View Full Version : Gooooooold

19-11-09, 02:45 PM
WTF is with all the gayhat GIVE US YOUR GOLD AND WE'LL GIVE YOU $$$CASH$$$ adverts on tv at the moment?

I mean, have the chinese suddenly started paying over the odds for melted down Lizzy Duke stuff or something?

19-11-09, 02:48 PM
In short, yes. Send me all of your gold and I'll send you 90% of what I sell it for.

19-11-09, 02:55 PM
That much?

You need to have a badly dubbed unexciting advert first with shots of fake gold and/or some z-list celebrity. Or an annoying woman who has a mouth thats far too large for her face

19-11-09, 02:58 PM
i work in a stockbrokers and you see the price of all metals are going up. Aluminium, Steel, Gold, Silver and Platinum are all going through the roof so they are trying to take advantage by getting you to send it to them they melt it down and by the time they have done that and paid you a little bit for it the price will have gone up even more!

I agree though...very annoying adverts that interupt my top gear viewing on Dave

19-11-09, 02:59 PM
is annoying, some of the adverts are so cheesy. its becuase gold has gone from around £1 for a gram to around £7 a gram, my friends a jewlery dealer :) not that i often listen to him.

19-11-09, 02:59 PM
i work in a stockbrokers and you see the price of all metals are going up. Aluminium, Steel, Gold, Silver and Platinum are all going through the roof so they are trying to take advantage by getting you to send it to them they melt it down and by the time they have done that and paid you a little bit for it the price will have gone up even more!

I agree though...very annoying adverts that interupt my top gear viewing on Dave

So whats the best thang to do?

19-11-09, 03:01 PM
it aint worf bovverin 'less its a sovverin

19-11-09, 03:04 PM
if some idiot on TV will give you some money for it on the TV your jewellers will also give you money! and you can haggle with them. If its junk you dont need weigh it in there and you will get more for it.

The adverts are for the house bound people with all their gold ear rings!

19-11-09, 03:06 PM
maybe they are collecting it all to make a massive gold statue of RJ

19-11-09, 03:20 PM
maybe they are collecting it all to make a massive gold statue of RJ

That would be ORSUM!

19-11-09, 03:38 PM
the amount of profit there making you'd of thought a decent advert is easily achievable lol

19-11-09, 03:40 PM
They are terrible adverts, up there with the personal injury ones.

19-11-09, 03:46 PM
i ve never had any gold in my life lol

19-11-09, 03:48 PM
I sold my bracelet which i paid £450 for 10 years ago for £1200! And a huge amount of other ****e too.

19-11-09, 04:59 PM
maybe they are collecting it all to make a massive gold statue of RJ

Some say they already have :d


19-11-09, 06:02 PM
What Projctnova said

due to stockmarket crash and currencies going down, people are willing to pay more for gold as its a universal currency, countries hoard loads of it for times like these...unless your Gordon brown that decides to sell gold at the lowest price:roll:

this is why gold is so sought after


19-11-09, 06:11 PM
Ah good times then :)

How would i find out how much 2 troy ounce of genuine 24 carat is worth?

19-11-09, 06:14 PM
Your best going to a jewellers etc as stock prices won't tell you what its worth due to the companies wanting to make a profit

19-11-09, 06:16 PM
Your best going to a jewellers etc as stock prices won't tell you what its worth due to the companies wanting to make a profit

I used to do watch/jewellery repairs an everyone i knew in the trade could never value them though

Nice one for the help though

19-11-09, 06:19 PM
really? lol

your only other option is to go to a company that would melt it down i'd guess

19-11-09, 06:21 PM
Going back further than 16 days...


19-11-09, 06:32 PM
Simply put, before people saw the recession coming (bare in mind it hit the US along time before it hit the UK)

gold has gone up £440 per ounce from its low in februaryish 2005, november 2008 would no doubt have been a time when people tried to get the recession over, i imagine it was when Gordon brown planned something with the G8, or the US decided to pump aload of money into its economy

19-11-09, 06:47 PM
For the record I don't actually get involved; I just keep my eyes open and ear to the ground. I like to know what's going on. IMO the game is largely rigged from the inside anyway (aren't they all?).

Maintaining the confidence that the 'man on the street' has with the tenner in his pocket was obviously the goal that had to be achieved at any cost, the alternative being Zimbabwe style worthless funnymoney, with side effects like ballooning gold prices evident as a result. As you've alluded to it just makes the Brown Bottom (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article1655001.ece) an even harder pill to swallow.

19-11-09, 06:58 PM
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yep, it is indeed a rigged game, if someone doesn't want stock to go up (or down) it will keep it where it wants it, with deep enough pockets, anyone can.

I just chose to get in on the lloyds low on a halifax sharedealing account, should be a good payout in a few years (10x what i put in plus divi) i didn't have the balls to go into RBS lol