View Full Version : Worst Injury/Illness

Chris LR
17-03-03, 01:01 AM
As Started on TCoT, whats been your worst Injury :grab: , Illness :drinking: , Sickness :crazyeye: etc

Mine is simple, at 18 months of age, I was given a boiled egg, big mistake, I had a huge allergic reacion and I died on the way to the Hospital :angel: , but here I am :twisted:

17-03-03, 01:10 AM
my appendix burst and nrly got blood poisoning cus the doctors didnt realise whut was wrong wif me :? they kept sendin me home with more antibiotics for water infection when my appendix had actually burst! couldt even walk or nothing. was really ill for bout a month :cry:

17-03-03, 01:12 AM
smashed my left wrist up in 1997.
almost had to lose my left hand because of it.

drove a forklift truck and crashed into a 10 tonne steel skip...
got wrist trapped between roof support bar at back of truck and the skip.
snapped both wrist bones completely, fractured both in three places i think it was... and also dislocated both wrist joints which is why i almost lost the hand. No circulation.

Now have a really cool 3.5 inch scar and a nifty metal plate bolted in 6 places to the bone to hold it together. Which is nice.

17-03-03, 02:01 AM
viral pneumonia hospital job summer before last! sketchy!!!

Nova Modder
17-03-03, 02:23 AM
tonsilitis... had em wipped out when i was a wee boy though.. all better :)

17-03-03, 09:10 AM
fell out of tree and got winded also my ankle one where it hung out the socket :lol:

17-03-03, 09:57 AM
Last year i broke my ankle and did serious tendon an ligament damage was in plaster for over a month and had 3 months of physio, nose has been broken millions of times! an can dislocate my knee sometimes

17-03-03, 10:45 AM
mine arent really that bad but they all happened in the space of 5 months....

1. fell off my bike in the road, was not wearing helmet (dur), landed on my nose, broke my nose, cut my face quite bad and scratched my eye ball some how!!!

2. was messing about in P.E at school, stacked it and shattered my left collar bone into 5 peices.

3. doing an experiment in chemistry at school was not wearing goggles, bit of potassium manganate 7 went in my eye, burnt my inner lower eyelid, had to have the burn picked off by a doctor with a cotton wool bud.

do i win an award for being stupid!? they were all my fault. lol.

oh yeah, ex girlfriend hit my with handbag, broke my nose again due to bottle of perfume inside the bag.

17-03-03, 01:55 PM
smashed my left wrist up in 1997.
almost had to lose my left hand because of it.

drove a forklift truck and crashed into a 10 tonne steel skip...
got wrist trapped between roof support bar at back of truck and the skip.
snapped both wrist bones completely, fractured both in three places i think it was... and also dislocated both wrist joints which is why i almost lost the hand. No circulation.

Now have a really cool 3.5 inch scar and a nifty metal plate bolted in 6 places to the bone to hold it together. Which is nice.

SNAP! Me too, but i fell of a bike! bout 3.5 inches too, metal plate, pins etc! It was in for a year and then they removed it!

17-03-03, 02:00 PM
mine has to stay for good... :o unless it starts causing me too many problems.

I had my wrist in a cast for 3 months when i did it. :lol:

17-03-03, 02:05 PM
Yeah, i did mine at 15 yrs old so they said it would need to come out coz i was still growing! Had to have it in a cast to my shoulder nearly for that time too! THAT SUCKS!

Makes you realise how much pleasure there actually is in being able to straighten your arm and itch it!

Anybody, just think about it and try and keep your left arm at a bend for as long as possible! NASTY! :x

POOR Whitey and Wisewood

Ben (lurk75)
17-03-03, 02:05 PM
I chopped of my right index finger 9 days into my aprenticship when i was 16.

Was a 14hour operation to replant the finger and had to go to hospital every day for 6 months for rehabilitation.

There were around 175 stitches outside and another 150 inside holding the tendonds/nerves/veins together. Had 3" of metal coiled round the stump to hold the rest on (metal removed in 1999)

6 years on i still cant straighten the finger fully. Only have very limited feeling despite have a nerve transplant from one side of the finger.

Yes i did get compenstaion.

17-03-03, 02:16 PM
Mine was an Illness, within 24-48 hours of being born I had to be operated on as I had cancer. I had my Adrenal gland removed and had to go to hospital every year for 6 monthly checkups till I was 16. I am all clear now though!! :)

17-03-03, 03:08 PM
fell over cut my hand age of 4 = 6 stiches
came off skateboard at high speed when was 6 = very sore a4se + leg after skin/flesh had been removed.

thats it pretty pathetic im just h4rd init :)

17-03-03, 04:48 PM
i dislocated my elbow and twsited my arm right round in '96. cash for about 6 wks then i had to get physio for about a month so i could straighten my arm again. i can vouch for the not being able to scratch yer arm thing tho thats nasty!

whitey? wisewood? are those plates magnetic? :twisted:

17-03-03, 04:57 PM
2 weeks in hospital with glandular fever

17-03-03, 04:58 PM
mine isnt - doesnt set off airport sensors and i have held it against magnets on speakers and it dont stick :lol: good job really.

17-03-03, 07:50 PM
Nope! I still got mine and the screws! Let me keep the bstards! Scary when u look! I can get a pic soon if you want wisewood so you can see what u got in ur arm!

