View Full Version : any solicitors/people in the now legal advice needed

02-12-09, 04:23 PM
rite iv got a problem
courier turned up yesterday and had lost 2 of the 4 alloys id got sent to me i signed for them as the bloke wouldnt go without a signature iv got both label/barcodes saying 1/2 2/2 but only 1 wheels from each package other 2 has dissappeared :mad: :tard: :cry: :wtf:..
really need some help on what to do iv been on the phone tryin to sort it out from when they arrived last nite and no real luck from it (useless ****er!!) the depot that they left from (with all the wheels apparently is in milton keynes just up the road from me) should i go up there and speak to some one or will this be a no no and cause problems?? what to do please some one help...

02-12-09, 04:25 PM
Stay calm, and do not kick off!

Any hint of violence, abuse, tongue lashings etc is taken badly by the court!

Then get onto the citizens advice beuru:)

02-12-09, 04:41 PM
my mate works for UPS and its policy that they cant leave any parcel without a signature. The person can refuse to take any of the parcels if they arent happy but if you sign you are signing that you are happy that the parcels are correct.

If you sign for something and its not right then your problem lies with the person sending and not the courier. Courier has delivered the item and you have signed that they are ok.


02-12-09, 04:41 PM
if it was one delivey and 2 packages then 1/2 and 2/2 is only two packages. 4 would be 1/4 2/4 3/4 4/4

02-12-09, 04:46 PM
unless each parcel should of had two wheels in!

you checked with the sender that he isnt sending the other two in seperate parcels?

02-12-09, 04:50 PM
all checked out with the sender 2 wheels in one and 2 in the other just got off the phone to the after saying im going to mk to go look for them myself and there going to sort it out by tomorrow :thumb: swearing and threats work but couldnt swear at the other girl on the phone she sounded fit :thumb: lol

02-12-09, 04:52 PM
rule #1 with telephone calls. If they sound fit then they arent!

I found this out the hard way ;-)

02-12-09, 04:55 PM
thats ok il close my eyes

but hopefully should be sorted by the weekend the stupid tw@ts at TNT failed to tell me after a whole day that i had to ring interparcel to actually get anywere as they wont do feck all for me
but this was after i threatened them with going to mk to deal with the matter and ringing my solicitor :)

02-12-09, 05:01 PM
It'll only be at the depot somewhere.

Personally i wouldnt of signed, or accepted the items

02-12-09, 05:02 PM
i used to work with a delivery firm and call about 50 people from the van and you cant go on voices lol pics needed ftw.

02-12-09, 05:03 PM
It'll only be at the depot somewhere.

Personally i wouldnt of signed, or accepted the items

i seen on the tv signing means **** all when theres a problem.

02-12-09, 05:06 PM
i signed for the 2 i recieved at the end of the day they wernt going no were as £450 worth of wheels are missing already so im not going to let the other £450 go anywere!

02-12-09, 05:09 PM
karma :p

02-12-09, 05:14 PM
If only i could rep you stu lol

02-12-09, 05:15 PM
this explains why only good things happen to me.

02-12-09, 05:26 PM
karma :p

maybe it will catch up with you one day aswell :thumb:

02-12-09, 05:27 PM
it has done many years ago, hence the huge good payout ;)

02-12-09, 05:27 PM
this happened to me befor when sending some alloys to cool tiger.

we both phoned up, and the person said to me its always happening. and they have hundreads of alloy wheels in their warehouse.

they found one. but i dont think they ever found the last.

one of the main problems was that only two of the 4 had addresses on.

now if i ever sent out some wheel, im gonna ****ing wrap them together so well lol. possibly take them to work and get them black strapped together.
i still feel bad for cool tiger as well..

02-12-09, 05:32 PM
well i told the bloke that sent them to do that but the useless w@nker never did and but them in a bin liner and then brown taped together :tard:
feel like taking a trip to see him and punching him in the side of the head

02-12-09, 05:37 PM
yeh excatly the same as mine were rapped.

the guys who picked them up, even said to me they wont get there, but we will take them any way!

02-12-09, 05:42 PM
bit of string is easy to find and just tie them together simple as that and they wont come apart or cable ties or both as a bloke who sent me some alloys did