View Full Version : Renting or Buying Houses

25-10-09, 10:07 PM
Martin and I were having this debate and then saw it happening in the BNP thread so thought I would start a thread.

Martin and I have been dating for three and half years and are eager to move in together. However, we have both only just finished degree's and started working full time.

I am willing to save enough money for a deposit and then rent a small place and then save to buy a house, mainly because I am very unhappy at home. I am 21 and sharing a bedroom with my 19 year old sister. I have never had my own room, I have no privacy and get no sleep because there are so many people in the house.

Martin doesn't agree with renting, he thinks it's money down the drain and a waste of time and we should stay living at our parents house and save for a mortgage. But this condemns me to at least 18 more months at home and I dont think I can take it.

SO discuss, renting or buying?

25-10-09, 10:12 PM
rent to start off with then buy. trust me no matter how well you think you get on/know each other moving in is often make or break for couples cos of annoying habits etc. me and the lady have been renting 4 yrs now

25-10-09, 10:13 PM
he doesnt love you. its just his way of saying its over... lol

na. i agree. stay at the rents till youve got the money

25-10-09, 10:28 PM
Im with Martin on this one. And to be fair, if you move in with him, he'll be in your room so you wont actually have your own space.

25-10-09, 10:30 PM
and you will have car parts everywere and a XE rebuild in the livingroom lol

25-10-09, 10:36 PM
renting is waste as it could be money towards the deposit. move into the loft as a temporary measure lol

25-10-09, 10:40 PM
A friend of my mrs bought a house with her boyfriend,they spent £30k doing it up then moved in together and lasted 3months.
Shes now back at home

The Simps
25-10-09, 10:46 PM
Renting for a year is a good idea as a young couple not only to see if you'll get on but to get used to paying rent, bills etc. Its suprising how much it costs to run a house, buy food etc.

The Simps
25-10-09, 10:49 PM
In regards to the general question of rent/buy I can see the pro's & cons of both. I'm nearly 28 and have owned my house for 3 1/2 yrs now. I love my house but regret buying it sometimes as it tied me down so young.

At the age of 21 I certainly wouldn't be looking to buy as you're still really finding yourself and don't know where you might settle, end up etc. Keep flexible. You've got the rest of your life to worry about a mortgage!

25-10-09, 10:51 PM
as kelly said, i would rather bust a gut saving for a year or two and get a place.

my parents have said if me and kelly save hard and get say 5k they will match it. which i think is fantastic and would help us alot.

but they wouldn't do it if we rented, im sure they would buy us stuff but no where near 5k

and as kelly said, i just think, on our small incomes, we wouldnt be able to afford, rent and all the bits that come with it, bills etc. our social life and saving for a house.

also, and yeh i said this to kelly but its not the main point. i wouldnt be able to work on my cars and engine etc etc, which is my main hobby.

p.s cheer guys for the comments :)

The Simps
25-10-09, 10:54 PM
Also, as well as getting used to pay for running a house it will give you a chance to "slowly" acquire furniture rather than slapping it all on credit!

25-10-09, 10:55 PM
i have always said that renting is dead money but i can see people's point when saying it can kill a relationship moving in together. The only problem i could see with renting is you most probaly wouldnt have enough money to rent a house and also save for a deposit for morgage for a house so it catch 22 lol

And dont listen to him ^ he is a morgage adviser so he just want's his commission when he sells you one lol

The Simps
25-10-09, 10:56 PM
And dont listen to him ^ he is a morgage adviser so he just want's his commission when he sells you one lol

You're right!! I should be encouraging you to save up for a house!!! lol

25-10-09, 11:00 PM
Prob been said, but renting is a false economic.

You cant save when you are paying rent. So it makes it really hard. As less you are happy to jut keep renting.

25-10-09, 11:03 PM
Prob been said, but renting is a false economic.

