View Full Version : New 'act on CO2' ad

14-11-09, 12:19 AM
Drive 5 miles less a day

Do these people know what cars are used for? Pretty much the same as Busses. If the bus went 5 miles less a day, it wouldnt get back to the depot, and there would be bloody busses everywhere!

Pretty much the same goes for a car really. i need to get to work and get home. How do i cut 5 miles off that journey?

Fecking idiots. When will the government stop targetting consumers which will never work, and start slapping legislation on industry where a difference really CAN be made? Answer. It will harm the economy. Money is obviously more important than killing the planet. So why dont they just piss off and leave us alone?

Rant over

14-11-09, 12:25 AM
wasnt just me that thought it was ridiculous then

14-11-09, 12:29 AM
i thought it was retarded too. our boss encourages us to walk or cycle to work, then removes the bike storage area, and comes in his jag....

14-11-09, 12:38 AM
comes in his jag....


14-11-09, 12:46 AM
a model T ford that does 30mpg makes the same co2 as a focus that does 30mpg...... but apparently the new car is cleaner according to the government......

14-11-09, 12:57 AM
Have you see the one where daddy is reading the story to the little girl, talk about trying to scare the youth by giving them nightmares on how they wont see past 10yrs old.

14-11-09, 12:57 AM
Best one is a DVLA ad they play in the local offices... see if I can find it on youtube or something :)

14-11-09, 12:59 AM
- Build sufficient nuclear infrastructure
- Shift all possible energy consumables inc. personal transportation to flowing electrons
- Promote micro-generation at local level
- "DONE"


14-11-09, 01:05 AM
lee- yep, ols skool series 3, tasty car, shame hes a bit of a knob. fester, you should post that to gordon brown...

14-11-09, 01:06 AM
Best one is a DVLA ad they play in the local offices... see if I can find it on youtube or something :)

Seems they have it cleaned off of pretty much everywhere, can only find it on a site that wants money lol

Basically a tax disc floats across a meadow and says if you drive untaxed, are you insured... do you have an mot... is your car safe, then the tax discs lands on a broken windshield and it says "if you don't tax your car, the consequences might be worse than a fine"

That's right folks, tax your car, or YOU WILL CRASH AND DIE! *scare* :roll:

14-11-09, 11:38 AM
- Build sufficient nuclear infrastructure
- Shift all possible energy consumables inc. personal transportation to flowing electrons
- Promote micro-generation at local level
- "DONE"
Excellent. Nuclear power is indeedily the future, only problem is instead of cracking on with renewing our infrastructure, the government simply wimbled and dithered then sold most of it off to the French in the hope they'd pay for it. Which they will; but then charge us through the nose for the power once they're finished.

I wonder if I could get an advert on tv about how the scrappage scheme damages the environment lol

AND ffs why haven't they got biomethanol up and running as a suitable petrol replacement yet. Its tried, tested and proven, and is probably the best replacement for fuel oil, but oh no its being kept under wraps for as long as possible til all the oil runs out and we're screwed :roll:

14-11-09, 01:08 PM
Don't forget Lord SMith want to tax us for using heating, driving and having a shower, yes even personal hygiene is now up for taxing, this government is good at 1 thing ONLY, taxing. They can't win a war, can't stop immigration, just tax tax andf more tax, o but they are good at stealing too, though tax/stealing, 1 and the same

14-11-09, 01:11 PM
They can't win a war
Define "win" lol

14-11-09, 01:36 PM
Seeing as im at work and bored and have already scoured the Sun website, I thought i would be all brainy and look at the telegraph website....

I cant post the link coz i have not made enough posts on here but it Makes for interesting reading... basically, they are all lying to us and we can carry on ragging the hell out of our cars for years to come. :)

There are more polar bears now than ever before and the ice is actually thicker than they thought.

14-11-09, 02:17 PM
Also fwiw Building a Prius uses more "co2" than building and running a Rangerover V8 for 5-10 years lmao

14-11-09, 03:04 PM
Define "win" lol

Not Losing lol

14-11-09, 04:21 PM
And we're not losing. In fact we're actually winning in terms of keeping the taliban busy.

