View Full Version : feul lines for GTE

26-11-09, 01:03 AM
ive fitted the c16se lump to my nova , and i am using a 1.2 spi tank as ive been told that will work , can someone give me a brief description on what way to plumb the feul lines i know it sounds daft but im a novice when it comes to thinigs like this thanks for any help :) Nathan .

26-11-09, 05:35 PM
bump !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

26-11-09, 06:19 PM
How do you mean plumb the lines?

Fit the return to the fuel pressure regulator, and the feed to the fuel rail.
On a gte i think they connect to solid pipes under the inlet manifold

26-11-09, 07:12 PM
the gte/gsi uses 2 x 8mm steel pipes for feed & return.
a lot of non mpi novas run 1 x 8mm nylon & 1 x 6mm nylon pipes as feed & return lines.

go to B&Q or similar diy/plumbers type store & get a roll of 8MM copper central heating pipe. then cut & bend them to fit into the clips underneath the floor. then get proper EFI rubber hose & NEW jubilee clips to connect them up.

now important bit. get the feed & return pipes the right way round on the fuel rail, or it won't work