View Full Version : loose change... the film, not your pennies!

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 01:02 PM
I have watched half of the new loose change 911 video, it is title an american coup if anyones interested!

for any of you who don't know The Loose Change films are basically conspiracy films about september the 11th and such!

Just wondering who had seen them, and what they had thought about them, and if people who hadnt seen them, would be open to watching them!

(Im on the fence post on this one so don't think im trying to force stuff down peoples thoats lol)

you can download from here (http://www.question911.com/linksall.htm), just have to scroll down abit

19-10-09, 01:05 PM
Seen both versions dude. Very interesting (in places)
Something went on that day and those who fully believe the media are fools IMO.

Too many things don't tally up. It makes my head hurt trying to suss it all out though lol.

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 01:24 PM
indeed, indeed

ive seen loose change version 1 and the second release, but that new one is a 2009 edition, same **** different pile really, still interesting though, more stuff on the other planes that were supposed to have gone down

19-10-09, 01:32 PM
Loose change is a load of ****.

Limp, the current one is the FOURTH revision - the first one got debunked, so he amended his "facts" and came out with a second. Which got debunked, so again he amended his "facts" and came out with a third... etc.

I don't see what the furore is about? Terrorists hijacked aircraft and attacked America. Big deal, the only people who can't handle that are mostly Americans who think their country is so great its beyond any form of terrorist attack and therefore it MUST be a setup conspiracy etc.

[/rant] lol

[edit] The bottom line is, do you honestly think George W bush was capable of organizing something of that ilk? lol

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 01:51 PM
you know RJ i actually refrained from adding on the end of my initial post
T-Minus 2 minutes to rant from RJ lol

silly me!

im not saying its all true but theres mucho stuff that doesnt add up, i dont think that you can debunk everything thats mentioned at all, which is kind of how your reply makes it look, but as said before, im on the fence post!

19-10-09, 02:28 PM
I thought there'd been 3 revisions, I say I saw then both but come to think of it I've seen three.

Terrorists attacked America yes, but IMO they killed their own people. It's a war over oil and I am more swayed to believing it was all an horrific, elaborate plot to get the American public on side.

A lot of it can be dismissed, but whatever hit the Pentagon was not a plane. There's far too much evidence suggesting bcking this up.

Also, the planes that hit the towers had funky markings, strange things on the belly of one, what look an awful lot like charges/missile strikes? are seen to go off before the planes strike too.

Those two facts are the ones that bug me.

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 02:34 PM
also bio thermite has been found in the debris and that actually has been proven, thermite being one of the few things that could of caused the structural steel to melt

19-10-09, 02:38 PM
'Thermite' is a reaction between rust and aluminium filings, would be strange not to find rust and aluminium at a site where a few tonnes of aluminium had been flown into a steel structured building.

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 02:42 PM
but aluminium and rust were not found seperate, they were found in compound combined also with silicone/carbon to a much more intense burn and i thought thermite was the compound, not the reaction?

19-10-09, 02:45 PM
but aluminium and rust were not found seperate, they were found in compound combined also with silicone/carbon to a much more intense burn and i thought thermite was the compound, not the reaction?

All that black crap in your exhaust is carbon, happens when things like say planes go up in flames. Silicon pretty much covers the outside of mainly glass buildings, there's a *RIDICULOUS* amount of it on the outside sealing all the panes of glass in. And the most intense burn you can get out of thermite is the purest aluminium/iron oxide in the correct amounts, much like stoich ratio for a car.

Thermite is the name of the reaction, it's not "a" compound, it's 2. Aluminium and iron oxide.

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 02:50 PM
yes but they did not find all of these things seperate, they found thermite, i can find eggs flour and milk in my kitchen that is not to say i have just found a cake is it lol

they found thermite chips, and i do believe the addition of organic matter was to produce more gas, apologies for getting the compound thing wrong, i believed thermite to be the mixture of those two compounds, and the reaction to be a thermatic reaction, the reaction type being named after its self

(my eyes do actually looks like black and white spirals, as its apparent ive been brainwashed lol)

edit: im going to have to disgree with you on the most 'intense burn' claim being from pure 'thermite' also, as ive read quite alot of stuff that contradicts that such as,

The addition of barium nitrate to thermite increases its thermal effect, produces a larger flame, and significantly reduces the ignition temperature.

