View Full Version : Armistice Day

11-11-09, 09:20 AM
Don't forget to pay your respects and remember the fallen with two minutes silence at 11am chaps. It's the first year that there are no WW1 veterans, the last three surviving all died this year :(

11-11-09, 09:23 AM
already planned my day around it, will be having the silence with my grandparents

11-11-09, 10:30 AM
Will most definately be doing a silence at work - was trying to look up some form of numbers to put remembrance into context but theyre just incomprehensible.

11-11-09, 02:16 PM
Here in Belguim its a National holiday, and is really a big deal, the uk are so far behind on these type of things!

11-11-09, 02:24 PM
I was being wheeled through the hospital at the time, took me a second to figure out why they turned the lights off! I don't wear a watch so didn't realise the time.

Do agree it should be a national holiday though

Tidy Max
11-11-09, 02:24 PM
were you shouting "whats going on!" at the time??

craig green
11-11-09, 02:25 PM
I was at home by myself, no one to talk to anyway.

Hats off to the old service men, dead & alive.

11-11-09, 05:55 PM
same here every thing stop where i was and agreed it should be a natinal holiday

11-11-09, 06:16 PM
payed my respects on sunday at st.helens townhall where they layed the reefs for the fallen.
my dad lost his dad in ww2
and i have the upmost respect for all service men/women who give up a normal life to fight/protect our future sons and daughters..........

i so cant believe this is not a national bank holiday(in a angry tone!!!)

11-11-09, 07:36 PM
I actually forgot to day but I did a 2 min silence at work on sunday.

Total respect for anyone who has been to war, lost a distant friend in Afganistan 2 years ago.