View Full Version : Hitler was a football team manager... WTF

06-11-09, 09:54 PM
http://www.metro.co.uk/news/article.html?Adolf_Hitler_was_a_football_coach,_th ink_1_in_20_kids&in_article_id=763218&in_page_id=34

Did they goto the most retarded school in the world?

06-11-09, 10:00 PM
yeah i read this in the paper today while on break:wtf:

06-11-09, 10:19 PM
just off the throne after reading that-shocking

Pistol Pete
06-11-09, 10:28 PM
WTF??!! Schools are obviously performing these days then!!

06-11-09, 10:50 PM
it was from a crappy multiple choice questionaire thingy, and should be treated as a crock of $hite.

considering that all primary school kids are studying world war II this year as it is the 70th anniversary of the start of it, i think that this was a poorly responded thing.

07-11-09, 07:33 AM
When I was in primary school we learnt about WW2, every year it was learnt about... it wasnt any fancy anniversary either.

07-11-09, 11:12 PM
We did basic stuff about it at primarty school, then went into more detail at secondary school, although I'm sure that was after GCSE options so anyone who didn't take history wouldn't have learnt about it.

I'm fascinated by both world wars, both of my grandfathers fought in the second world war in various forms. My mum has a collection of medals from her dad.

I'm not surprised about the kids though, I bet the parents of said kids don't have a clue about either wars as well.

07-11-09, 11:15 PM
but surely they all play call of duty lol... thats a factual grounding in history isnt it?

I think we did basics in primary then a touch more detail in 2ndry school history before the options (and then even more detail if you chose that as a GCSE).
Maybe I got lucky with schools in various counties :s

07-11-09, 11:20 PM
Do you think they're even bothered about the why's and hows of CoD? Just that they run about and shoot people. Sweeeeet etc

08-11-09, 12:01 AM
I'm calling it out:

The charity questioned 2,000 children between the ages of nine and 11 about their knowledge of the key people and events of the two wars.

While a quarter admitted they did not think about the soldiers who died in the conflicts...

Yes, it's commonplace to see nine year olds going around in a constant state of mourning and remembrance. Absolute BS! I wouldn't be surprised if the responses were deliberately 'comedy' either, census/Jedi style.

08-11-09, 05:45 PM
tbh if I was given a multiple choice survey asking who hitler was, I'd opt for the funny answer... Despite knowing full well he was manager of Microsoft before BG got in.