19-10-09, 03:06 PM
Those towers were brought down by Bush and his cronies.

End of thread. (lol)

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 03:08 PM
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol thanks l14

19-10-09, 03:08 PM
Bush hardly did anything when he was in power.

A President is just a face for the people.
He doesn't make the important decisions.

He was probably told, 'this is what we are going to do, stop us and you will have an accident ;)' by somebody like the CIA or secret service.

19-10-09, 03:12 PM
Agreed Stoo. I mean the government was responsible. Easier to say Bush and co. though lol

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 03:12 PM
i imagine if it were to have been the gov, then it would of been in planning for a number of years (and presidents) but bush does make the perfect dosile drone of a man to do something sneaky behind, as he will do what he is told and wont ask any questions!

whereas barack obama (barakobamamobamabrackobamabrackobamabra....) would have been more likely (if at all) to offer up some form of resistance, mind you he could be part of the grand plan....

19-10-09, 03:13 PM
Don't be brainwashed by Obama! Haven't you seen South Park? lol

19-10-09, 03:28 PM
Terrorists attacked America yes, but IMO they killed their own people. It's a war over oil and I am more swayed to believing it was all an horrific, elaborate plot to get the American public on side.
If thats the case, it was epic overkill. We invaded Iraq because we were "informed" they had weapons of mass destruction. No kamikazee terrorists required there.

A lot of it can be dismissed, but whatever hit the Pentagon was not a plane. There's far too much evidence suggesting bcking this up.
Such as? There was a plane-shaped hole in the building. The aircraft was caught on CCTV (despite fuzzy shots to the contrary, its not a missile). Bits of aircraft debris were scattered around. Bodies of passengers were found in the wreckage.

Also, the planes that hit the towers had funky markings, strange things on the belly of one, what look an awful lot like charges/missile strikes? are seen to go off before the planes strike too.
The markings were consistent with United Airlines and American Airlines livery. The "pod" has been explained as sun glare on a poor quality camera.

19-10-09, 03:31 PM
The hole in the pentagon was too small to be an aircraft and aslo debris was found that would only be used in missiles.

Also, Iraq. No WMDs. Pull the other one!

19-10-09, 03:35 PM
The hole in the pentagon was too small to be an aircraft and aslo debris was found that would only be used in missiles.

Also, Iraq. No WMDs. Pull the other one!

If we had found any worthwhile weaponry in Iraq, don't you think they (at least the yanks would have) paraded them round for the world to see? That would have shut all the critics up.

19-10-09, 03:36 PM
Trust me jack, i work in weapons, i did bomb disposal in iraq.

19-10-09, 03:37 PM
Did you dispose of any large scale nuclear or chemical weapons? lol

19-10-09, 03:39 PM
The hole was not large enough in diameter (iirc) to be caused by the jet they claim, there were parts scattered on the lawn that could not have came from said jet either. Lamp posts were left standing that would have been taken down by the plane. The wings would have been torn off and at the very least, part of them would have remained outside of the building. There were no fuselage marks on the grass outside. Also, IIRC it has been proven that a jumbo couldn't fly at the speed/altitude (a few feet??!) required to be responsible for the damage.
I will have to rewatch but I'm sure most of what I said has been proven.

The Pentagon will be riddled with CCTV from every feasible angle, not to mention all of the other local buildings/road networks etc. Yet what do we see, one sh!t quality few second long clip.

It is also said that moments after the Pentagon was struck, senior government officials rounded up all of the CCTV footage they could find.

With the World Trade being much more in the public eye there was a lot amateur and professional video that they could not confiscate. Shame that wasn't the case at the Pentagon.

