View Full Version : What a way for the UK to treat someone...

11-11-09, 09:28 PM
Read & discuss.


1 dam day and they wont allow him to claim, pathetic and yet all those tossers in charge of the country claim for this and claim for that, even down to cleaning their swimming pools...and lakes.... and this old vet has to go cold over winter

11-11-09, 09:58 PM
thats disgusting im not even going to get started on whats wrong with this country though! he fought so that gordon bloody brown could run a democracy etc etc grrr makes my piss boil

11-11-09, 10:00 PM
there should be a 28 day period instead of 0.

11-11-09, 10:02 PM

11-11-09, 10:03 PM
It's a disgrace. Things like this happen far too often, like rednova said, it's best not to even get started on the state of Britain. It's beyond fixing now, completely ****ed.

11-11-09, 10:49 PM
^ Too true Lynz.

This country is horrendous at looking after it's own. Particuarly war vets and serving soldiers. In other civilized countries they are welcomed back with open arms and treated as the hero's they truly are. :(

12-11-09, 12:43 AM
prety bad that is, the guys got 5 damn medals, who cares if theres no money in the kitty, sort the guy out, its owed to him.

Angus Closier
12-11-09, 01:25 AM
absolute disgrace.....f**king disgusting, shame on our country to be honest! The man has done his fare share of work for the country and gets nothing in return!

12-11-09, 01:42 AM
cashforgold uk?

that wasnt in bad taste was it?

12-11-09, 08:35 AM
Thats disgusting!!

There should be a bit of bloody leeway to everyone! I would go mental if my great-grandma died because of cold because of some government guff like that!! We all pay our taxes to help those in need, however MP's who DONT need help help themselves to the pot!

Got half a bloody mind to go into government myself to correct such idiotic decisions that have been made!!

12-11-09, 08:37 AM
cashforgold uk?

that wasnt in bad taste was it?


Someone like that shouldn't be posting off gold because the imbeciles in charge have made a decision like that!

12-11-09, 09:11 AM
Fooking Stupid C*nting tw@s Who Need To Have A Kickin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Day To Late !!! Fooking B8stards If It Wasnt For People Like The Chap In The Pic We Would F%cked, If Hitler Had His Way They Should Honour This Chaps Heating Allowance And Take A Fooking Cut In There Pay For Being Stupid Coonts
Makes Me Fooking Sick To Hear Of This Type Of Sh1t .
Rant Over

Simon 1867
12-11-09, 09:38 AM
This makes me so annoyed....what right to the fcuking people in charge of this poxy country have to give them selfs bouns's and claim for every little thing, when a war hero who isnt causeing anyone any harm asks for a little help with keeping warm. If GB dosent apoligis he should go in person to No.10 and hand them to him personnely.

Im totaly fed up of this country.....

Sorry rant over

paul james
12-11-09, 09:43 AM
That rule is utterly ridiculous, if you don't live in your own house for one specific week of the year, then its tough and you can freeze for all the government care. The only reason that rule exists is to save money, if they actually cared then you could claim the allowance any time of year. The government bring in heating allowance purely to make themselves look good to voters, then make it as difficult as possible to actually recieve so it doesn't cost them too much.

And to the paper pushers who decide who recieves what, bollocks to the rules and show you have some morals of your own, when they are stupid rules just ignore them!

12-11-09, 04:12 PM
'Paper pushers' being the everyday workers? They have to do their job. Systems are in place and you can't just say, "s0d it, we'll ignore our works rules". It's not exactly that easy.

Agree it's a stupid system and how bad we are looking after our own, but not much sending his medals back will do for heating allowance from 2 years ago, sadly.

12-11-09, 05:05 PM
Poor bloke. Makes me hope that the newspaper exposure will help him out so he gets recognised by the council. I'm sure people have pledged to help him out, I would had I the cash to spare, but it wouldn't make right what the council have done.

12-11-09, 06:59 PM
countrys gone to pot completeley,i find that article totaly extraordinary, what a total piss take,wed be talkin german if it wasnt for the likes of him uterly disgusting!

while on the topic of fcuked up councils,services,goverment etc
slightly off topic!

i read today that a guy handed in a sawn off shotgun hed found in a hedge while out with his dog he's handed it in to the police who have charged him with possession of a firearm and will be sentced for it (5 years!!!)wtf!

12-11-09, 08:07 PM
twisty, I read that the guy may be sentenced when he first found it under the hedge. Never knew it was a sawn off though?

Five years for being a respsonsible citizen FFS! I wonder what they would have done if he called the police and told them he had found it?

Talk about having your hands tied though, he couldn't exactly sit on it until the next armistice!