View Full Version : avatar

20-03-03, 12:40 PM
anyone want to own up to changing my avatar and name post monkey?

20-03-03, 12:41 PM
hahahahhaha i like it 8)

20-03-03, 12:44 PM
echoes of people at college calling me a chimp


found out it was wisewood

a bit of pot kettle black springs to mind

20-03-03, 12:46 PM
well come on mate how many people could it have been????

Me, Kev, Dan, Ian or Micky.
Thats the sum total of the people who could have done it... so come on... how hard was it really to figure it out :lol:

20-03-03, 12:47 PM
lol the abuse i get i give up trying to help people on here :x

20-03-03, 12:49 PM
you're not seriously trying to tell me that you cant take a joke mike...

this is NOTHING compared to some of the stuff i have had to put up with :lol:

20-03-03, 12:53 PM
NO influence of mine! Where did the pic come from!!?!?!? :roll: :lilangel:

20-03-03, 12:57 PM
you're not seriously trying to tell me that you cant take a joke mike...

this is NOTHING compared to some of the stuff i have had to put up with :lol:

:lol: lol course i can LOL

its the comments from certain other members who im trying to help i dont agree with

ill just remember whos post to reply or not to

20-03-03, 12:57 PM
had the pic a while... lol.
dunno where from... just turned up from somewhere, email probably.

mike i have changed you rank title again... the avatar you can change at your leisure mate :) but i think that one is ace.

20-03-03, 12:59 PM
can you change it to the worn out arms member or standard one please? dont want to advertise nova-land.com cos thatll cause more agro

cheers wise

20-03-03, 12:59 PM
you can leave it as post monkey if u want i dont mind it

20-03-03, 01:00 PM
its funny

20-03-03, 01:02 PM
Off you go AGAIN!!! LEAVE IT! :twisted:

20-03-03, 01:02 PM
Only having a laugh!

20-03-03, 01:05 PM
no need for two repluies in a row was there

im just proving a point thats all

then you may not look so clever

20-03-03, 01:15 PM
Mike i did that on purpose coz you did 3! CALM DOWN!

20-03-03, 02:05 PM
lmfao - just stop it will ya!!!

Chris LR
20-03-03, 03:19 PM
I'd just like to add :wisewood: before this gets locked

20-03-03, 05:43 PM


Ben (lurk75)
20-03-03, 06:00 PM
lol, Marty's theory on hatred springs to mind???

20-03-03, 06:03 PM
hahahahaaha :lol:

you know what... this time you might be right :D

Ben (lurk75)
20-03-03, 06:12 PM
you know what... this time you might be right :D

im always right anyhow. 8)

20-03-03, 06:57 PM
mike man calm down lol

u cheeky monkey

lol cudnt resist

Ben (lurk75)
20-03-03, 07:05 PM
I think when wisewood has got some spare time (LMAO) he should edit all Mikes double posts and delete the odd one. he will only be on 500!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

20-03-03, 07:10 PM
ben even i dont have that much spare time :lol:

20-03-03, 07:23 PM
:lol: nah mikes a top geezer

hes receive alot of hassle on here lately wen no need

20-03-03, 07:38 PM
ha ha ha



20-03-03, 07:40 PM
not bad mike if i must say

20-03-03, 09:38 PM
this is a rediculous thread

Chris LR
20-03-03, 09:46 PM
I think I've got just enough time to add a :micky:

20-03-03, 10:46 PM
I like the monkey!

I think Wisewood should change his avatar though - starting to freak me out - get the impression its constantly watching you - sort of leaning forward like hes listening


Come on wise m8 - change i to summut more comedy - that reflects you on the site - Post King or summut!

Chris LR
20-03-03, 10:48 PM
He should have changed it to Howling Mad Murdoch on TCoT, but that hasn't happened either.

20-03-03, 11:52 PM
I like the monkey!

u like ma monkey!?

21-03-03, 12:31 AM
lmfao! It is funny! Still havnt found out where its all from! Who was it mike?

21-03-03, 10:18 AM
Looking for a funny image i stumbled across this one... so this will do for now until i can find one that works better... i have something specific in mind you see.

21-03-03, 11:04 AM
like i sed last nite wisewood im still waitin for mine to be changed :|

21-03-03, 11:20 AM
and like i just told you in a PM - you will just have to wait!!!

Ben (lurk75)
21-03-03, 05:13 PM
LMFAO @ Big W reject. :lol:

I wasnt having a dig at mike was only jesting.

21-03-03, 07:05 PM
its cus i wanted a new one but cudnt thinkof one so wen he found out i used to work there he put it

Chris LR
22-03-03, 12:33 AM
I have ade to thank for 'Mr Standard'

Chris LR
22-03-03, 12:36 AM
Just found this \/ lol