As for the above, I don't buy into the info that the 'pod' was sunglare. lol. Epic overkill by slaughtering thousands of your own people yes. It's happened before in history though. Just because we now live in a civilized society who's to say we're above that kind of action?

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 03:40 PM
the pentagon thang had quite a few irregularities, one of the main ones beings the turbine which was found was no where near the correct turbine for the type of plane which was supposed to have crashed into it,

other stange things such as the only part of the pentagon which had been reinforced to withstand an airplance crash was... lo and behold the place where the plane hit (not because its the easiest spot to hit before you say that as i think the pilot hijacker whatever was supposed to have completed a fairly hard maneouver to hit that particular area,

and also although pretty much the entireity of the plane was supposed to have melted/vaporised upon impact mainly due to the jet fuel, if you look at the whole, non of the carpets computers paperwork etc are so much as scorched,

all of the cctv footage was taken immediately from the surrouding shops etc and yet only 5frames have EVER been released? why!?

19-10-09, 03:41 PM
I cannot confirm or deny haha.

However, the other team i worked with found a bunker full of stuff that was no where near 'above board'

The team leader called it in, the yanks turned up and destroyed any evidence they had of what they had found, ie pictures, and then asked them to leave sharpish and rather politely :)

One of the guys still has some pics that werent destroyed. WE heard nothing more of it.

19-10-09, 03:52 PM
yes but they did not find all of these things seperate, they found thermite, i can find eggs flour and milk in my kitchen that is not to say i have just found a cake is it lol

Now blow your kitchen up and show me them staying seperate in their containers? lol

The barium compound you mention would be called a catalyst, quick search on google shows no matches against carbon as a catalyst to the thermite reaction. Silicon oxide is often used in place of iron oxide according to google, but silicon comes in so many forms and there's no mention of which. As I said the form of silicon most people would be familiar with covers the outside of glass building, literally tonnes of it.

I'm not saying it was all above board and nothing was kept secret etc, not just within this but with most things any kind of government say, but that particular point is conspiracy merchants going "oooh look, scientific chemistry proof <list of chemicals very few people would understand>" imo

19-10-09, 03:52 PM
Hmm, I can't understand why they'd not provide evidence of weapons in situ. Unless of course they had the "sold courtsey of Mr GW Bush" receipts still stamped on them... lol

The hole was not large enough in diameter (iirc) to be caused by the jet they claim, there were parts scattered on the lawn that could not have came from said jet either. Lamp posts were left standing that would have been taken down by the plane. The wings would have been torn off and at the very least, part of them would have remained outside of the building. There were no fuselage marks on the grass outside. Also, IIRC it has been proven that a jumbo couldn't fly at the speed/altitude (a few feet??!) required to be responsible for the damage.
I will have to rewatch but I'm sure most of what I said has been proven.
Lamp posts in the path of the aircraft were knocked flat, the hole is consistent in size with an aircraft hit (don't assume that a 125ft wingspan = 125ft hole, it won't). The grass in front of the pentagon is deceptively far away, due to the angle of the photos it looks like its right outside.

The Pentagon will be riddled with CCTV from every feasible angle, not to mention all of the other local buildings/road networks etc. Yet what do we see, one sh!t quality few second long clip.
No pentagon footage will be released to the public, period. Its government video of a secret establishment! Heck, you'd never even get your hands on CCTV footage from Yeovilton let alone the Pentagon lol

It is also said that moments after the Pentagon was struck, senior government officials rounded up all of the CCTV footage they could find.
Thats to be expected. They would need to study it, and protect it from being tampered with.

if you look at the whole, non of the carpets computers paperwork etc are so much as scorched,

I can't comment on the carpet. As its hidden underneath all the rubble


Tidy Max
19-10-09, 03:56 PM
high five for the counter argument RJ, i shall find some pics in abit too

http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://911truth.tripod.com/stool.jpg&imgrefurl=http://911truth.tripod.com/pentagon.html&usg=__MumIYRmxVJCH3twho-yZnqXOEOg=&h=382&w=467&sz=48&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=Qr0iscY-YfzGzM:&tbnh=105&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3D911%2Bpentagon%2B%2Bcomputers%2Bphoto s%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfire fox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26sa%3DG

19-10-09, 04:00 PM
Womble, You're brain washed and I expect better from you. lol

Couldn't recall if it did or did not take down the 'light poles'. FFS I know it won't leave a cartoon shaped hole, wings and all lol. I'm sure they said that the hole left was not large enough to be from that planes fuselage though.

