View Full Version : How to make yourself look more of a mincer tha usuall

28-12-09, 01:59 PM
Go and buy Just Dance for the Wii. You look like a total **** when playing it. However I have a sneaky suspision that when I am drunk I will think I am king at this game.

Probably the only game I don't mind not being good at. ALthough getting beat by my 6 year old daughter is a bit much!

Can't wait to get Limpy on this game lol

28-12-09, 02:01 PM
Rahahahah you must, MUST do a sneaky video of Lee for this one! I bet your girly whirlies love it :thumb:

28-12-09, 02:06 PM
I was expecting something along the lines of a picture of Lee, and instructions saying cut out this picture and put some string through the holes to make a Lee-mask, instant mincer lol

But having said that i think most Wii games are designed to make you look a tw*t, i was at a cruise in donny not too long ago and there was a lad with a blue more door metro with a Wii in the back, him and his mate were stood behind it making w*nking gestures as that was what was required to play the game, didnt half look funny as we wandered up to it :roll:

28-12-09, 02:19 PM
I was expecting something along the lines of a picture of Lee, and instructions saying cut out this picture and put some string through the holes to make a Lee-mask, instant mincer lol

But having said that i think most Wii games are designed to make you look a tw*t, i was at a cruise in donny not too long ago and there was a lad with a blue more door metro with a Wii in the back, him and his mate were stood behind it making w*nking gestures as that was what was required to play the game, didnt half look funny as we wandered up to it :roll:

they probably hadn't got it turned on...

Ste L
28-12-09, 05:09 PM
i've got "Dancing Stage Hottest Party" for the wii, thats a good laugh with the dance mat, like the arcade games, but im total **** at it :(

28-12-09, 05:10 PM
I agree, playing this game is pretty demoralizing, had to play it with my niece Xmas morning and looked a right plonker. Although, I did win =]

28-12-09, 06:45 PM
Yup my girls love it, esp Keris who is annoyingly good at it.
I will get a sneaky video of Limpy.....I promise.

This sort of thing is what the Wii was invented for. It's why it really isn't in the same arena as the other consoles. It's way out on its own, left field. Well until the PS3 gets that lollypop thing.

28-12-09, 07:08 PM
Must admit, this game is ace when your completly ****faced :)

28-12-09, 09:17 PM
agree with mike on this also sing star when pissed is funny burgo singing queen ftw lol

29-12-09, 03:21 PM
lol the missis had said i have to buy this for the Wii so she can play it while im on the PS3, sounds like a winner! Best get it in for new years eve drunkness then...
How much are they with a dance matt?

29-12-09, 03:41 PM
Just Dance uses the Wii Mote, so no dance mat required and is £24.99 in game at the mo.
EDIT: Play have it for £17.99

Ste L
29-12-09, 04:41 PM
if you want the game with a mat, then look at dancing Stage

£40 from Amazon with the Mat