You cant save when you are paying rent. So it makes it really hard. As less you are happy to jut keep renting.

yeh, if me and kelly were on really good money and we coudl afford to rent and save i would.

but i think, i want my own house, so i can work on it, do things to it with out worrying, is this ok, is that ok. and it all being pointless when we move out

25-10-09, 11:04 PM
I know you want your own space but i would seriously stay at home as long as you can.That way you can save as much as you can.No way will you ever be able to save while you rent,it simply does not happen believe me ive tried

The Simps
25-10-09, 11:14 PM
If you're not able to save while your renting how are you going to be able to do up the house etc. Sounds to me like it will just be a massive stretch of resources either way.

25-10-09, 11:16 PM
yeh, if me and kelly were on really good money and we coudl afford to rent and save i would.

but i think, i want my own house, so i can work on it, do things to it with out worrying, is this ok, is that ok. and it all being pointless when we move out

Yeah, sadly you need a good deposit now to get something..

What are house prices like near you both? Small house to start on...

25-10-09, 11:17 PM
If you're not able to save while your renting how are you going to be able to do up the house etc. Sounds to me like it will just be a massive stretch of resources either way.

at least if we get a mortage, we can do up the house in our own time.

25-10-09, 11:18 PM
Yeah, sadly you need a good deposit now to get something..

What are house prices like near you both? Small house to start on...

my mum was looking the other day, i think, 2 up 2 down about 90k, and thats the low end of things. can get ex council houses for abit more.

but in general everything cheap is about 100k

25-10-09, 11:24 PM
That's still cheap!

Down here 1bed flats go for 100k

The Simps
25-10-09, 11:27 PM
Suffolk prices aren't too bad I have to say. Down on the south coast its crazy. I know where my mate is in brighton its a joke! Just like london.

Be very careful when you start mortgage shopping. The low rates at present make it all look so cheap and affordable but in reality when the rates go up you'll be getting bent over hard. I can see a lot of first timers especially getting caught out.

The Simps
25-10-09, 11:28 PM
To add to my above. Even tho the rate may be say 3% on your deal, a reputable lender should be "stressing" your affordability based around 6%.

Lee H
25-10-09, 11:41 PM
Me and the missus rent at the moment. We can still have the same lifestyle as when we still lived at home pretty much and we are not putting ourselves under a lot of financial pressure.

I figured we can obviously rent a far better house than we can afford a mortgage on. Also I wouldn't want a house were the mortgage was as much as the rent we pay as it would be a terraced house in a crap area.

The Simps
25-10-09, 11:58 PM
Me and the missus rent at the moment. We can still have the same lifestyle as when we still lived at home pretty much and we are not putting ourselves under a lot of financial pressure.

I figured we can obviously rent a far better house than we can afford a mortgage on. Also I wouldn't want a house were the mortgage was as much as the rent we pay as it would be a terraced house in a crap area.


26-10-09, 12:12 AM
Some basic questions need to be asked here before you do anything.

1. How much do you both earn? If you don't mind me asking... but then you do kinda need to know that to figure out what you can afford.

2. How much space do you need? In terms of rooms, sizes, garage/garden etc. I most certainly wouldn't buy/rent a 1 bed flat unless I couldn't afford anything else, in fact I'd even wince at buying/renting a 2 bed property. I'd also struggle without my garage.

3. What are the rental prices like round your way? And the purchase prices? Take a while to study the markets, see what sells or lets and for what price. Ask your friends what they pay.

4. Do you have any friends that you could co-rent with? I'd rather pay £450 a month for the 3 bed house I have with my sister than spend £500 + bills on a 1 bed flat on my own. Plus, as we both pay the same amount, that gives us a £900 pot each month which is more than enough to cover rent + bills.

5. Can you actually survive in close proximity without killing each other? I don't mean just a week or whatever on holiday, or spending every night round each other's houses, I mean being in each others way ALL the time. Which again will be worse in a small house, and especially so if its just the two of you in the property.