I think they are made of titanium or something stupid! Apparantly NOT cheap!

17-03-03, 07:52 PM
yeah get a pic mate...

i know what it looks like anyway coz they showed me one after the operation. and i could see it on my xrays afterwards too. pretty cool.

17-03-03, 09:21 PM
right not major but not nice

1. died coming out when i was born... but ressuctated (spelling) lol

2. Chopping wood for nan... dad says wath ure finger.... 2 mins later top of figer haning off.... good scar

3. Trying to adjust mini seat, hads by mechanism. push body forward . finger gets caught in mechanism :o ouch !!!!!!!! scream out and luckily dad comes.. figers is pressurising and nearly blowing up :s manage to free it.... mangled... cant write for 2 weeks @ school :lol: figer was actually broken and now last joint is @ different angle to rest of finger :?

4. By far the worst....... racing about on pushbike down hill 2 bumps tyre like jacknifes in frame i go flying....... Goodnight :? Scars include dodgy permanent bump of skull scar on side of face, 10mm roadburn on top of shoulder( not nice) then scars on knuckles knees top of ears :? and other places. :o

As u can see i like hurting myselff i could go on for hours i have more scars than anyone i know

I think its down to knives and generally fucking about

Oh yer scar where ripped eyebrow ring out :?

but luckily never had any bad virus's or nothing


17-03-03, 09:26 PM

A massive scar on my elbow- ripped it open crashing something years ago- stitched it up with no injections- still bits of gravel under the skin they couldnt get out.........nice big scar and my arm was in a state for a while..... :evil:

lemme see.... faint scar on my forehead, one on my thumb also.

But nowt compared to emotional scars/injurys

17-03-03, 11:58 PM
this didnt happen to me but its kinda funny how it happened,

mate was riding his bike on his road, got out of his drive, then 2 doors down he fell off, dont know if he fainted or lost ballance, just fell off, and hit his head, sum builders in a van eating there lunch saw him n called 999, he was in a comer for 3 days. strange.....

18-03-03, 11:44 PM
I was pretty accident prone when I ws younger.

3 yrs old knock self out wholst drinking the dregs of champage glasses at a wedding!

5 yrs old stand on a rake with a hoe at the other end and hoe imbeds into forehead!

6 yrs old - run into a nail head sticking out of a door!

7 yrs old stayng at friends - man of the house brews home made wine - keeps empties at foot of bed in spare room. me speeling is spare rooom wakes up in middle of night to go for p!ss, forgetr where I am and falls out of bed onto bottles!
I sumersaulted and landed back 1st into bottles- smashed loads and the based of one jammed itself into the base of my spine! I have a nice semi circular scar just above my "pant line" about 4" across - had to have 60 stitches. Docs reckones I was 5mm from severing spinal column!

9 yrs old - tryng to see what was inside then jaw breaker god stoppers filled with chewing gum (wanted to see the many coloured layers) - using a serated bread knife, slipped and sliced my left index finger so badly the knife got stuck in the bone! Whenever I point with that finger now it pulses at the end! (joined up nerves wrong!)

10 yrs old jump off a garage room and break ankle and arm (worst summer ever!)

14 yrs old - stapled hand - got infection

18yrs old going to work on bike - carrying a bag - bag gets caught in front wheels throwing me over handle bars! Smash chin off curb - impact causes me top teeth to cut through my top lip and bottom teeth to cut inside of bottom lip - mini bus behind me just missed me but crushed my bike! Was actually taken into the church opposite by local catholic priest who thought I was dead! Came round and kept quoting best m8's telephone number. Got taken to hosptial in said m8's dads new golf which had white leather seats - not for long!!! :o
Fractured skull, concussion, crushed eye socket, many stitches.

Last major accident was last yeart cutting the end of my finger off with a scalpel!

Wifes the worse though - almost died at age of 5 mnths from meningitis!
Also had finger cut off (and then sewn back on) after being trodden on by a horse - same horse almost drowned her too! (since sold!)

(Danger Man)

19-03-03, 12:13 PM
ade... just the worst one would have done mate... :lol:

you and your love of typing... i dunno.

19-03-03, 12:21 PM
had the flu about a week ago :D

had a hernia twice

had my appendix out

also had to have an operatuion on my eye coz of squint when i was little otherwise my right eye would be permently looking to the right!

not a patch on any other of your injurys though your all insane or just unlucky or more likely both :)

20-03-03, 06:06 PM
well lets see: -
got knocked off pushbike doing 42mph down hill and a lad crossed in front of me and here is a list of the injuries: -
Cracked shoulder bone
skinned right arm
road burn on right hand
dislocated hip
skinned right leg

and the worst of all a ?4000 bike down the drain

also when i was born i had my cord thingy wrapped round my neck!
had a fever of 105 degrees and in hospital for 2 wks

went over handle bars of bike and skinned forehead

trapped all of my right fingers in top of car door - breaking all of my fingers

fell on slide face first and broke 2 teeth

snapped akilies tendon doing jump kick as demo for a group of students

jumped on a set of cricket stumps bollox first (that hurt!)

broke a full side of ribs when my brother kicked me in training

broke little finger 5 times+

and thats all i can think off at the mo :onfire: