View Full Version : I need some help (done something silly)

25-10-09, 06:48 PM
Right before the piss taking starts i am posting this as a last resort to ensure i do things right so this is a genuine plea (all be it embarrasing)


After a year or so of umming and arring i finally went down to the local leisure centre and had a poke about to see what is what. Tomorrow i am going down for some induction nonsense and am aiming to use the gym facilities along with the pool, the reasoning for this is i seriously need to get my health back on track for one reason or another and have taken the plunge to make a fool of myself lol. Right then, my plea is due to the fact i know absolutley nothing about this. I know with this induction thing they work out a program to suit your needs etc etc etc, but for this to work for me i ideally want to start off correctly and a wealth of various experiences is better than just making up something i know nothing of. Ok, as explained i am very ignorant with all things fitness wise, unsure how to word this but my 'aim' is to improve my fitness above and beyond previous levels. There is a chance of me entering a half marathon in may, its a very slim one but for a true goal its about the best ever. So i need to drastically improve my overall fitness and endurance, with a catch, i am still fairly active at work so maintaining/slightly improving my build and strength must go hand in hand with it.

What help??

The fags are being stopped immediatley BUT what do i eat/drink, when etc etc. My days start at 5.45am, arrive at work for 7am, stop for food at 10am and 1pm, aiming to finish work at 5, leave by 6 and arrive at gym by 7pm for god knows what. For all of this to work i have to be 100% into it and have already explained to the people at the gym that i have to be on tight targets to keep the interest, this is the way i have been all my life and its that constant push that i revel in (remember the original grey nova build lol)

I presume that my aim is going to involve mon/wed/fri being the cardio running like a **** with cycling swimming etc and the tue/thur/sat being weights with a day of rest (thats probably a load of ****, i'll see what the gym set out for me)

Anyone into this or that has done it offer any advice towards it. Its probably the eating etc side of things that are the most important as my diet isnt the best with generally larger than normal portions, what do i eat, when is best etc etc. The most recent pic of me was in my 'bored' thread wearing a non flattering bright yellow png t shirt lol lol lol

AND TO FINISH, i know the vultures are probably circling to take the piss, i have just spent an hour writing this as its fairly serious and i feel a dick anyway so there is no place for comments like that here please

25-10-09, 06:50 PM
My advice is to eat a little, often. IE, loads of fruit etc etc.

Going to the gym will only be a benefit, you'll hurt like hell for the first few time's you go.

Keep at it, you might enjoy it. :thumb:

25-10-09, 06:54 PM
This is where i get ripped a new one as well.

Last year i lost 3.5 stone, i joined slimming world, sat there with a load of women talking s**t, but you get a wealth of knowledge about what to eat, and to cook.

I was the only bloke there. felt a right c**k at first, but you soon get over it.

I used the books for the food and then did shed load's of exercise.

Since i stopped going i have put on a stone, but i'm hoping to get back into the fitness in a few week's.


25-10-09, 06:55 PM

nar i'm just joking

depends what your after, you'll definately need carbohydrates, so eat things that have plenty (pasta jacket potatoes etc)

but if your after losing weight, then light meals and fruit (as rick says) is the way to go

thats it for basic working out, if you want something different then a different diet is needed i.e for muscle building, carbohydrates + protein

I don't bother with the gym etc, but have a few mates that are into all of that side and so i've picked up alot over the years:thumb:

dhdev (Oli)
25-10-09, 07:09 PM
As said, eating little and often is the key. If you want to tone up as well as improve fitness then reducing carbs is the way to go. Having a plentiful supply of protein in your diet will aid muscle growth. Aim for 5 or 6 small meals evenly spaced throughout the day, this will keep your metabolism high and help to burn fat. I think 6days a week is probably a bit excessive, the body needs plenty of recovery time, I'd stick to a 5 day routine and on the off days drop the carbs down as you obviously won't need as much energy on those days.

Most of this advice I've picked up from Bodybuilder mates, personally I have a very fast metabolism so i can eat as much as I like whenever I like :d

25-10-09, 07:20 PM

HTH :thumb:

25-10-09, 07:25 PM
as said its not a flattering photo but this is the latest photo of me now and one lynz got of me at combe, standing at 5'8" and coming in at 15 1/2 stone, i am fairly active/physical at work



And yeh olly, i only guessed at what might be offered, as said a program will be worked out for me i'm just guessing lol lol

Can i just ask, what do people call a sensible size meal :confused: , for me if i am snacky at the weekend i would probably cook 4 chicken breasts with 2 peices of cod and half a dozen sausages with some bread and butter, but then i would only have breakfast and one other meal of similar size for tea. During weekdays i would eat a large bowl of cereals for breakfast and some toast, followed by three rounds of sandwiches for break, a pasty or two and a few other bits for lunch followed by a plate piled with 2 chicken breasts 7 or 8 decent sized potatoes and half a plate of veg with a slice or two of bread an butter, then maybe a cheesecake for pudding (as in the whole thing not just a slice lol)

25-10-09, 07:32 PM

You need to eat basically what your eating now, but instead of 4 chicken breasts, have one.

