View Full Version : Halloween

31-10-09, 09:38 PM
HALLOWEEN: the only night paedophiles get a home delivery service.

That is all lol

31-10-09, 09:40 PM
lol good thinking.

31-10-09, 09:47 PM
Its wrong i have no make up and stuff on :(

Best night of the year.

31-10-09, 09:49 PM
Its wrong i have no make up and stuff on :(

Best night of the year.

Crap is it, another load of bollox that we've inherited from the bloody americans lol

General Baxter
31-10-09, 09:50 PM
Crap is it, another load of bollox that we've inherited from the bloody americans lol

wrong its british :thumb:

31-10-09, 09:51 PM
We cant be that stupid surely, if so im off to poland lol

31-10-09, 10:16 PM
so, my youngest daughter & her friend went round visiting the neighbours, and collected a bucket of sweets each...... just what is the problem in that.

Welsh Dan
31-10-09, 10:19 PM
Nothing at all. Its the groups of 16 year old lads that are a PITA around here.

31-10-09, 10:20 PM
Pita ??

Welsh Dan
31-10-09, 10:20 PM
pain in the ****

31-10-09, 10:21 PM
i escorted the girls at a safe distance & i was fully prepared to belt any yobs if they tried anything..

one year, my eldest was dressed as a dalek, including plungers.... and the yobs came running over just to say how cool it looked.

31-10-09, 10:22 PM
The yobs round here sit on the corners getting drunk.

31-10-09, 10:23 PM
Its when you get idiots abusing the system so to speak, which we get alot of round here. You cant sit round here going, awww look at the kids in their costumes cos the local chavs get out and forces them and there parents in, so large amounts of private parties go on, which in my view is a damn sight better anyway. What Welsh said.

31-10-09, 10:25 PM
The yobs round here sit on the corners getting drunk.

that must be why the government is cutting corners........

31-10-09, 10:32 PM
that must be why the government is cutting corners........

Roman roads, no junctions... WIN

31-10-09, 10:38 PM
Accepted begging. Door doesn't get answered.

31-10-09, 11:01 PM
lol so many miserable coots on here, i did it when i was young and always give sweet to the kids.. And love wearing freaky make up.. But this year i just couldn't be arsed as i was at my mates house..

31-10-09, 11:52 PM
Agreed! I've just spent the night dresssed as shrek! (although some would say that's no too far from what i look like anyway lol) had a top night at a supposed "haunted" local castle, one of the pics is too scary!

01-11-09, 12:34 AM
beeen drinking sincce 3pm issh now m proper fookked but halloween rockss!

01-11-09, 01:03 AM
i only got one knock and it was 3 teenagers / i ignored it lol

01-11-09, 01:25 AM
just came though town, been askin my self all the way home what is scarey about naughty school girls? every other ****er was dressed up as one going round the clubs dont get me wrong im not complaining just wonderin,

01-11-09, 06:52 AM
Halloween ftw

Last year we had a mini stig trick or treat :)

This years pumkin...


And i get to eat all the left over sweets :thumb:

01-11-09, 08:14 AM
ncie to see CP has been doing his bit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2799XSIlZM&feature=featured

01-11-09, 08:22 AM
fpmsl lol lol lol

oh and lol lol lol and John, abit of green paint job done lol

01-11-09, 10:10 AM
I was out on a hen do :D So many schlaaaags wearing as little as possibe, most of them could NOT pull it off. Honestly, you'd think their friends/ mothers would tell them they look like damn fools :p

It's good for the kids, my ma' used to make us some amazing costumes.

01-11-09, 11:47 AM
wrong its british :thumb:

Nope its an american custom!

Our door never gets answered on halloween, my mum hates it as she is rather religious and she cant believe what people are celebrating, its like christmas for the devil according to here lol

I was out on the taxi runs for mates last night and one lad couldnt understand why i didnt bat an eyelid when the devil and a female vampire got in my car for a lift to tow, i said thats nowt i had a preist and the incredible hulk in me car about an hour ago lol

And one of my mates had it right on her facebook earlier on, why is it we spend our lives teaching our kids you dont take sweets from strangers, yet this one night a year its fine to send em out door to door begging sweets from strangers....?

