View Full Version : Season of goodwill eh??

12-12-09, 11:47 AM
Or so it's meant to be...

But as there is a rise in un-employment, and it's close to Christmas it's not only car's that are being targeted by thieves this time of year..

Remember to keep your Christmas presents out of sight, dont keep them under the tree, we hear The stories all the time of them getting stolen, but any way..

So i got a call of my sister this morning, she arrived home last night to her house (located in a nice quite small village south of Rugby) to find the lights were on and some one had broken in, so she got her next door neighbor just in case there was still some one in the house, luckily they had left (but the lights being on we assume it happened from 3.30-5.30 when she got back)

They took all the LCD VT's/Wii/xbox and jewelry etc, but left his PC's he used for work, and the games machine remotes and TV remotes, so i personally think it was an armature rush job, but must been a van for the TV's as the biggest was 52".

So me and my dad have to go fit some new doors/locks, luckily they have contents insurance, but still i would love to find the **** bag's that did it, oh and the police said they get some one round on Monday! FFS :roll: talk about SLOW response to a burglary.

So waning everyone keep your guard up this time of year (no running your car in the morning un-attended lol)


12-12-09, 11:57 AM
Bad times Scott, at least they have contents although thats not gonna be much help this close to christmas though is it, pisses me off that scumbags like that can get away with such disgusting crimes it really does:cry:

12-12-09, 11:59 AM
Yep Police seam as useful as the Job center is to the un-employed!

12-12-09, 12:01 PM
/\ sorry about your sis mate

at least she had insurance

12-12-09, 12:27 PM
Sorry to hear mate. Absoloute scum. Glad they have insurance, but still... :(

12-12-09, 01:35 PM
i no what there going through mate it happened to us last year

12-12-09, 02:02 PM
Sadly crimbo is like crimbo to thieves. Sorry to hear that dude.

12-12-09, 07:14 PM
this time of year is both stressful & special for all of us christian folk...

this scum don't realise that this event will be remembered in your family for years to come, and your sis is probably contemplating moving house, because she feels that she has been violated, and will be frightened to be there on her own..

and if by some amazingly small chance the scum get arrested, which they almost certainly won't, they will get a community based sentence, which really doesn't instill confidence in the legal system, and if they do get sent to prison, they get a telly & games console, and sleep safe in the knowledge that nobody will be nicking it from them.

pass on our best wishes to your sis, I think she'll need all the help she can get

12-12-09, 07:44 PM
W££kers.I Think vigilantes should set up a decoy house.Put loads of goodies on display.Catch the thiveing c££ts and publicly humiliate them.

12-12-09, 08:24 PM
this time of year is both stressful & special for all of us christian folk...

this scum don't realise that this event will be remembered in your family for years to come, and your sis is probably contemplating moving house, because she feels that she has been violated, and will be frightened to be there on her own..

and if by some amazingly small chance the scum get arrested, which they almost certainly won't, they will get a community based sentence, which really doesn't instill confidence in the legal system, and if they do get sent to prison, they get a telly & games console, and sleep safe in the knowledge that nobody will be nicking it from them.

pass on our best wishes to your sis, I think she'll need all the help she can get

I did neglect to mention in the main thread post that she shares the house with her boyfriend, so she's not alone, but yeah I'm sure the feeling of what happened will possible push them into moving, i would do.

Thanks for the reply mate, glad others understand, hope everyone has a nice Christmas though.


12-12-09, 08:50 PM
Yikes, goes to show it can happen anywhere though - they probably targeted somewhere quiet as it makes for an easier attack. Hopefully the insurance will pay out in time for them to replace stuff before Christmas though.

W££kers.I Think vigilantes should set up a decoy house.Put loads of goodies on display.Catch the thiveing c££ts and publicly humiliate them.
There was a TV show where they used to do just that. Can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but one trap I do remember was soemthing like leave a truck full of TVs open and unguarded and wait for some scrote to jump in to take his pick - then they'd remotely sling the rear door up, down came the side panels to reveal he was in a cage and mr chav was on display as a thieving git and they paraded him round the town in the back of the truck lol

12-12-09, 08:58 PM
lol Jack yes i did see that program my self, didn't they do ti with cars too?

12-12-09, 09:00 PM
hmmmm.... a bloke from the next town caught a youth trying to nick his car, and ended up beating him up & slinging him in a canal in november, the youth got community based, the bloke got 18months, even after a huge petition was given to the court from local residents who knew the youth was scum

12-12-09, 09:02 PM
Yikes, goes to show it can happen anywhere though - they probably targeted somewhere quiet as it makes for an easier attack. Hopefully the insurance will pay out in time for them to replace stuff before Christmas though.

There was a TV show where they used to do just that. Can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but one trap I do remember was soemthing like leave a truck full of TVs open and unguarded and wait for some scrote to jump in to take his pick - then they'd remotely sling the rear door up, down came the side panels to reveal he was in a cage and mr chav was on display as a thieving git and they paraded him round the town in the back of the truck lol

that was a channel 5 sepecial, called swag or similar iirc

12-12-09, 09:02 PM
lol Jack yes i did see that program my self, didn't they do ti with cars too?
Yeah, they did all sorts lol

Swag, thats the one :d

Mowgli, they didn't physically harm the people, just caused them severe embarrassment lol

12-12-09, 09:06 PM
unless you are a serving officer, or carrying out a citizens arrest(which is so open to you being sued that most of us shy away from it), it is unlawful arrest, or kidnap

13-12-09, 12:09 AM
Unless you're a white working class man and loitering with intent, the cops aren't interested.