Thereis barely any plane wreckage at the scene, except for as max says, a prop (how ironic) from a different aircraft. Total BS. I'd ask why they never actually slammed a plane into the building rather than the projectile used but the angle would have been impossible.

Every other plane crash leaves substanstial debris. The world trade towers are to this date the only steel structured buildings to be brought down in such a manner too.
Oh yeah, a hijackers passport survived too. G T F. lol

19-10-09, 04:46 PM
Thereis barely any plane wreckage at the scene, except for as max says, a prop (how ironic) from a different aircraft.
^ thats a 757 wheel




The world trade towers are to this date the only steel structured buildings to be brought down in such a manner too.

1967, the original heavy steel-constructed McCormick Place exhibition hall in Chicago collapsed only 30 minutes after the start of a small electrical fire.

The McCormick Place fire "is significant because it illustrates the fact that steel-frame buildings can collapse as a result of exposure to fire. This is true for all types of construction materials, not only steel." wrote Robert Berhinig, associate manager of UL's Fire Protection Division and a registered professional engineer.

Max, the Pentagon is modular, its possible that one section that was torn open when the building collapsed could have been sealed successfully and protected from fire.

Tidy Max
19-10-09, 05:03 PM
all of our arguments are biased arguments being argued against with another biased argument lol bloody fantastic!

M999 lol lol lol at your reply, but no i wouldnt expect them to stay in their containers (nothing would happen to the ingrediants in the fridge, just like indiana jones showed us if you hide in a fridge you can survive a nuke!!) anyway i wouldnt expect them to stay in their containers BUT i wouldnt expect a cake to be made either!!

also, the twin towers are the only sky scrapers/ tall buildings to collapse from fire stress? the McCormick building did specifically NOT collapse from fire stress?! the building didnt even collapse, the roof did, the structure of the building stayed standing, (as it would do with it being steel)

and RJ i understand of the modular topography (is that the right or wrong context for topography? its wrong isnt it??) modular layout of the building, and also that it collapsed after the...plane hit, but the pictures i saw im sure were PRIOR to the collapse, i actually found some before but they were ****, it showed a filing cabinent lol, i couldnt bring my self to post that and try to pass it off as evidence

19-10-09, 05:19 PM
The problem we have, I think, is that the pentagon and the twin towers should have been made my Smeg.


19-10-09, 06:20 PM
M999 lol lol lol at your reply, but no i wouldnt expect them to stay in their containers (nothing would happen to the ingrediants in the fridge, just like indiana jones showed us if you hide in a fridge you can survive a nuke!!) anyway i wouldnt expect them to stay in their containers BUT i wouldnt expect a cake to be made either!!

The reactants for thermite is not the "cake" it's just a mix of iron oxide and aluminium, that's it, i.e pour the 2 together and that's "thermite" no baking involved.

19-10-09, 07:44 PM
look.... its a bit late to try to work out who did or didn't do it..... one thing is sure, even the yanks couldn't organise such a huge stunt as the 911 thing to such a level and get it anywhere near as successful.......it was done by a small group of daring improvisers... that's how it worked.......... remember the unofficial fuel protests????? they shut the country down... remember the official protest a few weeks later????? you won't cos the pillocks organised it & the weak links made it fail

Tidy Max
20-10-09, 08:30 AM
The reactants for thermite is not the "cake" it's just a mix of iron oxide and aluminium, that's it, i.e pour the 2 together and that's "thermite" no baking involved.

lamens terms ftw lol