01-11-09, 11:53 AM
Took me ages to get my "face" off last night,not a fun thing to do when your trashed

01-11-09, 11:53 AM
our door didnt go once. more sweeties for me to eat now

01-11-09, 11:58 AM
Took me ages to get my "face" off last night,not a fun thing to do when your trashed

Hahahaha, i showed Fraser that pic you sent me and he was in stitches at you lol

Mind you he was equally as funny dressed as the incredible hulk and Ali was dressed as a priest:thumb:

01-11-09, 12:23 PM
Nope its an american custom!

all resources on the net say it started off as british, but as usual, the yanks nicked it & put their own stamp on it.. a bit like christmas, which the yanks seem to think is Santa's Day, and forget about the sprog in the trough, (jesus)

01-11-09, 12:29 PM
all resources on the net say it started off as british, but as usual, the yanks nicked it & put their own stamp on it.. a bit like christmas, which the yanks seem to think is Santa's Day, and forget about the sprog in the trough, (jesus)

That's because Coke own the rights to "santa" as we know him, big fat guy, red suit and a white beard.

01-11-09, 12:36 PM
That's because Coke own the rights to "santa" as we know him, big fat guy, red suit and a white beard.

great urban myths #35

santa was a red coated fat bloke about 100 years before coke did their first adverts..

we can blame germans for mostof our modern christmans traditions.. Prince Albert (the husband of Queen Victoria & not the cock peircing) made the tree popular & most of the carols are of german origin, and Santa Claus is the german version of St. Nicholas, who was alive about 1500 years ago and giving small gifts to people to celebrate christs birth..

the christian church is actually the origin of halloween, but in the last 10 years, they have been trying really hard to get rid of it

01-11-09, 12:53 PM
all resources on the net say it started off as british, but as usual, the yanks nicked it & put their own stamp on it.. a bit like christmas, which the yanks seem to think is Santa's Day, and forget about the sprog in the trough, (jesus)

All Hallows Eve is british and is the big witches sabbath, but the custom of 'Trick or treat' is american and i think thats what Craig was referring to in saying its an american custom tbf:thumb:

01-11-09, 01:00 PM
trick or treat actually has its origins in scotland & ireland....

in West Ireland, they still have a thing on the 26th dec (St. Stephens Day in ireland), known as the 'wren boys', which nearly made me choke when i spent a christmas in co Clare, where kids go from door to door where they sing, dance, tell a story, recite a poem etc, this is apparently the same as the original trick or treat, but the kids tried a mischievious prank or joke in those days, as opposed to knock door, expect sweets, leave etc.

01-11-09, 01:30 PM
great urban myths #35

santa was a red coated fat bloke about 100 years before coke did their first adverts..

we can blame germans for mostof our modern christmans traditions.. Prince Albert (the husband of Queen Victoria & not the cock peircing) made the tree popular & most of the carols are of german origin, and Santa Claus is the german version of St. Nicholas, who was alive about 1500 years ago and giving small gifts to people to celebrate christs birth..

the christian church is actually the origin of halloween, but in the last 10 years, they have been trying really hard to get rid of it

Oh is it? Oh poo.

01-11-09, 01:46 PM
I'm not religious, Christmas for me is about being with family and having a massive feast :D and for seeing the younger ones getting really excited in the run up to the big day.

If I have children, they will be allowed trick-or-treating, but only to houses of friends or family.

01-11-09, 02:29 PM
Halloween, spawning hundreds of thousands of fat kids lol Government tells you everyday to loose weight eat right, and on this day people are gracing the next generation with sugar filled crap. Cant believe they havent tried to ban it yet.

01-11-09, 02:29 PM
my simple rule on my girls when they trick or treat..I wear dark clothes & keep a safe distance and a close eye on them.

01-11-09, 02:30 PM
Halloween, spawning hundreds of thousands of fat kids lol Government tells you everyday to loose weight eat right, and on this day people are gracing the next generation with sugar filled crap.

cobblers, my kids walked miles carrying a bucket, they burnt off more calories than they brought home

01-11-09, 02:35 PM
Kids dont see it like that do they... all that is in their head is 'hmmmm sweets'

01-11-09, 04:26 PM
I'm not religious, Christmas for me is about being with family and having a massive feast :D and for seeing the younger ones getting really excited in the run up to the big day.
Same here.

I see Christmas as a winter holiday; Christ wasn't actually born on Dec 25th, but the Christians merged it with the pagan midwinter holidays (the tree comes from the pagan side of things) in an effort to convert various European hordes to Christianity.

As for Halloween, me & hayley made pumpkins then sat in with DVDs and snacks. Didn't have the energy to go out and do anything special.