View Full Version : DJS/Producers - Ableton Live

18-11-09, 06:47 PM
Just got myself a Mac and Ableton Live. Been DJ'ing for a while now so took the natural step into producing my own tracks. Looks difficult but looking forward to the challenge! :D

Anyone else using Ableton or similar?

18-11-09, 07:05 PM
I gave Reason a blast, a while back but it was too complex for my simple brain. I just decided to stick with the DJing as it keeps me from wasting my money and keeps me off the streets!

However I did notice this on HTFR.com ealier on today whilst listening to some tunes.


looks quite interesting. **** knows how it works though! Let me know how you get on, as I've aquired a copy of ableton, but not had the balls to have a play with it yet.

18-11-09, 08:19 PM
I tried ableton but it was faking unintuitive... I now have Reason and its very intuitive but I'm not skilled enough to do good lol