View Full Version : car crash last week

17-11-09, 12:12 AM
i was in a friends car last sunday (8/11) and was stationary waiting for a car to turn off down a road when all of a sudden the car jump forward with a almighty bang... to our surprise some one had just rear ended us in her nice convertable bmw got out etc sorted paper work out....
and then the bloke admits he was on the phone to his mum blah blah blah then he stumbles around for abit again to our surprise he was either pissed or on some sort of drug as he looked rather wasted after about 5/10 mins of coming back round our selfs
well cut a long story short we suspect he actually wasnt insured aswell.. great!

now my friend is suffering from rather bad back pains and iv just been to the doctors today and been told the pains im getting in my arm are from internal swelling in my shoulder muscles... brilliant my arm is now rather much fooked!

now we have the necersarary (sp) forms to claim for injuries caused but what happens if it turns out the driver isnt actually insured..?
anyone have any advice to what we can/should do and how to go about it as we are rather stumped as we have never been in this position before..

cheers for any info anyone can provide (in advance) :thumb:

17-11-09, 12:19 AM
Should have rung the police at the scene of the accident if you suspected use of phone/drugs/drink.

Now your going to get raped instead of the prat in the Beemer.

17-11-09, 12:20 AM
Have some neg reg


"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to napalm_27 again." :[

17-11-09, 12:23 AM
friend didnt want to get the police involved as we was off out and at the time we were all sort of ok i did ring the police when she was sorting paperwork out and they said unless there is any injuries or blockage to the road there was no reason for them to attend and the insurance would sort it all out if he wernt insured etc

17-11-09, 12:33 AM
Well if it was me, and at the time of the crash, i would rang the police ands told them some drunk hit me, he stinks of drink etc, even if he didn't, least they could of come out and checked him over etc, now your friend needs to get a good solicitor on the case pronto!

17-11-09, 12:35 AM
im ringing mine tomorrow to see were we stand

her car is going to be fixed in a few days not sure how she went about doing that though

Tidy Max
17-11-09, 10:02 AM
unlucky mate :( thats a rough deal, things dont always go like they seem at the time, shame the police wouldnt come out,

tbf i think the neg rep was fairly unjustified nick! the lads ****ed an was just asking for advice

17-11-09, 10:46 AM
In order to check if the other driver was insured Click here (http://www.askmid.com/).

Lets hope you got his reg number, Always ALWAYS take a photo of the reg number, driver & damage done to make sure that you have something to cover your ****. 9 times out of 10 you can do it without the driver noticing (you should all take note, never crash into me!! lol) that way if it goes through to court you have evidence that 1 he caused accident, 2 he was driving, 3 he DID hit you etc.

Check it and then if its come up uninsured call insurance company they will get in contact with the DVLA get his details etc and they will deal with it from then on. once you've paid your excess of course.

Unfortunatly the police wont really get involved because NOW there is no evidence that he was under influence of any drug or alcohol. There is nothing that they can really do because at the time of the incident, you called them to be told that they wont really come out to it.

If you have legal protection on your insurance (which i do because its always worth in in these types of situations!!) then they will do all the work getting him bent over a barrel and getting him to stump up.

Otherwise, if you dont have that or very good insurance then you are likley to be screwed. Also some injuries can present themselves after the accident because it takes some time to swell up.

Good luck with that!

17-11-09, 10:47 AM
If he was on the fone then the courts can ask to see fone records which shouldn't be an issue but if he was drunk or high of some drug then it will probably be more difficult.

Would've thought the police would have go to the scene of the accident tbh, oh well. At the end of the day you guys were hit, you got injured, he was on the fone, he hit you from the back (ooooh errr :gay: ) Just hope you guys get this sorted with minimal fuss.

17-11-09, 02:54 PM
cheers guys
well the bad thing is iv known his mum for years and we now were he lives aswell but im in no real position to go round there demanding anythink as my arm is just getting worse by the day just looks to me like its going to be filed in the misc. bin like most cases round here
just wish i had full use of my arm money doesnt bring that back like i said to my mate when he said its ok you will get loads of money
just wont be doing anythink that i used to and being 20 it will most likely put a stop to some things that i really enjoy

17-11-09, 03:39 PM
just wish i had full use of my arm ........... it will most likely put a stop to some things that i really enjoy http://blog.beliefnet.com/moviemom/how-thomas-the-tank-engine-works-1.jpg

Can't really add much to what has been said above. There is something called the Uninsured Drivers Bureau which is supposed to take care of matters like this, but it's sh!t from what I've heard.

As for phone records, it wouldn't show if he was/wasn't using a handsfree kit.

At least your friend is in the very fortunate situation that she knows where the guy lives. At the very least I would want my excess back. Then I would pour road paint over his car.

The above is providing things aren't sorted out legally lol.