View Full Version : Words of Wisdom from the DSA

Chris LR
20-03-03, 09:44 PM
A red traffic light that hasnt been seen has never stopped anybody.

Your safety lies in your hands.

In poor weather conditions ask yourself "Is my journey really necessary?"

Check your mirror(s) frequently.

Only a fool breaks the two-second rule.

Give yourself plenty of time for your journey.

Allow large/slow moving vehicles extra room.

Have your eyesight checked regularly.

Know and follow the rules in the Highway Code.

Drive defensively, and with consideration and courtesy.

Want to overtake?, if in doubt DONT!

Make sure your windows and lights are clean.

Know your limitations and those of your vehicle.

I like the last one, while some of that stuff is good advice, who knows and follows the rules in the Highway code all of the time?

20-03-03, 10:39 PM
A lot of ppl dont...when you drive you see loads of ppl taking risks...im always unsure about what other ppl are thinking when they are sat in ur boot..if i just slam my brakes on, thats my car wrote off straight away..i reckon more ppl should take care in driving, especially when putting other ppl at risk...most ppl never learn tho..

as for me..i check the mirrors a lot, and allow at least 2 secs gap..but as for following the highway code all the time, and know them ALL? i say no.. :roll:

20-03-03, 10:41 PM
There another one to ad to the list -

The more paint the more danger!

Still makes me laugh (annoyingly) when you get knobs overtaking on double white lines - usually on blind corners!

21-03-03, 09:39 AM
who knows and follows the rules in the Highway code all of the time?

Put it this way mate i passed my driving theory and practical recently. i've never looked in a highway code book and don't even own one!!! Thats how important it is lol
Although i did need to guess a few times on my test on them crappy roads where either u or the person on the other side gives way, i had no idea :? !!

21-03-03, 10:26 AM
The highway code???

fair enoguh you should follow what it says in there but nobody does - everyone use what they consider to be good judgement at the time. Its just that some people dont have very good judgement at all and think that their 1.1 fiesta (or similar) will perform like a ferrari when they overtake on the wrong side of the road while kids are coming out of school etc.

Which leads us back to the last one on the list again... Know your limitations and those of your vehicle.

21-03-03, 10:50 AM
fcuk the 2 second rule its impossible on british roads. leave a 2 second gap and some C4nt will jump infront of you within a mile!!!

Im afraid its the cuase of most trafic flow problems yet i still dont leave that gap as i know what happens :)

21-03-03, 12:52 PM
i'll keep that in mind for my next theory test on Tuesday

21-03-03, 01:39 PM
i think they should ban all transit drivers :lol:

21-03-03, 01:41 PM
yes i think so too

21-03-03, 02:15 PM
even part time transit drivers who also drive nova's?