View Full Version : smells like...

George g
09-11-09, 07:58 PM
The gas coming from my cooker smells like parafin... any ideas why?

09-11-09, 07:59 PM
light a ciggy. it ill smell of burning, ant ideas why?

09-11-09, 08:02 PM
because oil is made through an organic process, and parafin is made from oil, and a by-product of the organic process that took millions of years to happen is gas....i dunno, just throwing it out there?

George g
09-11-09, 08:09 PM
Natural gas, I.e. methane has no odour. An artificial smell is put on it so you notice a leak. The smell however is nothing like I have smelt before, hence the question.

Tidy Max
09-11-09, 08:20 PM
might be doing gas works near your house, sometimes they just cut the pipe and hook you up to a canister of paraffin, standard protocol mate

George g
09-11-09, 10:12 PM
might be doing gas works near your house, sometimes they just cut the pipe and hook you up to a canister of paraffin, standard protocol mate

That makes more sense! Cheers

09-11-09, 10:22 PM
http://www.shoutmouth.com/index.php/images/der/L3Zhci93d3cvc2l0ZXMvbWVkaWEuc2hvdXRtb3V0aC5jb20vaH RtbC9kZXJpdnMvMWRmMmQ0Zjg2NzA0ZDQ3NGJmY2QzNGMxYzc2 NGVmYzctMTA0NTMzYmQ2ZGRhZjNiNDUzYWMyZmZlM2E3MGY4MG UuanBn.jpg

Tidy Max
10-11-09, 08:12 AM
sorry mate it was a porker that lol

seemed believeable though, just forget about this reply and enjoy the gift of piece of mind which i have given you :)