View Full Version : Show your support to the british service men and women

05-01-10, 12:10 PM

The petition is against the proposed march by Islamic Muslims living in the UK who are planning to march in a small town called Wootton Bassett in the UK.

Wootton Bassett is the where our fallen British Soldiers, Sailors and Airman pass through when they have been repatriated to the UK after being killed on Operations.

05-01-10, 12:26 PM
good cause, but no one cares about these petitions.

05-01-10, 12:27 PM
We fight for freedom of speech in this country. just cos we think they are distasteful by wanting to hold a march, does not mean they shouldn't hold one.

I for one think that the brave servicemen & women who have given their lives in this conflict deserve a decent send off, but I also think that they shouldn't be in the middle east in the first place, and the protest is about the innocent civilians who have died.

I will not be signing

05-01-10, 12:42 PM
i signed because its a bit out of order having the march there and is just asking for trouble really.

05-01-10, 12:51 PM
Unfortunately, this is a democracy and they do have the right to freedom of speech and their demonstration. Even though I do agree its coming across as slightly bad taste.

However, once again Joe Public has been swept along by the Daily Mirror/Mail/Sun/Other tabloid rag. They haven't even asked permission for the demonstration yet, so its highly unlikely anything will come of it.

And don't confuse Islam with terrorism. Most terrorists are just using religion as an excuse. If it was the women's institute, or a christian group, or a bunch of students or whatever there wouldn't be half as much fuss.

05-01-10, 01:09 PM
It doesnt matter what anyone says really coz the home secretary has said he will back any request from the police or local government to ban the march.

I do think it is in bad taste for the Islamic march to want to go through Wooton Bassett. Just think how upsetting it would be for the families of those servicemen and women that have been brought through the town for their legitimate repatration ceremonies. If the march goes ahead, it could possibly end with problems on the streets between pro and anti march protesters and that would not be very dignifiied.
And the Islam4UK has previously been linked to a radical al-muhajuroun movement apparently. It prob would of recieved as much media attention if it had held its march anywhere else.. I just dont think Wooton Bassett is the best place for the point they want to get across. but i have got nothing against showing respect for the local afgans that have lost their lives.

05-01-10, 01:14 PM
there was something on the radio about the townspeople simply going about their business when the march is on so it has no impact... but the English Defence League (or whatever they are called) will be down there, as will the worlds media, so however it turns out, the radicals get tons of airtime & loads of support from the old country....