View Full Version : Beards

17-12-09, 11:13 AM
...make people look old. Thats now twice I've been ID'd in Asda whilst buying el vino. The till tarts look at me like I've got three heads when I tell them I'm 27, then look embarrased when I show them my photocard license.

Typical, my old driving license pic had me without a beard, yet I always had one (shaved it off for a week when I was 17, grew it back a week later and had one since). As soon as I renew my photocard pic, in october - with beard - the damn thing falls out due to the chemo. GAY.

17-12-09, 11:27 AM
You should be thankful that the "till tarts" think you look so young and handsome. lol

or you could grow it back like this next time.


17-12-09, 11:31 AM
my beard makes me look like a tramp and is only half a beard as i think a strong wind could blow it off

17-12-09, 11:35 AM
I get the same shizzle RJ. Go to buy lotto tickets from supermarkets and such and they all ask me how old I am. They all expect me to say '16' or '18' as kids tend to pic the most obvious ages, when I say '26' they like :eek:

Then theres this asian dude at Halfords that takes his job super seriously. Buying some paint striper and spray paint. He asks 'are you 16' I said 'No'... (so he's preparing to tell me to pixx off) ... 'I'm 24 (at the time) The geeza asks to see my licence I give it to him. The noob doesn't realise that if I have a licence I'm at least 17 lol

Tis why I now have plenty of stubble on the face and never shave it right off, just clip them back to a number 1 or something, sorted.

17-12-09, 11:41 AM
You should be thankful that the "till tarts" think you look so young and handsome. lol

or you could grow it back like this next time.

Ginger my ass, you realise its either going to come back blonde or grey?

17-12-09, 11:43 AM
same at our asda theres no fecking way i look under 18 but was id in there earlier this year and i was 29 lol found out later ther policy is to id people that they dont think look 25 for feck sake the age to buy alcohol is 18 so why the feck do i have to look 25 just serve and shut up rant over

17-12-09, 11:45 AM
It amuses me when the person serving you is blatantly under 18 and they have to turn round and ask the 147 year old woman on the till behind if its Ok. Then ask ME if I have any ID. lol

17-12-09, 11:47 AM
I've not hit puberty at 33 so cannot grow one lol

17-12-09, 11:48 AM
this is true im sure the staff in asda get younger everytime i go in they will be sat on the till in nappies soon lol

17-12-09, 11:54 AM
Cant remember the last time i got ID'd, with or without a beard :(

17-12-09, 12:02 PM
Ginger my ass, you realise its either going to come back blonde or grey?

thats ok. the grey will make you look all wise and distinguished.
and blonde is all you got left at the mo and that looks ok.. (obviously it will look less sparse soon) :)

But im allowed to point and laugh if it comes back ginger.

17-12-09, 12:02 PM
It amuses me when the person serving you is blatantly under 18 and they have to turn round and ask the 147 year old woman on the till behind if its Ok. Then ask ME if I have any ID. lol

lol so true. Was at a Tesco store and I bought some beers for me & the mates as we were working on a mates car and just had a nice lunch. The girl at the counter was probably 17. She 1) couldn't sell me the alcohol as she wasn't 18 2) had to get the old lady behind her to come to her till and 3) got the girl to ask me for ID to show the old lady :wtf: lol

The dude behind me had a bottle of wine and he left and went to another till when he sw what was going on lol

17-12-09, 12:04 PM
Last time i giot ID'd was 1995 i was 14 lol

17-12-09, 01:05 PM
Who's this 16 year old :d


17-12-09, 01:22 PM
^ scary...


17-12-09, 01:23 PM

17-12-09, 01:27 PM
Who's this 16 year old :d

Thankfully, that doesn't look ANYTHING like me right now.

Unfortunately, that does. lol

17-12-09, 01:37 PM

17-12-09, 01:38 PM
Thankfully, that doesn't look ANYTHING like me right now.

Unfortunately, that does. lol

Serve the public Robojack lol


17-12-09, 03:21 PM
I've been ID'd twice in my life, once when I was 15, the landlord asked me for ID as he was closing up, and I had been in the pub for the following month, then I got asked in a co-op a while back as my mate got knocked back for tabs and I got them for him (I should have been refused too for buying for someone the shop assistant thought was under 18)

So technically I've been asked once. I'm 23, most people think I'm 25-32 :cry:

17-12-09, 04:38 PM
Im just to lazy to shave......