Now then, as for the rental vs buying debate... unless you can get hold of at least £20k, I'd forget buying just yet. I would sorely recommend trying the rental thing for 6 months or so just to see how you get on together; Ok you may not be saving that much money (again, thats down to the question of how much you earn) but you'll get a good idea of how well you can live on together, away from parents. At the end of the 6 months if it doesn't work out OR you decide it has worked and you want to save for a house, you can simply go back home, although it will be tough lol If you moved into a new purchase and you realised it didn't work out, you'd be lumbered with a house you would need to sell - and needing to sell is bad as you may end up out of pocket.

Its up to you, but if I was you I wouldn't rush into committing to a purchase right now, even if you could afford it. A house is the most expensive thing you will buy in your lifetime (if its not, you've done well), and it can also be a costly mistake to make.

26-10-09, 12:24 AM
Me & my partner have been saving & renting for 6 years. We thought it would be a great time to buy now as the market is cheaper. We went to the bank basicly got turned down after saving £40k & on £24k each. Its not a massive amount but cant believe we got turned down after alot of effort with no treats or holidays so i would say rent for as long as you can have fun & spend some money before getting tied down with a mortgage.

26-10-09, 12:29 AM
You have £40k and they turned you down?!

Fcuk it, I'm moving to New Zealand! (http://www.rightmove.co.uk/overseas-property/property-23760649.html?locationIdentifier=WORLD_REGION^214&sortByPriceDescending=false&minBedrooms=4&pageNumber=1&fromSummary=true&backToListURL=%2Foverseas-property%2Ffind%2FNew-Zealand.html%3FlocationIdentifier%3DWORLD_REGION%2 55E214%26sortByPriceDescending%3Dfalse%26minBedroo ms%3D4)

26-10-09, 12:39 AM
You have £40k and they turned you down?!

Fcuk it, I'm moving to New Zealand! (http://www.rightmove.co.uk/overseas-property/property-23760649.html?locationIdentifier=WORLD_REGION^214&sortByPriceDescending=false&minBedrooms=4&pageNumber=1&fromSummary=true&backToListURL=%2Foverseas-property%2Ffind%2FNew-Zealand.html%3FlocationIdentifier%3DWORLD_REGION%2 55E214%26sortByPriceDescending%3Dfalse%26minBedroo ms%3D4)

yep I must admit havnt shopped around only been to lloydstsb as banked with them for years & halifax. turned down by both only way we can get one is by making either mine or my partners parents guarantors against their own house. been told this is the best way first time buyers can get a mortgage. My parents prob would but id like to do this on my own like most people would.

The Simps
26-10-09, 12:43 AM
I take it its because berkshire properties are expensive or do you have a lot of extra outgoings? loans etc?

The Simps
26-10-09, 12:44 AM
On 24k each you'd be looking at 3.5 x 48k for most lenders for your top line. Then its a case of the affordability of the payments. So unless you were simply looking to mortgage for too much or you have a lot of other outgoings?

26-10-09, 12:46 AM
This is definately a difficult decision to make. As has been said, you need to find out wether your relationship can work when you are in each others pockets. I live with Hay for 5 years at her mums before we moved. I ended up wanting to kill her mum instead of her, so that part was fine lol Now we're in a static caravan and probably wont be even thinking about laying the first brick of our house for at least 2 years what with constant battles with the bank and the council. Its starting to be quite an epic struggle, but on top of it all we have our own space and that makes it ALL worthwhile!

I doubt you will be able to save for a mortgage whilst renting, and now really is the time to buy a house as far as the prices go, but not in regards to the banks all being completely ruined. As Simps said, you will end up being completely rogered by interest rates in a few years, couple that to the drastic tax increases we will suffer when Cameron has to attempt to rebuild the mess the fat ass scotsman will have left the country in, then im afraid your going to be completely screwed, as will a lot of others in your situation.

Long and short of it is, I would rent, and rent from someone you know has the house paid for, who isn't going to be having mortgage issues of their own and passing the increases onto you.

