View Full Version : astra 888 value

24-12-09, 01:02 PM
no, this is not a sly forsale thread

not sure if these threads are allowed on here but im looking for the value of a 888. 02 plate 60000 good condition apart from a blown engine. seems to be sitting for over a year going by the tax, mouldy seats and wheel. im planning on making an offer on it but not sure how much?

help pleasehttp://www.migweb.co.uk/forums/images/smilies/lmao.gif

24-12-09, 01:04 PM
Best to PM Rich (Novasport) he could tell you better as he has one :)

craig green
24-12-09, 01:17 PM
Blown ZLET? Never.

£3000 tops IMO.

24-12-09, 04:09 PM

24-12-09, 06:25 PM
i know what its worth in parts but not sure what its worth the way it is now lol

24-12-09, 06:50 PM
moldy, left standing, blown engine..... worth a weigh in at best.

24-12-09, 06:53 PM
come on stu must be worth something. im asking on here as i have no clue.

24-12-09, 06:55 PM
its a shell with expensive bumpers really.

the brakes will be little to no used after a year stood. The dampers will likely be the same and blow once used as the seals are dry. Mold wont really come out of the interior etc etc etc.... Willing to be proved wrong by the 'trade' :p

24-12-09, 06:56 PM
What's actually wrong with the engine? Cheap fix or new engine needed?

How much do they go for in good running condition anyway? Whatever it is I'd take £2000 off the value of that.

24-12-09, 06:58 PM
trade? i was thinking more... get it cheap and fix it and use it as a everyday car. and get rid of this astra i have atm that has been a burden since day 1 with the finance.

24-12-09, 07:06 PM
as said, its been stood... loads of stuff will need replacing. The tyres will be fairly shot from being stood too.

as I always say, your money, do WTF you want.

24-12-09, 07:10 PM
Gen short engine is £1500+vat new, alternator sure to be bollox'd, poss starter, brakes for sure, calipers siezed???, and time endured getting back to spec. Is it not just worth stumping up for one that works. And why is the engine blown?

24-12-09, 07:13 PM
hmm... i regularly leave cars stood under cover for 6-12 months and they never deteriorate to the degree mentioned above; and these are 20+ yr old cars

24-12-09, 07:22 PM
Your lucky the, i see it all the time, especailly with alternators.

24-12-09, 07:26 PM
if you prepare the car when you put it to stand then yeah you can get away with most things... a car 'abandoned' for time is going to suffer badly

24-12-09, 10:19 PM
That if running, taxed & tested would prob fetch £4-5k.
As is, I would pay £2k tops as I am not sure the seats will be salvageable :s
Alcantara is virtually impossible to clean.