View Full Version : Web hosting

09-11-09, 03:11 PM
Looking to start my own web page for work.

Are there any 'free' places that offer web hosting / web space or will they all be chargable? If so, anyone used any webhosting services that are free, what are the best ones by peoples opinions i.e reliability, bandwidth allowances etc

Any help will be greatly appreciated and may result in +rep for those who are extremely helpful :d


Tidy Max
09-11-09, 04:48 PM
LOTS of free web space, but the bandwidth is minimal, so if your hoping to get alot of hits/customers logging on, then your better paying, ive never had my own web page but imo you will be better biting the bullet and paying the 15quid a year or whatever for larger bandwidth

as soon as people start visiting your site abit more regularly and it starts crashing or being banned for 24hours because you have exceeded your bandwidth it wont look very good for your business!

may i recommend trying to find a local IT a level student, alot of their courseword is around creating webpages etc, im sure they would build you a very decent webpage for minimal cash, just an idea anyway mate



READ THIS PAGE it looks usefull for you

09-11-09, 04:54 PM
Cheers for that mate, in terms of designing a website I got that covered. I know html and have dreamweaver to design my page.

I'm not gonna do a crazy flash site just something nice but simple for information purposes etc. Would have to check out some of these places that offer free web space to see how much bandwidth they allow (hence me asking for peoples opinions who have used or know of people who use free web hosting)

Will check that link in a bit (currently downloading a file and doesn't like many pages of surfing at the same time lol)

Thanks :thumb:

Tidy Max
09-11-09, 04:57 PM
ahh no worries, my fault didnt understand fully!

that freesite.com seems to have quite a definitive list! so that will probably help, and dreamweaver ftw lol

what work do you do btw??

09-11-09, 05:13 PM
Audio Engineer, as in recording studio technician but stuff like mixing (not DJ), mastering, post production, sound design etc is also what I do and comes under the Audio Engineering field.

Tidy Max
09-11-09, 05:22 PM
thats what we are involved with, high audio five, the producer we give work to has about 9 sony portugal gold records

09-11-09, 06:40 PM
If its for work or commercial, forget free hosting. Nothing worse than having 3rd party ads all over your site as well as the aforementioned limited bandwidth.

Does your ISP offer any free web space? That should be ad-free, then you can buy a domain name and link it to that. Depending on who your ISP is though, you may be limited as to what you get - don't expect the likes of orange etc to be allowing CGI scripts etc.

My ISP, ADSL24, offer damned good webspace service (shame their actual internet service is sh!t) which I think they may offer as a paid service for non-subscribers.

09-11-09, 07:46 PM
thats what we are involved with, high audio five, the producer we give work to has about 9 sony portugal gold records

Sounds nice, I assume you do photoshop stuff?

RJ may have to look into the ISP thing but I'm using someone elses ADSL at the mo so don't really know. Will have to have a look at maybe buying some webspace if I can find a decently priced one as I'm out of employment as we speak hence me trying to start something myself.

Would be nice to make some cash how ever little from ads on my page but still need to check things out.


09-11-09, 08:28 PM
try http://www.xenoflex.co.uk/

something my mate does. worth a lookie

09-11-09, 10:05 PM
Lots of different web hosting options - can find something reasonable for a fiver a month, budget stuff cheaper. Personally I'd dump dreamweaver though - the code it writes for you if you're using it in designer view isn't great, if you're coding yourself then no panic!

10-11-09, 12:51 PM
Bit of both tbh Prey. Using DreamWeaver CS4 atm. have used it on a few occasions and so far have never come across any problems.

10-11-09, 02:22 PM
What sort of stuff you coded before? (like to be nosey)

10-11-09, 02:44 PM
Just general stuff mate nothing fancy, some stuff for a few mates.

10-11-09, 03:11 PM
Best bet is to buy some proper web space, I use e-uk host £9.99 p/m.

10-11-09, 07:51 PM
If you're gonna do a website to sell yourself I'd recommend staying away from dreamweaver, it's just not up to writing compatible, standards compliant code. Personally I'd look into a wordpress based site - really easy to set up and if you can get into the code and css yourself it's not hard to work with. Hosting wise at fasthosts you can get 4.99 pm and donhost do a 8.99 pm - both reliable.