View Full Version : what a shit week!

14-03-03, 05:21 PM
before i begin i will give u's sum background info.....i've got a female m8 who (i thought) i got on pretty well with but of course me being a stupid twat i started liking her as more than a m8. most of my other m8s knew this for ages but just kept it quiet cos we all know she likes someone else.....

n e ways this brings us upto monday.

goes into college and she seemed a bit quiet with me i just assumed she was in a mood bout something then in 1st lesson she just turns round and says that she knew my 'secret' then starts laffing!! well my self esteem aint high at the best of times so u can imagine what it was like after that!

so now everytime she has seen me she has either ignored me or started having a go at me for nothin. i've totally fcuk'd up. seems like i have lost a good m8 and now know ive got no chance of pulling her

so now its friday again and i feel like absolute shit :cry:

sorry bout this post just needed a whinge and wondered if n e one else had been in the same situation.

14-03-03, 05:26 PM
classic she fancies u back m8

14-03-03, 05:32 PM
nasty :evil:

she might like u 2 u never know. Dont let 1 thing like this knock u down just laff along with her or just say yeah i did like u but really ur kind of perthetic to act the way u are

14-03-03, 06:08 PM
are you sure that you're talking about the same secret?
i mean... if she knew you liked her and laughed like that either she is quite stupid or really insensative, either way... not someone you would want mate.

it could well be that she didnt mean that secret - and was reffering to something else entirely... you never know, someone might have said something to her about you just winding her up - like, i dunno... that you wet the bed until you were 16 or something.

You really should try and make sure you aint getting freaked out for nothing mate.

14-03-03, 07:11 PM
mate add wisewood to your MSN list

he spaeks VERY good sense...........

and hes managed to keep all of my secrets :lol: so far

but then again i know stuff about him too :wink: :twisted:

14-03-03, 07:44 PM
As above and she sounds either like a rite biatch or she fancies you too! Just say "Whats this secret then?" See if she has got the bottle to say "You fancy me"

If she does then say "yeah and? I find you attractive and think u have a great personality, if you juist want to be friends then im sorry i mentioned it! Is that ok?"

Nothin worse can happen! If she doesnt wanna be your mate still, then she wasnt much of a mate b4! And if she wants more BINGO!

14-03-03, 10:44 PM
i had that at school, i REALLY fancied this girl, some of my m8's knew and she found out, she did the same thing, didnt want 2 know, just thought 2 myself your loss!!

if she is acting like that then she really isnt worth it, just laugh it off and say "uuummm your loss" and walk off, i would dude.

if it is really getting 2 u then, take her 2 1 side and ask her wot the problem is, tell her that u didnt tell her before because you didnt know how she would react and feel, "if you feel that way then that is your choice. i didnt mean 2 hurt you and hop we can still be friends??"

hope this helps you as i know wot its like 2 have that happen m8ty :cry:

girls can be SO cruel :evil: :evil:

14-03-03, 10:48 PM
on girls m8ty, the best person 2 ask is either a m8 who is a girl or your best m8's mum, or your own of course

i dont have that choice with my mum u c she died not so long ago :cry: :cry: :cry:

14-03-03, 11:20 PM
Best place to go is mickys site and ask him for his help with the snakes!! LOL :twisted:

14-03-03, 11:39 PM
Best place to go is mickys site and ask him for his help with the snakes!! LOL :twisted:


the lot of em!

try wisewood - hes very good

15-03-03, 01:18 AM
:oops: thanks mike.

just remember mike... what you know about me is nothing compared to what i know about you. keep your mouth shut and so will i.

thats the deal we made... and i will stick to it until you break it.

15-03-03, 11:38 AM
nah she was definately on about me fancying her cos she said

wisewood....welcome to my msn list :D

cheers for the advice folks.

15-03-03, 11:45 AM
been the done that me n my mate were friends for ages and i liked her a lot then i just burlted it out so thought we were better off as friends, we still ok now though. it really difficult with me now coz ive found another girl i like n shes in my IT class and we get on really well it difficult isnt it :roll:

Chris LR
15-03-03, 09:34 PM
Just take her to one side, and talk to her, appologise (they like that) and ask if you can go back to how things were.

Of course things will never go back, but at least you can live with it.

16-03-03, 04:10 PM
well m8 if your certain that shes laffing and making fun outta the fact you fancy her then as wisewood said she is very insensative!!

..i think its quite hard to become really good friends with girls you fancy as at sumpoint or another how u feel is gonna come to the surface and it usually f**ks things up :(