View Full Version : New Job Time...

24-12-09, 07:36 PM
after getting a massive £20 bonus, which i personally find rather insulting and other issues... I've decided to look for something else.

But what, I have no idea what to go for tbh. It would be nice for a change not quite like the 6mth car change, but its been atleast a few year now doing painting and bodywork and ive had enough of it now.

The idea is to get away from it, and source a unit to do this in my own spare/personal time. :thumb:

So... Any suggestions will be welcomed. I have lots of admin/customer service bollocks on my CV. but the last few years it has been all bodywork.

Ste L
24-12-09, 07:40 PM
become a man-whore?

lol i dunno, look for a sale job or cs job in an office?

24-12-09, 07:42 PM
Work in an office & you will end up killing your colleuges, the man whore idea sounds good, you get to choose your own hours, always wanted that freedom.

24-12-09, 07:44 PM
Yeah, I think i would end up Shouting abuse and getting fired soon after.

24-12-09, 08:04 PM

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24-12-09, 08:07 PM
You have an evo, so drug dealer.

24-12-09, 08:43 PM
Ah a bonus in the motor trade.. Its all ways a slap in the face.

I don't blame you for wanting out.. After i left the bodyshop i was much much more happy. I remember drive thru town and seeing a piece of sh*t of a taxi and thinking "aaaggghhh i don't have to work on that anymore"

24-12-09, 09:38 PM
I wana get back to enjoying my cars, Not hating them lol. Which i do at the moment.
Trouble is this place is going to be gone by around march/april you can just tell with the way its being run etc. So i might as well start lookin now.

Ive got a weeks holiday left, so... End of Jan i'll be taking them and looking i think. :thumb:

craig green
24-12-09, 09:53 PM
Be one of them dentmaster or mobile touch up guys.
varied work, everyday is different & you'll work on your own in your van. Nice.

24-12-09, 10:41 PM
Ah a bonus in the motor trade.. Its all ways a slap in the face.

I dunno, my bonuses were always nice... just they were in August so of no real use lol

Rexy, what do you 'want' to do, from the heart not the head.

Angus Closier
24-12-09, 10:57 PM
As above ^^ find somthing you really want to do in your heart and you will do so much better at it and obvs enjoy it so much more! had any idears yourself?

24-12-09, 11:09 PM
What were you doing before Rexy?

24-12-09, 11:38 PM
I would help but I am totally without direction or doing anything of meaning. I also now am indifferent about the things I work with (IT & Media stuff).

I am thinking about some charity stuff but if I'm doing it for me then that's the wrong reason.

Sell everything and join a commune lol

25-12-09, 12:41 AM
I wana get back to enjoying my cars, Not hating them lol. Which i do at the moment.
Trouble is this place is going to be gone by around march/april you can just tell with the way its being run etc. So i might as well start lookin now.

Ive got a weeks holiday left, so... End of Jan i'll be taking them and looking i think. :thumb:

You feel just like i did, i didn't wanna even look at my own car! Yet alone work on it. Getting out of doing your hobby as a job is much better. Hobby should be just that.

I dunno, my bonuses were always nice... just they were in August so of no real use lol

Didnt know you where in the motor trade...?

25-12-09, 10:15 AM
Stu was a techie ECU type blokey.

Now does a techie explosive type stuff lol

25-12-09, 10:38 AM
Be one of them dentmaster or mobile touch up guys.
varied work, everyday is different & you'll work on your own in your van. Nice.

Anything mobile like that is good, i love my job. Apart from when its in the ice and snow

25-12-09, 10:49 AM
im sick of dead end jobs, im currently working for an agency in a factory making bumpers for jags, range rovers, gm items and various other companies, if i had no financial commitments id love to go back to college and re-train as a mechanic or electrician

25-12-09, 10:53 AM
Your lucky to get a bonus. I have never had a single bonus in my whole working life!

25-12-09, 11:30 AM
I wana get back to enjoying my cars, Not hating them lol.

Exactly the reason I dumped the motor trade. Working upto 18 hours a day churning out hand built rally cars soon gets boring.

25-12-09, 11:34 AM

Might lookinto building trade tbh, Plastering isnt too far off what i can already do lol :D

25-12-09, 11:39 AM

Might lookinto building trade tbh, Plastering isnt too far off what i can already do lol :D

There aint much work about in it at the minute chap, more so now then there was, but as theres shedloads of tradesmen out of work, everyones dropping there prices/rate's just to get any old work!

We've been inundated with calls from Decorators asking for work, but me & my business partner just aint got the work to take them on at the minute :(

Although, I do suspect that within the next 12 to 18 months the building trade will explode with work wether it be new builds, private or housing association work.

25-12-09, 11:56 AM
ummm, well i do one of two things...

Go down with the ship and carry on with the constant thought that this place is going under. or . . .

before the tax year ends train or try my best to get something...

ummm, not too sure. ive got ten days off now to think about things and which direction i want to go.

I really wish i did better in school now i want to be like the other boys with boats, houses and fancy ass cars :( pmsl. Saying that, non of the nobbers from my school are like that hahah.

Joe Richardson
25-12-09, 12:08 PM
ummm, well i do one of two things...

Go down with the ship and carry on with the constant thought that this place is going under. or . . .

before the tax year ends train or try my best to get something...

ummm, not too sure. ive got ten days off now to think about things and which direction i want to go.

I really wish i did better in school now i want to be like the other boys with boats, houses and fancy ass cars :( pmsl. Saying that, non of the nobbers from my school are like that hahah.

you already do own a fancy car :d

who needs a super car !

25-12-09, 12:16 PM
Lmfbo... Evo 5 Fancy ha ha ha ha ha.

Nah, its just another Big toy.

25-12-09, 12:17 PM
Hmm, going from motor trade to admiin/office will be a bit of a change.....
You sure you could handle it? Lol

BTW a £20 bonus is £18 more than i got from my place.
Yes i work for one of the most profitable companies in the UK, and we get a bottle of wine for xmas(which retails are £4.20) and after a sneeky look at the order system costs Co-Op £1.21 a bottle Merry fcuking xmas Co-Op lol

Joe Richardson
25-12-09, 12:19 PM
Lmfbo... Evo 5 Fancy ha ha ha ha ha.

Nah, its just another Big toy.

well they are in my eyes lol

25-12-09, 12:22 PM
Hmm, going from motor trade to admiin/office will be a bit of a change.....
You sure you could handle it? Lol

BTW a £20 bonus is £18 more than i got from my place.
Yes i work for one of the most profitable companies in the UK, and we get a bottle of wine for xmas(which retails are £4.20) and after a sneeky look at the order system costs Co-Op £1.21 a bottle Merry fcuking xmas Co-Op lol

Ha ha ha ha

Well i wont be able to throw hammers at the apprentices anymore, Or shout random abuse and generally give aprupt behaviour. Umm i dont think i would be able to tbh.

25-12-09, 12:23 PM
Exactly lol

Those two trades are about as opposite as you can get