View Full Version : Nova Drivers - lol

Chris LR
15-03-03, 09:41 PM
There I was, trying to make driving a Landy look cool. The Sun was out and I was happy enough. I come to a set of lights and alongside me pull a Nova. It was a Fake GSi with wonky stickers on the doors and a ratteling engine under the bonnet.

I was on the Right and had right of way after the lights, he just Sat Revving his Engine (prob 1.2/3) showing off to his mates. I wasn't going to let him get away with it!!!

I knew the Sequence of the Lights and The Landy can Accellerate quickly up to around 40mph. We Waited. I was moments away from the change to Green when I started to roll forward, his immediate reaction was to Stall. I blew away laughing in his face.

You Nova drivers :lol: :roll: :oops:

15-03-03, 10:24 PM

Just passed most likely! Love it, some nova drivers are actually rite coks!

Chris LR
15-03-03, 10:31 PM
The wonky GSi Stickers et me off, wheel trims too!

16-03-03, 02:10 AM
what a jerk

fucking JERK!! HAHAHAA

16-03-03, 09:57 AM
I got some geeza in a Nova in Milton Keynes chucking mcdonalds wrappers out the window at me yesterday. He looked in his mirror then chucked them out. i just fucking dropped a gear and floored it round him!!

16-03-03, 10:06 AM
raaaaaaaaah :lol:

16-03-03, 11:51 AM
I'm embarassed for him and sorry for his car

I mean - hes prob only got the m8's hes got coz hes got a car - and he cannae even drive it rite - they'll kick the sh1te oot him/it now

The car may have had a chance in the arms of a proper modder (us)

Oh well - another (what could have been good) nova consigned to the halls of hells ned drivers!

16-03-03, 12:39 PM
lmfao go on landy!!!

i have seen some right pricks driving novas in the past its no wonder we get such a reputation! wankers

Chris LR
16-03-03, 05:26 PM
It's not a view anybody should see, a half painted Landy whizzing away with blue smoke out of the exhaust.

I even managed a wheelspin today! Well it was on Gravel.......

16-03-03, 08:26 PM
was ya chuffed? :lol:

Chris LR
16-03-03, 08:53 PM
To beat a Nova or pop a Wheelspin?

Well it doesn't matter I was proud of both of em :lol:

16-03-03, 08:57 PM
lol i can imagin the grin on ure face when doin both

Chris LR
16-03-03, 09:04 PM
In all honesty that wasn't my first wheel spin, my first was on some wet grass, when I managed to spin all 4 at once. The grin was wisewood style when I did that.

That Nova was asking to be beaten, The Landy being Special has a Low Ration G/Box for towing Large weights, thus making is quick to accelerate when un-loaded.

I even gave him a 'toot' as I set off

16-03-03, 10:47 PM
To beat a Nova or pop a Wheelspin?

ent it four wheel drive?

or does it have the diff lever?

Chris LR
16-03-03, 11:04 PM
Normally it's RWD put at the push of a lever it's 4WD.

My Next Goal is a Dougnut, I Think I'll need some, ice to acchive that tho :(

17-03-03, 09:18 AM
lol ull have to get a vid cam of it!!!

put it on here :lol:

21-03-03, 09:17 AM
Sounds fun!
I've got some wicked photos of my nova doing endo's, but wheel spin? never!