14-11-09, 04:31 PM
And we're not losing. In fact we're actually winning in terms of keeping the taliban busy.

and keeping some of us in jobs, so bigger win for the economy lol

14-11-09, 05:22 PM
and keeping some of us in jobs, so bigger win for the economy lol

there is no profit in peacetime.....

and re the prius, if you drive it very carefully, it is nearly as good as a vw 1.9tdi golf in mpg.........

14-11-09, 07:27 PM
there is no profit in peacetime.....

and re the prius, if you drive it very carefully, it is nearly as good as a vw 1.9tdi golf in mpg.........

When have you EVER seen a Prius driven 'properly' like that?
The only time I see them is at 90 in the outside lane of the motorway lol

14-11-09, 07:56 PM
i did a load of building work for a bloke who had a factory recycling window machinery.. he was very green & tree huggy with obligatory prius etc.. he was asking me about fitting wind turbines etc..
well, there was a huge pile of pallets, plastic & drums of old oil & stuff like acetone..... it was in the way, so i asked him if it could be moved. he assured me it would be gone by morning. true to his word it was gone, and there was a circle of ash on the yard to prove it.

14-11-09, 07:58 PM
It could get the best MPG in the universe, but with all the batteries and shoite in it which use various precious metals carved out the ground somewhere in China, its still "not good for the earth"

14-11-09, 08:02 PM
the prius does one specific thing very well.... it makes yanks think about fuel economy. the yanks just won't accept turbo diesel cars.

14-11-09, 08:11 PM
When the yanks wanted the puma engine (current 2.4 tranny/defender lump) they wouldnt accept that it can make 400+Nm of torque with such a small size so they asked for it to be bored to 3.2L so all the numbers sounded right :wall:

imho they have got it fairly 'right' with the 2.0-2.4 chain engines that they use in lots of the GM brands... just a shame when they get here they go cak :(

14-11-09, 08:13 PM
the big problem in yank motors is the auto boxes. their engines are all soft cams and kickdown & we love manual boxes..

15-11-09, 12:04 AM
Another thing struck me today. The lights they stick on road signs. I passed god knows how many today, some of them were next to signs which were NOT lit. I could see both of them as well as each other! Thats what headlights are for. The large junctions signs on motorways are the same. Lights that just dont need to be there, and on all night every night, and a lot of them on roads that will probably see 5 cars between 1 and 6am.

Streetlights are also a massive waste. Obviously they need to be used in resedential areas for security, but 30 of them on a deserted motorway junction roundabout? Instead of asking us to leave our cars on the hard shoulder and walk the last 5 miles home every night, why not turn half of them off?

Traffic lights are another thing. Replace all the old bulb style ones with LED ones.

How many office blocks do you go past with all the lights still on in the name of security? Get a decent alarm maybe?

How much juice is being sucked up by all these pointless bastids? A fook sight more than you're using leaving your bloody telly on standby!!!

Think im going to burn some tyres tomorrow :)

15-11-09, 01:32 AM
AND ffs why haven't they got biomethanol up and running as a suitable petrol replacement yet. Its tried, tested and proven, and is probably the best replacement for fuel oil, but oh no its being kept under wraps for as long as possible til all the oil runs out and we're screwed :roll:

Because they dont know how much tax to charge on it, so they're waiting for someone else to lead the way....

Regarding the point on cars, it's now a well known (i think) fact that it cause more pollution building the thing then it does emitting exhaust gases for 20 years (at average mileage) Keep the old cars running! much better than some ****e 'scrapage scheme' that sends even more of our money out of the country. but thats another story...

15-11-09, 08:17 AM
Another thing struck me today. The lights they stick on road signs. I passed god knows how many today, some of them were next to signs which were NOT lit. I could see both of them as well as each other! Thats what headlights are for. The large junctions signs on motorways are the same. Lights that just dont need to be there, and on all night every night, and a lot of them on roads that will probably see 5 cars between 1 and 6am.

not all road users are car drivers. cyclists for example, and also they are lit for bad visibility, ie: fog

Streetlights are also a massive waste. Obviously they need to be used in resedential areas for security, but 30 of them on a deserted motorway junction roundabout? Instead of asking us to leave our cars on the hard shoulder and walk the last 5 miles home every night, why not turn half of them off?
I was told that the powerstations simply can't turn power off in an instant, they need to be kept running 24/7, but at a reduced output, so the off peak electricity will still be there so they might as well use it.

