View Full Version : Jordan on Grahan Norton....

20-10-09, 08:18 PM
Erm....jesus christ. Watch it and you'll know what i mean.


20-10-09, 08:30 PM
i actually said to myself last nite "i definately wouldnt"

20-10-09, 08:32 PM
Looks like barbie going to a funeral

20-10-09, 08:38 PM
Geniunely horrible imho tbh

craig green
20-10-09, 08:41 PM
I saw it, she was being questioned about her & her new blokes (Alex's) cross dressing fetish. He has an alter-ego apparently. :eek:

It's well & truly out in the open now. (as was her cleavage) lol

20-10-09, 08:42 PM
Rough as a badgers ar*e hole.

20-10-09, 08:47 PM
Cba to click the link as it will take about four hours to buffer on my connection, what are we discussing, that she is foul mouthed ugly thing that keeps popping up in the papers for absolutely no need?

She isnt fit and she never has been, i wouldnt piss on her feet if her face was on fire :p

20-10-09, 08:50 PM

20-10-09, 08:52 PM
Looks like Amy Sh1tehouse with a pair of beachballs down her corset, that only backs up my opinion as stated in may last comment!

20-10-09, 08:56 PM
were you listening to everything but the girl ? classic tune ;)

20-10-09, 09:00 PM
were you listening to everything but the girl ? classic tune ;)
Yes I was, Tod Terry original remix, awesome tune (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT2fJxebIRw)

20-10-09, 09:07 PM
Everything but the girl are from Hull originally, they were named after a shop on a main road near my house, which sold everything for your house you could possibly need (apart from the woman) hence the slogan 'Everything but the girl' in the window, random triva fact for you peeps:thumb:

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9f/Turners_1985.JPG/800px-Turners_1985.JPG (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9f/Turners_1985.JPG)


20-10-09, 09:10 PM
Stop taking it off topic spudly or I'll be forced to hit you with teh ban stik y0 :mad:

20-10-09, 09:10 PM
Stop taking it off topic spudly or I'll be forced to hit you with teh ban stik y0 :mad:

Rule 15, i are a nazi and therefore immune to the banstick :p

20-10-09, 09:11 PM
i would...

20-10-09, 09:38 PM
oddly enough, i watched it & found Jo Brand & Jackie Collins to be really entertaining and interesting, but jordan was acting like a shop dummy, she, for once, had nothing to say.......

20-10-09, 09:39 PM
"i agree"


20-10-09, 09:42 PM
I'd rather shag Jo Brand

20-10-09, 09:48 PM
Jordan is everything i detest about this country, getting paid shed load's of cash for being a trollop.

She look's awful.

I'd rather Jo Brand suck my ****, than her. :)

20-10-09, 09:57 PM
i bet jo brand drinks pints, and jordan drinks something with a brolly & a sparkler

21-10-09, 10:23 AM
I drink pints, but I ****ing love Jordan. She's great :thumb: She is GORGEOUS.

She isnt fit and she never has been, i wouldnt piss on her feet if her face was on fire :p

I'd piss on her face, if she asked nicely :)

21-10-09, 10:33 AM

21-10-09, 10:40 AM
I would screw the **** into jordan, even though she is like a sack of spuds!

would be another in the celeb scrap book lol

21-10-09, 10:55 AM
I would screw the **** into jordan, even though she is like a sack of spuds!

would be another in the celeb scrap book lol

Previous? lol

21-10-09, 11:05 AM

Are you on smack or is that sarcasm? Why do women aspire to these tarts like Jordan :(

21-10-09, 12:48 PM
Fukkin dings the pair of them,shes an awful specimen of female.She is an awful mother to her children and uses them as pawns against her silly and very public battle with peter andre.Look at her face,she is looking more and more like Lolo Ferrari (RIP) every day

21-10-09, 12:54 PM
I just clicked on a random part of that and heard her say Alex lost his nipple during a sex act? :eek:
And forgive me for being naive here but wtf is trisexual?

21-10-09, 06:37 PM
........and jordan drinks something with a brolly & a sparkler

Yeah, his names Alex. lol

And forgive me for being naive here but wtf is trisexual?