I firmly believe houses are going to become a damn hard thing to come by until the banks are fixed, and seeing as the country is currently borrowing 6k a second, i can't see that being that close in the future.

26-10-09, 04:26 AM
We rent, not a bad place, loads of room, can leave car bits everywhere lol and i doubt we could afford to buy a place as nice as this.

Would like to buy, just with Mrs Hobbit being on a temp contract we dont have much choice.

26-10-09, 05:42 AM
Rent, then buy, whats the point in putting your names on a mortgage if you find you hate each other after a few months? bare in mind it won't happen now because you can both just go back to your own houses,

being stuck together with the only way to escape is to go to work is a different thing

But i moved out 2 weeks after my 18th, yes i was broke as f*ck, but it was one of the best decisions i ever made!

26-10-09, 07:35 AM
I also got my first rented house at 18 when my first daughter was born and rented till i was 22 when i bought the house i,m in now.I,m now 25 with 3 kids,wife,2 novas,vectra and my own house carnt get any better lol :thumb:

26-10-09, 08:36 AM
mr RJ, i earn about 900 a month, not a great amount. but is plenty while i live at home.

and kelly is at debenhams atm contracted 8 hours, but getting alot of over time, so maybe 500 a month. but thats not guarnteed and hopefully for not much longer. she is looking for a fultime job, hopefully something will come about soon.

i have read every reply and it in interesting.

a few questions.

someone said rent for 6 months. would we not get tied into a years contract with certain things like internet? and other things?

40k saved, how the fook did you not get a mortage lol.

im still unsure what to do lol

26-10-09, 08:46 AM
It depends if your on a short term or long term rental agreement

Most landlords use short term contract so they can kick you out if they don't like you, Companies tend to use long term contracts, as they don't care aslong as they get money

as for internet etc, you can take it when you move

26-10-09, 10:03 AM
Get mobile broadband,cheaper and you take it anywhere and you dont need to fork out for a landline

26-10-09, 10:04 AM
As said, your gonna need a 40k upwards deposit,

You really need more stable jobs tbh, as if you cant pay the morgage with one persons wages, then if one of you does loose your job, you will loose everything!

Be prepared to get a cruddy old place, and work hard on it!

Best is to go either out the way, or a nice semi roural town, therefor leaving you lots of room to extend/develop if you ever have/adopt/find kids etc!

craig green
26-10-09, 10:11 AM
Martin and I have been dating for three and half years and are eager to move in together. However, we have both only just finished degree's and started working full time.

I am willing to save enough money for a deposit and then rent a small place and then save to buy a house, mainly because I am very unhappy at home. I am 21 and sharing a bedroom with my 19 year old sister. I have never had my own room, I have no privacy and get no sleep because there are so many people in the house.

Martin doesn't agree with renting, he thinks it's money down the drain and a waste of time and we should stay living at our parents house and save for a mortgage. But this condemns me to at least 18 more months at home and I dont think I can take it.

SO discuss, renting or buying?

From the above statement I would suggest if you guys do share a place, never tell anyone from any authority that you guys are a couple, merely mates sharing living expenses*. Secondly, though renting is the opposite of gradually paying off your own mortgage & being on your way to properly 'owning' your own roof over your head, arguably, anyone that had that idea 3 or 4 years ago probably wishes they hadnt.
It's swings & roundabouts wether buying is better than renting imo, we live in a society where we are led to believe bought is best. Thats not to say it actually is. over 80% of the german population rent for example.

Lastly, good luck having the patience to come up with a 15% deposit for a mortgage. Most people would die before finding it! lol

* If you ever have to fall back on any benefits, the liklihood is that one of you will get shafted & made to support the other. This isnt the case if you aren't boyfriend & girlfriend (common law) relations.

26-10-09, 10:18 AM
So commiting benefit fraud is the answer is it??:tard:

craig green
26-10-09, 10:23 AM
No, its just you end up getting shafted.

Thius time last year I had a job, a flat & a Mrs.

