View Full Version : "shed" project

13-10-09, 02:56 AM
this isn't strictly mine but im helping my mate build this mansion lol its 25ft long 9ft deep and at least 8ft high !!!! we originally made the back wall in one section. however after then making the two ends and partition and realising how extremely heavy they they were we decided to cut the back wall in half lol . we then treated the wood then platic sheeted the panels and then roof felted them. i didnt take any pics of all this but this is a couple of pics of half the back, a side and the partition. right of the partition is going to be the shed which measure 6ft wide, 9ft deep and 8ft high. the other room is going to be a gym :d



this thread may not interest many but im proud of what we've achieved so far bearing in mind its only two days work so far

on one of the side panels something made me think it wasnt square, so we measured the diaganols and it was only 2mm out!!! for a 8ft by 9ft panel we were quite chuffed with that

13-10-09, 03:00 AM
Looks like a garage base that, you wanna get another car in there and build something else mental lol

13-10-09, 03:01 AM
na we'll build the garage when we put the extension on the house :p

13-10-09, 03:06 AM
Fcuk me man, is there nothing you cant turn your hand to?

13-10-09, 03:08 AM
good progress for 2 days work mate... id still use it as a garage thou. lol

13-10-09, 06:40 PM
very cool mr burgo if i new you were a top chippie you could have helped with my shed lol!

13-10-09, 07:02 PM
I thought this was to do with Baxters old shell. lol

That's one hell of a shed. It's the size of a hotel to me lol

13-10-09, 07:05 PM
Could you knock a wall down and build an epic size shed in about a week? Around august next year, parents will probably be away for a week you see... lol

13-10-09, 07:11 PM
have you got planning permission

13-10-09, 07:14 PM
have you got planning permission

Non permanent structure, aslong as theres no "Amenities" (If there is shut the fook up about them) your fine, afik you cant have anything bigger than the floor plan of your house:thumb:

13-10-09, 07:41 PM
Sheds/workshops for the win.

13-10-09, 08:45 PM
dont need planning because its non permenant as matt said and it doesnt cast a shaddow on any of the neighbours so the sweet FA anyone can do.

BOD this is the first wooden thing ive ever built so im hardly an ace chippie lol. simply used a square thingy and a tape measure, job done

13-10-09, 10:15 PM
dont need planning because its non permenant as matt said and it doesnt cast a shaddow on any of the neighbours so the sweet FA anyone can do.

BOD this is the first wooden thing ive ever built so im hardly an ace chippie lol. simply used a square thingy and a tape measure, job done

I'd be careful. Depending on your Council, the planning rules are totally up for interpretation and abuse.... It's not as clear cut as that ^ . As long as no-one complains, you should be ok. If you do run into any issues, feel free to drop me a PM as i could probably help you with advice !

13-10-09, 10:42 PM
well we've been looking into planning stuff for our garage we plan to build and they are pretty lenient. so long as its under 3 meters tall we should be fine

13-10-09, 10:47 PM
the polythene sheeting will come to haunt him in the future, it will actually help to trap moisture into the walls causing damp & rot. you can get breathable membranes for roofing that work really well.

13-10-09, 10:47 PM
i thought there was a certain area you are allowed to add on with out planning permission, or is that for extensions? and not the non fixed structures...

13-10-09, 10:52 PM
70m3 of construction. it includes sheds & garages, you can basically build anything you like under the permitted development rule.

13-10-09, 11:08 PM
once its not pernament it should be ok, how come ya never made it out of steel and galvanising, we built something like this 4 years ago only its about 18ft wide for storing some vintage cars and stuff,

13-10-09, 11:14 PM
because he didnt want an ugly barn in his back garden lol

13-10-09, 11:18 PM
because he didnt want an ugly barn in his back garden lol

we've not seen the finished article yet lol

13-10-09, 11:21 PM
how very rude lol

13-10-09, 11:21 PM
that blue sheet how much is it? thats absolutely(sp) brill to cover my nova as some little stingy tight **** niked my sheet i mean come on the ******* cost me £30 aswell Lol

13-10-09, 11:26 PM
you can get 100m2 for about £25+vat or scrounge some off a building site..... but it will just get condensation on your nova.

13-10-09, 11:29 PM
my old car cover blew away so best to build a garage

13-10-09, 11:31 PM
trawl the local rag, there are loads of people trying to get rid of old garages, buyer to collect

13-10-09, 11:58 PM
because he didnt want an ugly barn in his back garden lol

if its done right it wouldnt look like a barn

14-10-09, 12:04 AM
a barn in somebody's back garden in the town might look ok in Eire, but certainly not in northamptonshire....