Traffic lights are another thing. Replace all the old bulb style ones with LED ones.
that one is down to cost.. the new ones are LED, maybe you should investigate a deal with siemens if they need help to replace them, there are bloody loads of them

How many office blocks do you go past with all the lights still on in the name of security? Get a decent alarm maybe?

How much juice is being sucked up by all these pointless bastids? A fook sight more than you're using leaving your bloody telly on standby!!!

Think im going to burn some tyres tomorrow :)

with the offices, it is down to pure wastefulness. if the employees had to pay for the electric that they used, it would be different, some places are nightlit to look impressive as a form of advertising, like shops and cinemas

15-11-09, 08:32 AM
tax ,tax ,tax on cigs tax on wages tax on cars tax on everything i hate the goverment its them who need to do more about the eviroment,rather that claiming for expeses like clleeening the moat out or payin off that summer house they have always wanted(2 houses twice the co2) the goverment is a joke they are to quik to blame us for the worlds problems evry 1 has done the bit to mess up thiss planet i wish they would put as much efort in to reducing our co2 as they do bull ****ing us i mite start and listen,FECH OUR TROOPS BAK U NUMTY,RANT OVER SOZ!!

15-11-09, 08:41 AM
Can you write an english version of that!

15-11-09, 08:46 AM
the uk's total carbon output must be tiny compared to a heap of other countries because we simply aren't producing raw or manufactured materials like all the other leading economies.

15-11-09, 08:46 AM
Can you write an english version of that! SORY ITS A LIL EALRY for me sory!!f Im not an writer im a welder sorry:thumb:

15-11-09, 02:07 PM
not all road users are car drivers. cyclists for example, and also they are lit for bad visibility, ie: fog

Sorry, im not buying that. Cyclists dont use motorways, and very rarely use mororway junction roundabouts. An if they are, they are most likely to be local, herefore having a nicely lit roadsign is completely pointless. And the fog arguement is weak as well. All these lights on 365 days a year for maybe 30 to 40 days of bad foggyness? Completely stupid.

I was told that the powerstations simply can't turn power off in an instant, they need to be kept running 24/7, but at a reduced output, so the off peak electricity will still be there so they might as well use it.

Powerstations run many many turbines which are switched on and off in relation to demand, they are not just one big turbine which produces a steady amount. So if the nighttime supply demand goes down, the less turbines they need to have spinning and the less fuel they need to burn to keep the remaining ones spinning. If your above statement was correct, leaving our tellies on standby would not make a blind bit of difference!

that one is down to cost.. the new ones are LED, maybe you should investigate a deal with siemens if they need help to replace them, there are bloody loads of them

Kind of goes back to my original statement. The cost is more of an issue than the planet 'dying'. They seem to be far happier to spend money making scary adverts to make us sit in the dark with no heating on, rather than actually put into place proper legislation to deal with these issues.

IMO the oil needs to run out. WHile its still there, and worth money, it will always be the public's responsibility to save the world.

15-11-09, 02:23 PM
now you're getting somewhere.....

oil & gas = money for the government

whacking huge great taxes on us for destroying the planet is the government's really clever way of having us over a barrel every time....

we all know that cars are actually not the problem, if all cars were run on electricity, then they would just burn oil to make the electricity.

this government should have bought into new nuclear power stations a decade ago, a friend used to work high up in the offices of a power company, and they were trying to make them see sense years back, but labour is still full of loads of ban the bomb, nuclear power no thanks, communists.... they might wear suits & live in expensive houses, but they are still about, and being in power is a corrupting influence, but these people still need to have the backing of unions & labour committees.. I bet there has been a huge push in the back rooms of westminsterto reopen the coal mines & build new coal fired stations, even though it flys in the face of the green movements

15-11-09, 02:37 PM
Do you know what the largest producer of CO2 is?

(no its not cows farting and sheep burping lol)

15-11-09, 02:43 PM
stuff dying & rotting appears to be the best guess

15-11-09, 05:00 PM
Do you know what the largest producer of CO2 is?

(no its not cows farting and sheep burping lol)

Us breathing.

16-11-09, 01:02 PM
Do you know what the largest producer of CO2 is?

(no its not cows farting and sheep burping lol)

cows dont fart CO2, but they do fart methane which sia far more "effective" greenhouse gas lol

16-11-09, 01:04 PM
I'd say industry