Now I have none of the above because my then GF apparently earned a tad too much above the housing benefit threshold, now I am 30 & living with my folks. I'm not sure we could have survived on her wage which is quite unfair & un-realistic.

If I was living with a mate, he wouldnt have been obliged to support me & I would have been entitled to housing benefit. Thats what I am getting at.

26-10-09, 10:28 AM
Its fraud whatever excuse you give lol
Yes you get shafted but they still go home at 5.30 and sleep well i bet.

craig green
26-10-09, 10:30 AM
Its fraud whatever excuse you give lol
Yes you get shafted but they still go home at 5.30 and sleep well i bet.

WTF are you on about?

Ther is no fraud in the above statement! :eek:

26-10-09, 10:32 AM
WTF are you on about?

Ther is no fraud in the above statement! :eek:

Saying your not bf/gf is fraud, but then again, prove they are?

They may just have been friends with the right privaledges?

26-10-09, 10:32 AM
Rent, I choose to spend £750 a month on a lush 2 Bed apartment, yes i could get a mortgage for that much IF i had a lump sum.

Southsea is flipping expensive, and i live on the seafront, so i'd imagine you could do it for a hell of a lot cheaper than that. Split between two people, it's not much to deduct from your pay packet, as long as you're on 15k+ Pa.

As said - Living with him could make or break it, and limits you're responsibiliies compared to owning a house.

26-10-09, 10:33 AM
I moved out with friends and it went well, and got me used to the cost of living/running a car and having fun. 6 months later when my girlfriend moved to Manchester, I decided to follow her up. I didn't really see this coming when I first moved out of my parents house just 6 months before. It's amazing how things can change in such a short space of time, if I'd have bought somewhere, it would have made the move so difficult and it may never have happened. We've lived together for a year now in a small place and it's been really good for us both. I think if we'd decided that it wasn't working though, it wouldn't have been such a big deal moving apart as it's only a rented place.

You may be throwing money down the drain when you rent, but its a safer 'sandpit' version of getting on the property ladder, especially when you need to learn to live with a partner. You'll also get a clearer idea of what sort of house you will want to buy. I now know what type of location I want and that a tiny kitchen is a bad idea whereas before if we were buying from the off, I wouldn't have minded.

26-10-09, 10:33 AM
If you are sleeping in the same bed then you are classed as a couple,simple really.
And yes they can turn up without notice to check you out

26-10-09, 10:39 AM
Its fraud whatever excuse you give lol
Yes you get shafted but they still go home at 5.30 and sleep well i bet.

I'm with adam on this, i can't see how this isn't benefit fraud !?

26-10-09, 10:40 AM
If you are sleeping in the same bed then you are classed as a couple,simple really.
And yes they can turn up without notice to check you out

It's simple really. If you are a couple, and you're telling authorities otherwise to benefit yourself financially - It's fraud.

26-10-09, 10:40 AM
it is fraud because you are lying to the council / government to obtain / pay less money

26-10-09, 10:41 AM
Exactly the point i was trying to make,btw whos adam? lol

26-10-09, 10:54 AM
Exactly the point i was trying to make,btw whos adam? lol

Andy, Adam . All the same really lol

26-10-09, 10:57 AM
lol lol

craig green
26-10-09, 10:59 AM
I'm with adam on this, i can't see how this isn't benefit fraud !?
I didnt receive any benefits.

it is fraud because you are lying to the council / government to obtain / pay less money

I havent lied to anyone. I fell foul of there policy & had to surrender my flat.
Thats what telling the truth gets you. :roll:

I fail to see any wrong doing in paying NI & income taxes for 12 years then when you actually need the system to help you, like it is set out to do in it's namesake, the system is actually a massive let down. 5 years ago, I claimed housing benefit for a period spanning 4 weeks, I lived witha mate & was entitled to the benefit. Wheres the f**king difference? Other than he was a (self employed) high earner whereas my ex GF earned a touch more than me (next to F**k all I can tell you)..

