View Full Version : Nice Nova spotted in the Toon!

18-11-09, 10:34 PM
Was strolling into Newcastle city centre before and caught a glance of a nice shiney red Mk1 running low with gloss black bumpers. Only caught a glance of it but it looked very nice, reminded me of Nick J's old motor. Sounded nice too, possible XE? As said, only caught a glance of it pulling away from a junction and it was under the street lighting so may well have looked better than it actually is!

Anyone from aboot the Toon shed any light on it?

Also spotted a standard white Mk2 on caseros a while back, up near where novacabrio lives. Looked good too.


18-11-09, 10:36 PM
You sure the bumpers were gloss black and not grey?

Could be GDN16v's nova but theyre definately grey!

Edit this one.....


18-11-09, 10:38 PM
You sure the bumpers were gloss black and not grey?

Could be GDN16v's nova but theyre definately grey!

Good shout! Forgot he lived round here. Could well have been standrd grey bumpers with a bit ol'bumper shine.

18-11-09, 10:40 PM
See my edited reply^^^^^^

18-11-09, 10:41 PM
See my edited reply^^^^^^

Aye, it's a very nice motor! Dec's old SR iirc?

18-11-09, 10:42 PM
Got it in one, so was that the one then?

18-11-09, 10:45 PM
Not sure, didn't get a good enough look at it tbh. It fits the bill though I guess. Perhaps GDN16v can confirm whether he was out and about in it at the time...

18-11-09, 10:56 PM
Never seen that one, but I did see a very nice yellow mk2 near the tyne bridge last week. Don't know who that is either lol. I posted the reg, but dunno where it's gone.

18-11-09, 11:03 PM
lol I doubt glen wouldve been out what with the weather - that nova is one of the most highly looked after (and hard driven occasionally) and the weathers been shiiite round here lately - he'll be too busy mincing in his tigra this winter too ;) only kiddin glen:cool:

23-11-09, 08:19 AM
Definately wasnt me, i was having plenty of Birthday drinks from dinner time onwards!lollollol

As said above, i wouldnt off had my nova out in the crap weather weve had of late!