ebay listings and such just as is happening here:thumb:

19-01-10, 09:06 PM
Thanks for the possitive attitude spud:thumb:

Thanks for your help sloth dont suppose you have heard anything else?

I know some people think its already gone, but after speaking to a lot of people we belive the car has been stripped but belive the parts are for sale??

Thanks again

19-01-10, 10:05 PM
If it were any of your cars would you just say 'oh well thats gonna be stripped by now so no point looking' would you, i think youd be plastering the net and keeping an eye on local ebay listings and such just as is happening here:thumb:

Exactly what I did mate. Things do turn up & heads do get rolled :thumb:

19-01-10, 11:05 PM
i spoke to the guy selling the engine today, and arranged to go look tonight. its sadly not the same motor mate, this guy showed me the cali turbo hes breaking and the v5 that matches. sorry. i did ask him to keep an eye out tho.

21-01-10, 10:55 PM
i spoke to the guy selling the engine today, and arranged to go look tonight. its sadly not the same motor mate, this guy showed me the cali turbo hes breaking and the v5 that matches. sorry. i did ask him to keep an eye out tho.

ok thanks for trying Sloth

23-01-10, 09:50 PM
Right every one i have an update and its good and bad news.
My mate got a call from the police lastnite sayin that his car had been found but it had been set on fire:mad: my mate only had 3rd party cover and was goin to get charged £300 for recovery plus storage charge so a few of us went through with a trailor and brought what was left of the car back.
The car was found in Hull on Petersham Close just of Salthouse Road,
Heres a few pics of the damage












Engine out the fire was mainly at the back of the car so fingers crossed the engine might be ok its out now anyway


Heres my mate he is gutted :( This is what he wants to use on the people who did this to his car


23-01-10, 10:23 PM
Awww dude thats devastating, im hoping the engine isnt too badly damaged then and is recoverable, guess it was just chancers that had it then, ****ing ****ers:cry:

23-01-10, 10:26 PM
Shocking. However more fool him for having it third party only. Hope the engines survived

23-01-10, 10:27 PM
fuuuuuuuuuuuuk me thats awfull feel for your mate! but least you saved the let!

Will F
23-01-10, 10:28 PM
Only third party???

Well there's a lesson.

Sorry to see such a dessimated car, but cant help but think why on earth didnt he get at least F&T??

23-01-10, 10:28 PM
That estate is a sh1thoyle,my xr3 got nicked from that area.Scummy w4nkers

23-01-10, 10:29 PM
gutted, pm'd on mig

23-01-10, 10:35 PM
Aww gutted for you mate brodie told us tonight about it when we saw him. hope engines saveable. bloody hull'ites :P

23-01-10, 10:37 PM
Aww gutted for you mate brodie told us tonight about it when we saw him. hope engines saveable. bloody hull'ites :P
We're not all like that mate

23-01-10, 10:37 PM
The reson for 3rd party only was the only cover he could get with his insurance company he was half way through his policey when he got the car and he had a argument with his insurane company when he tryed swapin it to the astra think this was partly down to the engine conversion

23-01-10, 10:39 PM
Yeah thats why you moved to scarborough andy... lol you wre the worst.
only messing.


23-01-10, 10:49 PM
gutted, pm'd on mig

You have pm:thumb:

23-01-10, 10:54 PM
Ive updated threads on cav crazy and vvoc, and theyre all wounded for him Brodie, i hope the engine is savlvagable as at least he can build another/something else!

23-01-10, 11:01 PM
Ive updated threads on cav crazy and vvoc, and theyre all wounded for him Brodie, i hope the engine is savlvagable as at least he can build another/something else!

Thanks for that! Yeah he unsure what to do yet weather to build something else or just sell up?

23-01-10, 11:03 PM
Ya need to get the block split open to see if its alright in there as they mightve popped it and that could be why they torched it?

Tell him to bung it in a nova if its still good and get signed up on here, hope he is alright as he must be beside himself right now :cry:

23-01-10, 11:07 PM
Ya need to get the block split open to see if its alright in there as they mightve popped it and that could be why they torched it?

Tell him to bung it in a nova if its still good and get signed up on here, hope he is alright as he must be beside himself right now :cry:

I no he should he was sayin bout gettin a corsa, he used to have a xe corsa,
yeah he is realy gutted bout it:cry: :cry:

24-01-10, 12:27 AM
That is soo heartless,
to burn out someones pride and joy :(

24-01-10, 12:31 AM
im going to take the ecu and coil off my motor tomorrow, just to make sure it does'nt end up like that,
my missus heart sank when she saw that and me too, she loves the gsi mk3, totaly gutted for all,:(

24-01-10, 12:37 AM
gutted for your mate dude! id hate to see my nova like that, id rather not know what happened to it then find it in that sorry state

hopefully the engines okay, but as people have said, couldve siezed or anything and thats why theyve torched it :(

24-01-10, 12:41 AM
fcuking hell mate!! Id be ******* fuming, looks like the little scummy bag heads have given that motor death ramming it into just about everything!

24-01-10, 09:19 AM
People who do that kind of thing seriously need to die