Now tell me you wouldnt move your undies drawer to the spare room & plead your case!!!???

Since when has this place been such a moral high ground???? lol

26-10-09, 11:01 AM
I think you will find that benefit fraud winds everybody up as ultimately its working peoples taxes that fund it,while they are working hard 40hrs a week.while these cunts are sat in pub all day or smoking reefers

craig green
26-10-09, 11:08 AM
I was merely coaching Kelbeele & Martin how not to F**k up like I did.
Amongst our 'OT' drivel is some good advice.

Anyway I'm late for my pub breakfast & midday spliff! lol

26-10-09, 11:09 AM
flol lol

26-10-09, 11:14 AM
We rent, not a bad place, loads of room, can leave car bits everywhere lol and i doubt we could afford to buy a place as nice as this.
I'd just like to add, the House of Hobbit is massive. And in the middle of nowhere, in Cornwall. How the hell some londoner hasn't come and bought it for £1 million I will never know lol

mr RJ, i earn about 900 a month, not a great amount. but is plenty while i live at home.

someone said rent for 6 months. would we not get tied into a years contract with certain things like internet? and other things?
Feck me, at your age I was earning about £250 in a part time job whilst at college lol

As said, either try mobile broadband, or look for a house with a phone line already in it. You can get monthly Net connections, mine was 3 month initially now its a 30 day rolling contract.

As for the benefit thing, they're not dense. If a bloke & girl are sharing a place and their surnames are NOT the same or they haven't put the same names down as next of kin, you'd have a hard time proving you weren't partners. Heck, even our rental agency got a little twitchy (lord knows why, its nothing to do with them) when I moved in with my sister, til they met us and realised she too had a beard.

26-10-09, 12:33 PM
I think you will find that benefit fraud winds everybody up as ultimately its working peoples taxes that fund it,while they are working hard 40hrs a week.while these cunts are sat in pub all day or smoking reefers

lollol +rep

The Simps
26-10-09, 12:35 PM
til they met us and realised she too had a beard.

fpmsl lol

26-10-09, 01:33 PM
Hmmm, it's a hard choice.

I don't think moving in together and getting a mortgage straight off is a good idea. It doesn't matter how long you have been together, you could move in and hate each other. You only really know what someone's like when you live with them.

On the other hand, it's much harder to save for a mortgage when you are renting.

So it's up to you, are you prepared to take the risk of getting a mortgage?

26-10-09, 01:56 PM
Just to add, we got a 6 month contract on our rental.

26-10-09, 02:03 PM
Renting initially is the only way to save being landed with a HUGE mess should things not work out!

Yeah, it has it's pitfalls and I too think it is like throwing money away but it's the only sensible way to see how compatible you are together.

26-10-09, 02:08 PM
ive been renting on/off with my missus for the last 4years

we nearly bought a house 2 years ago but 100k debt at 800pcm scared the **** out of me so we didnt go through with it - good job really as we've gone our seperate ways since then and moved back together lol

atm im in a fair bit of debt (god damn partying and vauxhalls lol) so im clearing that, rebuilding my credit file then saving for a house deposit, when we do buy ill make sure i can afford the house on my own should anything happen tho ;) lol

Pistol Pete
26-10-09, 05:59 PM
Rent first, buy a house later. My g/f and i bought our house just over 2 years ago. We rented for about 2 years prior.

TBH as most have said, you could buy a house and 6 months later it could all go pete tong! Rent for a while (most agencies will do 6 months). Also shop around. Some of the bigger agents are rip off merchants and want fees galore.

BUT when renting remember why you are doing it. Dont spend all the free cash you've got on lash ups and widescreen tellies lol. Save hard. It will be worth it in the long run. Also once you do buy a house be prepared to sacrifice alot. Spare cash is pretty much a no no!!! Harsh truth!


