View Full Version : Techy help AGAIN!!

21-10-09, 06:30 PM
We've got a Samsung LCD TV, its developed a teeny tiny little blue line down one side of the screen? Happened literally overnight?

Im guessing my screens about to give up as me & my ex had a 52 inch plasma that done a simliar thing before it died/blew up one afternoon on me :( cost me a fecking fortune so id like to expect it this time round lol

Any gen?

EDIT: Just to add, it really is a teeny tiny little line, so small you can barely see it basically.

21-10-09, 06:34 PM
still under warranty?

21-10-09, 06:35 PM
still under warranty?

Er pass lol will have to check, but its about 18 months old.

21-10-09, 06:42 PM
Offer to settle its problems over a nice glass of water, then say next door neighbours cat wee'd on it and claim from mr insurance lol

21-10-09, 06:43 PM
TBH i might sell it an get a bigger one, but seriously tho, as stupid as its gonna sound, is my TV gonna die or what??

Cant claim on house insurance lol have a few to many claims already if you know what i mean lol

21-10-09, 06:44 PM
have you tried to do a reset of some kind? See if that helps

21-10-09, 06:48 PM
have you tried to do a reset of some kind? See if that helps


On Off,
On Off,
On Off,
On Off,
On Off,

Swearing, angries etc etc

21-10-09, 07:19 PM
5 year wanntery on anything eletrical 5 year manafhers ganntee as in your cunsomer rights pm me if need mroe info

21-10-09, 07:23 PM
5 years??

my samsung only has a years warrenty. and samsung told me that direct

21-10-09, 07:26 PM
bull its five consomer rights on all electrial good with no moving parts , weve been done over at work its eith 5 or 6 im sure look it up mike go in and just even start talking baout it and they buckle and give you a new one trust me

21-10-09, 08:57 PM
All you need to know is here

21-10-09, 09:03 PM
Give it a cuddle and it should start working again for you.

21-10-09, 09:03 PM
have you moved your home phone near to it?

Tidy Max
21-10-09, 09:25 PM
have you moved your home phone near to it?

what, like through the screen?? lol

i think it may be possible that a column driver has gone, now i known very little about this but i remember having a conversation with my boss and basically every pixal on a screen is controlled pretty much independantly it is selected by column then row, e.g b6, being 2 pixels along, 6 down,

not if whatever drives your 'b' column has gone (dried capacitor, melted resistor etc) then you will end up with a whole column going back to default (default being blue i assume as if i go on an input thats got no signal going to it, the screen is blue.

wouldnt have a clue how to fix it IF thats what has happened like, sounds like warrenty is your best bet to me

21-10-09, 10:31 PM
Meh, ive just blagged a Samsung 32" LCD via eBay to replace it anyway.

Thanks for the help tho chaps :) muchos appreciated