Same with the spud's.

Eat lot's of jacket spuds, they have a million filling's, use your imagination.

If your only having 2 big meals a day, your body will suffer.

I think of it as a fire..

If you stuck all the wood you wanted to burn on a fire all at once, it would burn really slowly.

If you put it on one piece at a time, it burn's quickly.

Same with your food. If your eating shedloads at once, you struggle to burn it off, if you eat a little often. It burn's quicker.

Does that make sence??:tard:

25-10-09, 07:37 PM
dan, you are a physical bloke in a physical job. bear this in mind when going to the gym. the sort of people they usually get are office monkeys. also don't think 'if some is good, then more is better' or you'll be visiting the back stretcher soon.

as for the food, you should maybe lay off about 1/2 of the above list (kidding). i've met some of your relatives & i guess that you all have hearty appetites, and if you try to really cut back on your food, your metabolism will fight back & you may put weight on.

25-10-09, 07:38 PM
lol lol my body's been suffering like that for the last 17 years of my working life (and worse :eek: ) I did think i may have to cut back abit, but hoping it would also aid the loss of some of the 'rounded edges' to my frame as my body is so used to tackiling everything that gets thrown at it, just interested in what size portions i should be eating at each meal stop and if i need to adjust my times abit. do i eat tea before or after the gym, if before do i snack afterwards with the right food etc. Its crap knowing sod all

I am naturally heavy build wise so i know my weight isnt going to drop massively, just shape shift abit lol

25-10-09, 07:40 PM
maybe ask the gym if they can recommend a dietician/nutritionist type person.

also avoid wearing a stripy leotard for the first couple of months

25-10-09, 07:42 PM
lol lol see, now i even dusted off my old speedo's for the swim and everything lol lol

I will be drilling them for info like there is no tomorrow, just wondered if we had anyone like that on here also as it is sometimes the case with these forums lol

25-10-09, 07:43 PM
forums are hardly the home of fitness fanatics............

25-10-09, 07:49 PM
You look like the kind of person thats well built anyway to be honest.

you don't really need to build muscle if your active in your job anyway, Ricks advice is spot on, eat lots of small meals, keep in mind you'll need to burn more than you eat if you want to lose weight though lol you just need to reduce your fat intake

A sensible sized meal depends on who you are, a muscle building friend doesn't hesitate to eat a plate full of pasta coated in cheese followed by 2 jacket potatoes with tuna on lol

"4 chicken breasts with 2 peices of cod and half a dozen sausages with some bread and butter"

while for me, a snack would be 3 sausages on bread and butter lol

"a large bowl of cereals for breakfast and some toast, followed by three rounds of sandwiches for break, a pasty or two and a few other bits"

and for me, if im on 6-2's i would have a bowl of cereal before i go to work and a snack at the first break, i'f im on 2-10 i'll have 2 bowls of cereals in the morning

but then again, a snack for me could be 2 quarter pounders with 2 slices of bacon on a bun, which is real tasty, especially on the george foreman lol

25-10-09, 08:26 PM

25-10-09, 08:34 PM
Well I've got a similar issue as you Dan, well I smoke lack fitness and need a better diet but sadly I enjoy my situation and at 32 I live life to the max.

Personally quit the bines, eat sensibly i.e have breakfasts, plenty of carbs (not twin 40's lol) and also sleep well, nothing better.

25-10-09, 10:25 PM
Ive just started the gym as i want to trim up a bit, and stress relief. But its just so farking boring, swimming is boring. The only think helping me keep going is theres quite a bit of talent about to cast my educated eye over. I go to the gym 2 maybe 3 times a week, and on a friday ive started playing squash with my best mate, really really enjoy it, run round like a loon, smashing the living crap out of a funny little ball, love it.

25-10-09, 11:47 PM
No advice other than don't overdo it. I got 'into' it a couple of years ago (weights only) and put a stone on in three months (no drugs, those who have seen my know my 'build') but hurt my shoulder, lost the stone and never bothered with it again.

As a side note considering sorting out some kind of road bike thing with some dudes that might be interested just to keep ticking over.

Take it easy and live to fight another day IMO

26-10-09, 12:15 AM
To be honest mate (and no homo) I don't think you look over weight or unhealthy, I wish I was built more like you lol I'm about 5 foot 7 at the most and 15 stone so I look quite rotund but I'm broad so carry it well so I'm told :roll: lol

I need to get down the gym and seriously hammer my little legs off on the treadmill/bikes, rowing machine's are good and I actually enjoy them. The hardest part for me is eating right as well, I love crisps too much.



26-10-09, 10:56 AM
See here for help http://www.musclechat.co.uk/
I used to weigh ( lol ) 9st 3 when i was 18
I've been sticking to a straight diet do gym every weekday
I run 1.5 mile most days in under 9min 40 ( army )
Take suppliments ( whey protein, creatine )
Now ive just turned 20 i weigh 10st 5

with a healthy diest and a bit of dedication you can do well dont me put off by the " muscle " thats in the gym theres always a few that can lift everything in the gym with there finger just leave them to it