26-10-09, 07:23 PM
For a start, i agree with Craig :thumb:

Kelbelle, could you not move in with Martin's parents? You've mentioned before that they have a large house. I think you should move in there and both pay extra rent to his parents and take on responsibilities like housework and shopping (think of the extra rent like being on the emergency tax code). That way, you'll get used to paying more rent/bills and have some independence. You'll also find out whether you could be happy living together. If you did that for a year or so until you've saved up, his parents could give you the extra rent back, plus the money they're offering.

No one knows what state the country will be in in 12 months time. Other countries have already escaped the recession.

26-10-09, 07:27 PM
my sources tell me the housing market will be stagnant throughout 2010

26-10-09, 07:47 PM
my sources tell me the housing market will be stagnant throughout 2010

my workload tells me its gonna be longer than that... we are doing and also pricing up tons more home improvement work. a sure sign that people are not going to move in the near future....

Kel & Martin, either find a shared house, or try any 'country' estate agents, you'd be amazed how many 2 bed rural properties get rented out at decent money, a lot of people who rent want to live in the town...

26-10-09, 07:49 PM
I think you will find that benefit fraud winds everybody up as ultimately its working peoples taxes that fund it,while they are working hard 40hrs a week.while these cunts are sat in pub all day or smoking reefers

Thats a bit of a sweeping statement. As Craig said, if someone was paying their taxes for a few decades,. and then needs the system to help them for a fecking WEEK, then I couldnt care less if their Mrs suddenly became their room mate. You cannot compare that to a leeching benefits family who haven't done a days work in their lives can you!!!!!!!

26-10-09, 07:49 PM
my workload tells me its gonna be longer than that... we are doing and also pricing up tons more home improvement work. a sure sign that people are not going to move in the near future....

Kel & Martin, either find a shared house, or try any 'country' estate agents, you'd be amazed how many 2 bed rural properties get rented out at decent money, a lot of people who rent want to live in the town...

a rural locaton gets you loads more house per pound and normally outdoor space

if only my missus could drive :(

26-10-09, 07:52 PM
Cheers Mowgli, gives me over a year to save then ;)

I was going to comment on the benefit debate thing, but thought it was too far gone to bother, but since its here, I agree with Lee, and if i was in the same position, i would do exactly the same, im not a benefit leech, and have actually only been on the dole for 2 weeks since 16, but each to thier own i suppose

Rural places do get you loads, i know someone in north wales around the farms etc, and they have a field to crash cars in lol or whatever the welsh choose to do...in a field....

26-10-09, 07:58 PM
rent to start off with then buy. trust me no matter how well you think you get on/know each other moving in is often make or break for couples cos of annoying habits etc. me and the lady have been renting 4 yrs now

He speaks the truth!! Me & my ex lived together, sharing the bills etc an all that crap, all turned sour big time.

Altho at the minute is an ideal time to buy. If you have contacts in the building trade even more so. Im planning on buying another house but ones thats in dire need of modernisation, as i can take the work on myself, just its not to everyones taste unfortunatly.

26-10-09, 08:04 PM
I've had my own place since being about 20 ish, Im 27 now i think i moved back to my mums for a little bit in between while i was changing carrers.

I've been with mrs rexy for 5years and we still have not moved in togeather... However, once she has sorted a proper full time job we will be looking or somewhere else to live.

I would never buy a house in this area, and i doubt i would buy a house at all in the uk as it sucks **** and i cannot be 100% sure i will not be made redundant at any time etc. So im playing it safe, If a job popped up abroad i could basically jump at it as im only renting. Thats how i see things and TBH i will not change the way i want to live.

I will always rent, Plus its nice to change every couple of years ;)

26-10-09, 08:24 PM
SO much said here that I cannot even think of all the things I wanted to reply.

Martin and I see each other every day and have lived together for a week. 2 weeks and 3 weeks at various times when his rents have gone away. I think we are used to each other but the last time his parent's went away we did argue a bit (mainly about his lack of housework! lol) but we battled through.
We have two friends that are a couple and pride themselves on being the perfect couple who have 'never had a fight' but even they argued for the first few weeks when they moved in together so I understand the difficulties. But yes this is another reason for wanting to rent first.