It's Trysexual, as in try anything.

I found it funny when Graham mentioed about thrusting her children into the public eye to get publicity for herself, and it will effect them in later years. Some in the audiance clapped. She couldn't work out why. :tard:

My wife loves her, i've always hated Jordan/Katie Price/thick bimbo *

*Delete as appropriate.

21-10-09, 06:42 PM
I drink pints, but I ****ing love Jordan. She's great :thumb: She is GORGEOUS.

Lynz, seriously.........:eek:

Tell me you are joking are you not, youre a clever girl, you have style and taste and im pretty sure common sense, please tell me you need glasses, cos if youre being serious then you really need to go to Specsavers lol

21-10-09, 06:49 PM
I hate Jordan! She is the most self-centred person I have ever come across! She will use anyone and anything to make money and get herself publicity including her children.
She walks around with this hard facade on but everyone (accept her apparently) knows that if she just softened up and showed how she really feels about things she would win a lot more sympathy from the public.

21-10-09, 09:34 PM
Lynz, seriously.........:eek:

Tell me you are joking are you not, youre a clever girl, you have style and taste and im pretty sure common sense, please tell me you need glasses, cos if youre being serious then you really need to go to Specsavers lol

Thanks for the nice comments directed towards me :thumb: makes a change on here!

I'm not joking. She goes against pretty much everything I stand for but I just love, love, love her. I always have :d she's only the sexiest thing alive! If I ever get to meet her, we'll have a babe of a time!

Kelbelle- You've come across Jordan? OMFG. You're one lucky biatch! lol

Team Jordan FTW :cool:

Tidy Max
21-10-09, 09:36 PM
pfff, you lot are WELL too picky lol

21-10-09, 09:40 PM
nah shes disgusting,
not to mention shes had more priks than a 2nd hand dartboard

21-10-09, 09:46 PM
All respect for Lynz has just been lost :(

21-10-09, 09:47 PM
I know,i almost negged her for those comments lol

21-10-09, 09:58 PM
lol Steady on lads :o Like I said, she goes against everything I stand for. I would normally think someone like that was a right **** but I can't help liking her.

21-10-09, 10:01 PM
Please reconsider Lynz..

21-10-09, 10:02 PM
jordan has one really annoying habit, she is always looking for the next camera that's pointing at her.

she was a way nicer person when she was younger, now she really believes her own publicity

21-10-09, 11:29 PM
Thanks for the nice comments directed towards me :thumb: makes a change on here!

Youre very welcome, although i cant say as ive seen negative comments towards you, apart from the comments of :( after you admitted liking blow up barbie lol

I am disheartened that you do but everyone is entitled to their own opinions though:thumb:

22-10-09, 11:55 AM
Lynz, I am disappointed at your taste in women :(

22-10-09, 11:57 AM
the funniest part of the show was jo brands facial reactions to everything jordan said lol

22-10-09, 01:01 PM
She does what ever SHE wants to do and doesnt care what people think..kinda cool! But everything she does is just for publicity, Mong!

ben doodar
22-10-09, 02:25 PM
id rotten it!

22-10-09, 03:40 PM
Then you'll be really disgusted by my top 6...

Pink- Alicia Moore
Chezza Cole
Dawn Porter
Danielle Lloyd
Julia Stiles :p

Ben- how you doing? Long time no see! x

22-10-09, 03:53 PM
Then you'll be really disgusted by my top 6...

Pink- Alicia Moore
Chezza Cole
Dawn Porter
Danielle Lloyd
Julia Stiles :p

Hmmm, Pink. Something about her.


Awesome live too.

22-10-09, 03:58 PM
Yeah, I've been to see her a few years ago and am going to see her tomorrow night at the MEN! Cannot wait! Gay Villiage will be buzzing tomorrow night after the concert but I doubt I'll be able to get Dougie down there!

22-10-09, 07:54 PM
Danielle Lloyd
Julia Stiles :p

Mmmmmm oh yes to both of them!

23-10-09, 03:37 AM
Thanks for the nice comments directed towards me :thumb: makes a change on here!

You flash you cleavage to us poor old hard working truckers. That makes you a hero :)