View Full Version : not sure where to put this

25-11-09, 01:34 PM
got an insurance issue but didnt know whether to pt it here or on the insurace bit but anyway....

had a minor collision in my nova about 4 months ago exchanged insurance details etc... however it was not my fault and the bloke said it was ( he was sum old biddy, about 85, i personally dont think he was fit to drive) he was totally out of it. so now im getting letters from my insurace saying as there are no independent witnesses it ha to go 50/50 and i lose my no claims unless i pay 900 pound for half of his reairs. it only cost me 80 quid to fix the nova!!!. as it is my first year of driving and im going to get a claim my premium is projected too high for me to pay. anyone got any advice?

George g
25-11-09, 01:42 PM
Might be worth putting it in the insurance section mate, however what happened? Are the circumstances blatantly his fault and do you have photos?