We have about 6 main friends and 3 of them already live together and the other two are exes lol so not really viable housemate options.

26-10-09, 08:39 PM
You battled through three whole week? wow lol

26-10-09, 08:46 PM
You battled through three whole week? wow lol

3 sodding weeks!!! i've had longer angry silences from the missus than that!!!!!

Pistol Pete
26-10-09, 08:46 PM
SO much said here that I cannot even think of all the things I wanted to reply.

Martin and I see each other every day and have lived together for a week. 2 weeks and 3 weeks at various times when his rents have gone away. I think we are used to each other but the last time his parent's went away we did argue a bit (mainly about his lack of housework! lol) but we battled through.
We have two friends that are a couple and pride themselves on being the perfect couple who have 'never had a fight' but even they argued for the first few weeks when they moved in together so I understand the difficulties. But yes this is another reason for wanting to rent first.

We have about 6 main friends and 3 of them already live together and the other two are exes lol so not really viable housemate options.

Dont take this the wrong way, that is nothing like living under the same roof 24/7.

Find a small, cheap flat and get a 6 month agreement. That way its long enough to get an idea of bills, what you need money wise month to month but its also short enough so if it does go wrong you can bail at the end!

3 sodding weeks!!! i've had longer angry silences from the missus than that!!!!!

lol being in the dog house FTL!

26-10-09, 08:49 PM
3 sodding weeks!!! i've had longer angry silences from the missus than that!!!!!
lol same here I like it though,bit of piece and quiet

26-10-09, 08:57 PM
rent ftw, someone else pays to fix the place lol

26-10-09, 08:59 PM
rent ftw, someone else pays to fix the place lol
Thats right.When a boiler sh1ts its pants theres a lot to be said for renting lol

26-10-09, 09:04 PM
We are renting at the moment mainly due to the fact we dont have enough savings at the moment to put down a decent deposit on somewhere. In a few years time we will but i'm happy that there is someone else at this time to pay for any problems in the house.

26-10-09, 09:09 PM
The other half an I moved in together properly after 8 months, rented for 18 months before buying (more by chance than deliberately). Others we know jumped straight into buying after being together for years and funily enough fell out within 6 months..... so renting isnt dead money, the only bad bit imho is the rip off fees the letting agents charge.

DIY is an addiction that costs funk loads if you arent careful lol. Then you get bored and dont bother finishing stuff thus living in a semi building site. Not nice lol

26-10-09, 09:14 PM
We had to pay £180 "admin fees"
Which consisted of them asking us to sign a few bits of bog roll called a tenancy agreement lol

26-10-09, 09:20 PM
We had to pay £180 "admin fees"
Which consisted of them asking us to sign a few bits of bog roll called a tenancy agreement lol

then they charge it again when you renew.... so they havent had to pay to advertise it, no checks, no work at all bar changing the names and dates on the pre written contract. £150 from us, and then 10% of the rent from the landlord..... yeah cushty deal for them :mad:

26-10-09, 09:42 PM
Private rent FTW :)

27-10-09, 07:13 AM
Private rent FTW :)

+1 - our rent is 500quid PCM all bills included :cool:

im better off now than when i lived at home tbh

27-10-09, 10:29 AM
+1 - our rent is 500quid PCM all bills included :cool:

im better off now than when i lived at home tbh

Did you pay £500 pcm at home????:eek:

27-10-09, 10:48 AM
Did you pay £500 pcm at home????:eek:

no, i payed 50quid a week plus i ended buying food/takeaways all month as there was never any decent food in the fridge/freezer

27-10-09, 01:41 PM
no, i payed 50quid a week plus i ended buying food/takeaways all month as there was never any decent food in the fridge/freezer

Was going to say, you must have been hated to be paying that to parentslollollollollol