View Full Version : Why Argos why

24-12-09, 04:47 PM
Ok I know it's my own fault for leaving so late but I had to get 1 last minute present for my little sis, so I reserved a ds game at Hayes Argos, finished early from work but when I get to the shop the quick pay machine says code not known so then I que up for 20 mins for them to tell me" it's not in stock, which is weird" so I said what do I do now if I reserved it and u haven't got it, the b**** said "not my problem" I wanted to smack her so after trying to get another game she refused to serve my and said I have to que again, so I get so worked up I just walked out, surely they said the reserved it so what the f*** could I do?

24-12-09, 04:52 PM
My christmas shopping was done two week ago!
ive been out today for petrol and some bits from asda and its like rush hour x10 lol
i say get them in advance next time, then just sit back chill and crack a bottle of jamesons and a few buds,in fact just like me now.:d :thumb:

24-12-09, 04:54 PM
Sounds like they sold the reserved stock. Only thing you could've done was to complain to the manager about the problem. If they didnt have any stock of it then theres nothing you or they can do with regards to that. Did you get your money back?

24-12-09, 04:54 PM
explain this to your sister. sorted

24-12-09, 04:58 PM
Resevered stock only lasts for 7days. If she talked to you like that go in and complain to a "team leader". But then again crimbo teams are so disposable they dont care... As they know come the 24 they are gone.

24-12-09, 04:59 PM
Get off the computer and make a mad rush to Gamestion,and a few of the supermarkets they all sell games.

24-12-09, 05:02 PM
the joke thing is i didnt get paid till yesterday and spent last months on debts but at least there clear now,i got the money back there was no way i was leaving there without it,and i couldn't say that to my sis cause i got my other sis a game on the ds aswell,luckely i went to pc world and they had 1 there more expensive but that didnt matter, the worst thing is my nova is sitting on my drive and i was driving a ragged out orion not good when u want to get somewhere quick

24-12-09, 05:04 PM
the joke thing is i didnt get paid till yesterday and spent last months on debts but at least there clear now,i got the money back there was no way i was leaving there without it,and i couldn't say that to my sis cause i got my other sis a game on the ds aswell,luckely i went to pc world and they had 1 there more expensive but that didnt matter, the worst thing is my nova is sitting on my drive and i was driving a ragged out orion not good when u want to get somewhere quick

same boat as me, got paid friday and was busy all weekend, paintballing and buying XE's then working till yesterday...

last minute xmas shopping ftw!!!

24-12-09, 05:06 PM
trust i was sweating like a fat man in a cake shop

24-12-09, 05:12 PM
email argos head office telling them how much of a bunch of halfbrain tits they are and ask them to refund the difference between the price you reserved at and the price you had to pay at pc world. word it right and no doubt they'll send you argos vouchers for more than the difference

24-12-09, 05:12 PM
mmmmmmmmmmm cake.......

24-12-09, 05:17 PM
will do that cheers dave

24-12-09, 06:04 PM
To55ers aye, I started Christmas shopping in October, finished 3 weeks ago :D

So now am like TwistynovaGte, sat down with a bottle of kronenbourg chilling :D

Spot ON

24-12-09, 06:25 PM
did all my shopping this morning, got nearly everything i wanted to get but the items i couldnt get i relpaced with dvds lol

dave watson
24-12-09, 06:27 PM
try going to asda or tescos or a gamestore m8

24-12-09, 06:28 PM
trust i was sweating like a fat man in a cake shop
if the cake shop was a large size and empty the fat man wouldnt be sweating.

now if you say, sweating like a pedo on a school bus full of kids. i get ya :D

p.s internet shopping ftw

24-12-09, 06:31 PM
Just bought me dad a bottle of jack daniels, my xmas shopping is sorted lol