View Full Version : Milton Keynes in adverts.....

18-03-03, 04:33 PM
Why didn't I see this before moving?!?!??! lmao


18-03-03, 04:50 PM
roflmfao - HAHAHHAHA!!!

18-03-03, 04:52 PM
:o how can they get away with that!

is it for real!?!??!

:o :o

:lol: funny though

18-03-03, 04:54 PM
as far as I know it is a real advert!! whilst doing my duties as network admin, I was searching through the network for pr0n and came accross some files, I took a look and this is what they were!!

18-03-03, 05:02 PM
Surely there could be BIG rows over that!!! 02 obviously didnt think if that advert is real!

18-03-03, 05:10 PM
i do see what they are trying to do... but i would imagine that they got permission from milton keynes council or something first... the people at O2 aint gonna be stupid now are they - unless they wanna raise public awareness on the cheap by putting something scandalous out there the same as the advert that got banned theother day where the dog climbs outta the guys throat :lol:

18-03-03, 06:03 PM
i saw that dog advery, LMFAO, has it been banned for real?

lol it was funny, "aviod dog breath" :D:D

18-03-03, 06:07 PM
Yeah it has been banned for real... they have radio2 on in this office at work and it was on the news yesterday abotu how many complaints they had recieved about it...

its more than any other advert in history.

there were something like 12% of the people who complained had said the advert actually made them physically sick when they saw it - and laods of people saying it was giving kids nightmares etc.

fair enough it was a bit over the top but it was VERY clever.

18-03-03, 06:46 PM
I saw that!!! It did its marketing job very well if it got banned and got all this hype!

18-03-03, 06:49 PM
yeah - they have said that wasnt the intention and they wish they had known before hand that it would have happened like this but it all worked out well in the end and has probably sold more of the product then 3 months of the advert would have :lol:

19-03-03, 01:54 PM
will i agree m8 that "dog breath" advert was SOOO FUNNY !! haha!! think it made my sis sick!!

19-03-03, 03:40 PM

i neva got to see that

19-03-03, 11:45 PM
the people at O2 aint gonna be stupid now are they

Sorry but they are stupid - the advertisers that is - they are trying to get the hype reaction by offending people so it gets banned - however in doing so they alienate the entire area in question. Several energy companies and banks now do it - slag ff other competitors to get a reaction - were cheaper than you are rubbish.

Public opinion however is against this kind of advertising (based on recent broad sheet poll about agress ad stances) so I'll be v surprised if the succeed with it.

20-03-03, 12:30 PM
you know everything.
