View Full Version : alteernater earth

03-01-10, 07:14 PM
i remember reading on here that the earth connection on the alternator isnt very good (the wire with the eyelet on it that goes through the rubber mountings)

an it can cause bad starting
so its beter to earth it some where else so do you just unbolt the wire an extend it so it reaches the battery earth terminal
or run a wire from the battery earth to the wire that is already on the alternator ?

03-01-10, 07:16 PM
Your better off repairing it, Running it to the battery is overkill and is more hassle than its worth.

You could earth it out on the inlet somwhere, Sure there is some other place still on the engine. Personally id just fix the original though.

03-01-10, 07:22 PM
there nothing wrong with the wire that is on alt
but it is hard to start but that could be the carbs
but for some reason after cranking the engine for no longer than 10 seconds the battery earth wire becomes red hot (i am mean stupidly so that it burns when i touch it
an i know that shouldnt be happening
i ve checked all the earth straps etc an it still does it
does anyone have any ideas?
i may as well lentghed the alt earth just to elimoate it

03-01-10, 07:26 PM
If you want to rule it out, put a jump lead on the engine somwhere (lifting points usually best) and onto the neg battery terminal

03-01-10, 07:28 PM
If you want to rule it out, put a jump lead on the engine somwhere (lifting points usually best) and onto the neg battery terminal

thanks mate

but what can cause the battery earth erth lead to get hot ?

03-01-10, 07:34 PM
Either one of the earth straps not connected properly or the battery earthing out, but that would probably cause the wire to melt

Welsh Dan
03-01-10, 07:34 PM
Is the gearbox earth strap intact? Mine looked intact but wasnt when I pulled on it gently - it was two halves that were touching.

03-01-10, 07:36 PM
the earth straps all seem ok

Welsh Dan
03-01-10, 07:37 PM
Try what AW06 said. If its fine when doing that then at least one of them isnt.

03-01-10, 07:50 PM
your starter motor coul dbe on the way out

03-01-10, 07:59 PM
or your rectifier plate in your alternator going done to earth, get a multimeter and put one end to the battery earth, and the other to the block, see if you have 12v. if so, 12v is going down to earth somewhere...