View Full Version : Why do I put myself through this? lol

17-11-09, 10:44 AM
Watching 2012. I know it's going to be the cinematic equivalent of a huge hairy sweaty ar$e but I'm a sucker for a bit of end of the world/life as we know it destructi0n. :roll:lol

Only about 15 mins in and it's already shaping up to be a total seen/heard it all before armpit of a film. :)

17-11-09, 11:02 AM
Watched it yesterday, tyical blockbuster end of the world destruction with great FX etc. TBH I know before it starts what I'm gonna get but I still like to watch it, only difference is how the world will end. It's just a no brainer sit back and watch film, bit like watching pr0n you know what you are gonna get lol

17-11-09, 11:54 AM
WTFF! Man, I knew it would be bad but I barely saw ANY destruction. Where the hell was the earths crust breaking up and skyscrapers sliding into the advancing oceans etc?
I've had it minimized in the corner but I wouldn't have missed all of that!
"Worst movie ever." lol

17-11-09, 12:02 PM
If you don't like the film then have a read through this. CLICKY (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon)

17-11-09, 12:08 PM
I'm already aware of the Mayan calander lol. TY though. I know you like your links. lol

Not only did I not go to the cinema to witness this utter dross, I never even used my time, my computer and my connection to download it, nor did I burn it on one of my discs and I STILL WANT MY MONEY BACK! lol

17-11-09, 12:29 PM
you are a magnetfor **** films limp lol

17-11-09, 05:39 PM
At least it didn't have Keanu Reeves in it

17-11-09, 06:47 PM
I really wanted to go see this film. The trailer looked awesome... but i guess I wont bother now.
I shall just have to wait till the world really ends in 2012 lol

17-11-09, 06:49 PM
Its going to end on Saturday, the Nova will destroy us. Argh, etc.

17-11-09, 06:55 PM
Well with your driving skills I expect so. ;)

17-11-09, 06:57 PM
Well with your driving skills I expect so. ;)

Lmfao, fiesty one jack lol

Do i surmise you now have gasketty goodness arrived on your doormat?

17-11-09, 06:58 PM
I really wanted to go see this film. The trailer looked awesome... but i guess I wont bother now.
I shall just have to wait till the world really ends in 2012 lol

Dude it's your typical big budget FX movie, if you like that sorta thing then go watch it simple. You can then voice your own opinion on it. All these special effects films are the same to be honest Armageddon, Deep Impact, Independance Day, The Day After Tomorrow, The Core, The Knowing etc all have basic story lines, big name cast, loads of FX.

Not all Fast and Furious films were great but I still went to every one.

Its going to end on Saturday, the Nova will destroy us. Argh, etc.

Sounds interesting RJ, but I think the Nova entering the earths atmosphere would probably break up because of a weakened structue due to excess rust lol

17-11-09, 07:12 PM
oh I might still bother to drag someone to the movie with me, I do like a good disaster movie. Im not expecting the storyline to shock me but those sorts of movies sell on the special fx alone. ive only ever walked out of 2 films and thats only coz they scared me too much! lol

17-11-09, 07:36 PM
Sounds interesting RJ, but I think the Nova entering the earths atmosphere would probably break up because of a weakened structue due to excess rust lol
The size of my tyres would put the earth's rotation off-axis and send us spinning into oblivion! lol

Do i surmise you now have gasketty goodness arrived on your doormat?
Yeas :d

17-11-09, 07:57 PM
ive only ever walked out of 2 films and thats only coz they scared me too much! lol
Which ones? Look who's talking and willow lol

17-11-09, 08:30 PM
The size of my tyres would put the earth's rotation off-axis and send us spinning into oblivion! lol

I'd have thought the v6 power and you full on the throttle would speed up the earths spin due to wheel spinning

17-11-09, 08:33 PM
Which ones? Look who's talking and willow lol

i dont think i was born when willow came out! lol but yeah that is scary.. those little troll things!! omg

but it was final destination (i know its a stupid film but im ridiculously jumpy and i nearly had a heart attack at the plane bit at the start)
and one of the blade films.. but that was mainly coz it was too gory for me and the (now) ex was p**ing me off so i left him in the cinema and went and got myself a takeaway :d

17-11-09, 08:40 PM
Why go see it if you dont like that kinda film?

17-11-09, 08:43 PM
Why go see it if you dont like that kinda film?

dragged there by my mate

17-11-09, 08:44 PM
Like Frank says "just say no"

17-11-09, 08:45 PM
He said he likes a good disaster movie. People should go see the movie and then say 'its great!' or 'it's poop!'. At the end of the day you get to see a film that shows another way the earth might end in a cool, layman's way, with loads of modern day effects. lol

Brain power needed: 0.00002567% (used for chewing, swallowing & sipping a beverage)

17-11-09, 08:53 PM
He said he likes a good disaster movie. People should go see the movie and then say 'its great!' or 'it's poop!'. At the end of the day you get to see a film that shows another way the earth might end in a cool, layman's way, with loads of modern day effects. lol

Brain power needed: 0.00002567% (used for chewing, swallowing & sipping a beverage)

its she btw :)

17-11-09, 08:56 PM
Sorry! :)

17-11-09, 10:56 PM

I seen a rip off version it seems! lol
Much like Transmorphers! (although I never seen that one).

This explains the lack of special effects! I may have realised had I actually seen a 2012 trailer! Oh well, back to warez-bb. :)