View Full Version : I miss the Nova

05-12-09, 08:37 AM
Its been a few months Novaless now and After someone mentioned a Nova SX it reminded me of a MINT silver one I saw on eBay before I bought the Astra, the saw it again shortly after someone backed it into a wall.

So I decided to look on eBay & found a Gray GSI..... that looks MINT, I want it REALLY badly but there nothing that I can do to get another one till the funds have been sorted out!!

Oh well ill keep my eyes peeled for a cheapy that isn't as bad as it looks :thumb: whilst i try to get rid of my old one, which reminds me of all the fun that I used to have driving the ol thing! thus making me sad :(:cry:

Think Ill get another one soon as I V6 the Astra!!

05-12-09, 10:21 AM
Why not, not wasting money on the Astra, then using the money to buy a nova quite a simple plan really.

Pistol Pete
05-12-09, 12:11 PM
Its been a few months Novaless now and After someone mentioned a Nova SX it reminded me of a MINT silver one I saw on eBay before I bought the Astra, the saw it again shortly after someone backed it into a wall.

So I decided to look on eBay & found a Gray GSI..... that looks MINT, I want it REALLY badly but there nothing that I can do to get another one till the funds have been sorted out!!

Oh well ill keep my eyes peeled for a cheapy that isn't as bad as it looks :thumb: whilst i try to get rid of my old one, which reminds me of all the fun that I used to have driving the ol thing! thus making me sad :(:cry:

Think Ill get another one soon as I V6 the Astra!!

:wtf: you have no funds to buy one, yet you want to V6 the Astra? Dont V6 the Astra then buy a Nova maybe?

05-12-09, 01:29 PM
sell the astra and v6 a nova! job done

05-12-09, 01:56 PM
smoking kills so ditch the ashtray

05-12-09, 02:31 PM
Well i just brought a 1.0l Trip, doors are tatty and lower sections of rear arches at the sills are bit scabby but shell is solid, paid 150 sheets for it. Stop being a tool, stop moaning that you aint got one and stop wasting money on a pile, simple really, its called logic sonny.

05-12-09, 05:13 PM
the astra is the family-mo-bile

The Nova wont fit 3 kids in the back. So im not really wasting money on the Astra. Its keeping it together so that I look less of a pillok then usual (till I get out of course!). I do wanna V6 it eventually because I quite like a V6 & I dont really want to try shoehorn a V6 in there (i know its been done before!).

Also already ditched the ashtray ;)

09-12-09, 06:37 PM
Ah see, should of kept it in your trousers then lol

09-12-09, 07:20 PM
I wont buy another as im getting on a bit now & CBA to fanny about with them anymore lol

10-12-09, 11:39 AM
Well i just brought a 1.0l Trip, doors are tatty and lower sections of rear arches at the sills are bit scabby but shell is solid, paid 150 sheets for it. Stop being a tool, stop moaning that you aint got one and stop wasting money on a pile, simple really, its called logic sonny.
Craig in purchase of Nova shocker? WTF is this :wtf:

10-12-09, 01:19 PM
V6 family car. Nice.

Go Nova and just let them be squashed up in the back tbh imo

10-12-09, 09:47 PM
Craig in purchase of Nova shocker? WTF is this :wtf:

Yeah, purchased it for my 16 trainee, his first car that he can have a play with :p

10-12-09, 10:32 PM
V6 family car. Nice.

Go Nova and just let them be squashed up in the back tbh imo

I know, I do quite like the Derv V6's too, they are quite torquey & the sound lush to me!

Getting them all squashed in the back isn't the problem, its the car seats, they wont fit in the back lol

10-12-09, 10:37 PM
Well i just brought a 1.0l Trip, doors are tatty and lower sections of rear arches at the sills are bit scabby but shell is solid, paid 150 sheets for it. Stop being a tool, stop moaning that you aint got one and stop wasting money on a pile, simple really, its called logic sonny.



10-12-09, 11:10 PM
i dont miss my old nova lol i just prefer to look at the projects.

11-12-09, 02:55 AM
V6 family car. Nice.

Go Nova and just let them be squashed up in the back tbh imo

My V6 family car would be safer than a Nova in a smack...