View Full Version : internet time

13-03-03, 12:00 AM
does anyone elses parents say the spend too much time on this site coz i think its only me

13-03-03, 12:01 AM
My missus tells me all the time.

Falls on deaf ears though :lol: :roll: :P

13-03-03, 12:07 AM
Mine sits there naked and i still come on here! "B there in a bit babe" HAHAHA

It really annoys me though coz i need to work and modify the car instead of telling everyone else what to do or what not to do!

13-03-03, 12:10 AM
i hope u were takin bout ur gf mate :lol:

13-03-03, 12:16 AM
i hope u were takin bout ur gf mate :lol:

LOL, gotta be more careful what i say on here, mite give something away i shouldnt!

13-03-03, 12:22 AM
lmfao - i am logged into this site more than anyone else.
over 5% of the 20gb per month bandwidth is used up by me :D

something to be proud of i think you'll find...
and that was only the IP address for my computer at work... thats not including at home :lol:

So i am on this far more than is really healthy... :D

13-03-03, 12:23 AM
We can see that from your pic mate! :twisted:

13-03-03, 12:25 AM
i do an me dad shouts :lol:

13-03-03, 12:26 AM
andy is the 24 hour sercurity of NL.

13-03-03, 12:30 AM

The minute I sit at the PC (most nights) to "check my mails" - the missis cranks up with some derogatory comment about novas and "chums"

Its a laff I say n whats wrong with having virtual friends?

Beats beang clobbered in fromnt of the telly watching sh1te!


13-03-03, 12:33 AM
I get that! "Gonna chat to your nova bumchums?"
"Sometimes I think you love your car more than me"

Thats when i smile and get a backhand!

13-03-03, 12:35 AM
i do it when the gf aint here, goes for going on Novaload too :lol:

13-03-03, 12:41 AM
lol Whitey - it just goes to show the minute you have a "partner" and youre not giving them your total attention the auto "I'm being ignored" program kick starts and they come out with the same stuff...


13-03-03, 11:43 AM
Mine sits there naked and i still come on here! "B there in a bit babe" HAHAHA!

ur mad

13-03-03, 12:39 PM
he maybe mad Mike but you'll prob find hes been seeing her/living with her for over 2 years. At that point, you become used to the site of them prancing about naked.

Mines started to walk around the house bollok naked with the curtains open - and our top flat neighbours are a right bunch of nosey sods!

She Doesnt care


13-03-03, 12:50 PM
hahhaha - any flats available to rent in your area ade???


13-03-03, 01:12 PM
I always am 2 by mum and boyfriend

I havent sat down to watch telly in ages except for

Ant & Decs saturday night takeaway

At home with the braithwaites thats all normally

Been watching the horse racing on channel 4 cause its my home

13-03-03, 01:20 PM
got any tips for horses then tilly?? could do with winning a few quid :lol:

13-03-03, 01:22 PM
got my money on Best Mate but the odds are shit 9/4

I put couple of quid on Miss summit on tues day didnt comein the top 4
I then gert told they did a Donkey darby and she was in that :o only chose it cause the guy was wearing pink with a star on his jeursey

13-03-03, 01:27 PM
:lol: @ donkey.

haha... good way to choose what to bet on though... makes as much sense as any other so called system for betting.

13-03-03, 02:00 PM
I get moaned at by my girlfriend for either being on the computer, or working on my car. She'll want to "spend time with me" by watching soaps, which i hate.

It's a bit of a pain for me though. My girlfriend goes to bed at 10pm during the week as she works in london, so needs to be up at 5 the following morning. I'm just not tired at 10pm :|


13-03-03, 02:08 PM
ADE, you rite there mate!

It gets to the point where its like the norm if ya get me! Stuff like I will be on Novalaod and she watchin eastenders, I cant speak through through eastenders, BUT she gets shitty if im on the PC coz she wants me to be sitting with her!


Thats why Mike, when after eastenders finishes and she starts undressing etc, i just ignore her, nothing worse than a spoilt brat! LOL

Although most of the time she gets her way in the end EVENTUALLY! LOL