14-10-09, 12:11 AM
exactly lol we're hoping for a kinda summer house look

14-10-09, 03:21 PM
70m3 of construction. it includes sheds & garages, you can basically build anything you like under the permitted development rule.
lol Permitted development.

Permitted development is one of the most un-clear and grey areas in planning. Basically meaning, i wouldn't trust it at all . Most councils now have a Permitted development "Checking" service, which means they will look at your plans and tell you wether it falls under permitted development laws.

IIRC West Sussex, it takes 8 weeks and is a free service.
Planning costs you a little money, and takes 6 Weeks.

So, for the sake of £200, you may skip all the permitted development bull**** and go straight for a planning application that you know will be passed.

I've been witness to people having to pull multiple storey extensions down due to infringment of planning/Regulations policy; at their own expense and time, to be re-built the next week.

14-10-09, 06:37 PM
a barn in somebody's back garden in the town might look ok in Eire, but certainly not in northamptonshire....

why, cause there all to posh for a steel shed

14-10-09, 10:35 PM
lol Permitted development.

Permitted development is one of the most un-clear and grey areas in planning. Basically meaning, i wouldn't trust it at all . Most councils now have a Permitted development "Checking" service, which means they will look at your plans and tell you wether it falls under permitted development laws.

permitted development is simple. 70m3 & within existing boundaries & bylaws... in leics. you draw a piccy, with dimensions.. take some photos, ring up the planning dept & ask for a meeting.... it took us a day to find out if we needed planning..and if the planning officer says ok, then its ok.. simples......

i need to demolish my garage before work commences so that has slowed up my plans a tad.....:(:(

IIRC West Sussex, it takes 8 weeks and is a free service.
Planning costs you a little money, and takes 6 Weeks.

So, for the sake of £200, you may skip all the permitted development bull**** and go straight for a planning application that you know will be passed.
but you still include the 70m3 of permitted development, so you are actually applying for a much smaller added extn.....

I've been witness to people having to pull multiple storey extensions down due to infringment of planning/Regulations policy; at their own expense and time, to be re-built the next week.

/\ and who's fault is that nick?? if they'd rung the council, and spoken to their neighbours beforehand, they would have saved a heap of trouble.

ben doodar
16-10-09, 05:34 PM
every man needs a good shed!

16-10-09, 05:41 PM
there will be updates after the weekend :)

17-10-09, 06:51 PM
about 5 hours spent on it today and got what we wanted to done so it leaves the roof to do tomorrow :)




17-10-09, 06:58 PM
There appears to be no way to get a car inside? This is a serious design fail imo lol

17-10-09, 07:02 PM
its not a fooking garage :(

17-10-09, 07:28 PM
permitted development is simple. 70m3 & within existing boundaries & bylaws... in leics. you draw a piccy, with dimensions.. take some photos, ring up the planning dept & ask for a meeting.... it took us a day to find out if we needed planning..and if the planning officer says ok, then its ok.. simples......

i need to demolish my garage before work commences so that has slowed up my plans a tad.....:(:(

but you still include the 70m3 of permitted development, so you are actually applying for a much smaller added extn.....

/\ and who's fault is that nick?? if they'd rung the council, and spoken to their neighbours beforehand, they would have saved a heap of trouble.
Not every council is the same, I've dealt with numerous, from Liverpool to South lakeland (Lake district) and their input varies. Again, numerous circumstances have led to me/us just applying for a full planning application as an easy option . As i said, if you mention Permitted development to West Sussex, they'l make you submit some plans/photos and give you an answer within 8 weeks; it's rediculous. Sounds like you've got yourself some decent planners !

Anyways, all i'm saying is that from my expirience; they can be a right pain in the **** at the best of times. But like you say, as long as your neighbours are cool with it all, there shouldn't be a problem.

19-10-09, 09:59 PM
another update :)

window in


first roof bit


and not a very good pic i know but the back half of the roof is on, sealed and membrained :)


crawling around on something we put up almost three meters high was abit scary lol. and with the wood preserver on it made it slippy

20-10-09, 08:38 PM
not that anyones interested but another update





so thats the roof all on, preserved and membrained :)

ends both on aswell

20-10-09, 08:44 PM
oh.......its actually a shed, only joking. Nice :thumb:

20-10-09, 08:48 PM
When you said window in, I was expecting some acrylic cut to size, maybe in some nicely routed out bits of framing, as would suit your skills, but all the same a bit of acrylic... I scrolled down to see something better than half the windows on my house lol

20-10-09, 10:00 PM
looks spot on does that you can come and do mine lmao

20-10-09, 10:16 PM
well he had the window kicking about so rude not to.

sure ricky, get ya cheque book out :P