View Full Version : so peeeed off part 2

10-10-09, 07:43 AM
well, after last weeks issue with getting the new calipers for my rear disk conversion after the bleed nipple sheered off inside. things were running well and was getting used to it.

that was untill yesterday.

was on way to work down the m53, went past a copper on motorway with lights on parked on the side.
got round the corner and put my foot down as was running late.
got to about 90 and the back end just locked up!
car started pulling my back heavily, next thing i look in rear view mirror.
cop car comes flying around the corner with his lights flashing and pulls up right behind me.
f**k i really dont need this right now.

i'm trying to keep the car under control as the back is still braking hard and now have a copper on my tail.
finally he switches on the blues and flashes me, pulls in the lane next to me (i was in middle) and he pulls the escort next to me.


get to work and the rear brakes are still locked up and stink to high hell.

i let them cool down and then switch them off.
couple hours later i jack the car up and free up the caliper etc and get the car rolling.

finish work and go to the garage, starts having a look properly at the brakes as i need the car for today for the rolling road meet. and it was the mechanical handbrake to the drums. they are f**ked!

so time to get them stripped off and sorted in the morning, fingers crossed i'll be done in time to get to the rolling road meet.

but either way, peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed off right now with the car!

rant part 2 over

10-10-09, 08:12 AM
Thats lucky mate,things could of been a lot worse.Fingers crossed you get things sorted and to the RR meet :thumb:

10-10-09, 09:41 AM
While thats highly infuriating, you were a very lucky boy on that one that he pulled the escort and not you, and that he didnt see your ass end lock up lol

10-10-09, 09:41 AM
how do you mean they locked up mate? surely not the wheels as i would have thought he'd pull ya if your back wheels are smoking and dragging along the road lol, can you not just disconnect it and stick with the fronts for a day? my mates just managed to use the rear drums and hardly no front brakes on the 1.0 disc's and cal's lol some scary moments

10-10-09, 10:25 AM
Your lucky it didn't spin you out.

10-10-09, 08:11 PM
all sorted now, the mechanical mechanism had jammed in the hub causing the shoes to stay open.
It caused the back end of the car to drag backwords (if you know what i mean)

never made the rolling road day and was absolutely gutted, cant do no more.
the car is a daily runner so it was a must to be repaired and back on the road by tomoz

10-10-09, 08:15 PM
Gutted not to see you there Sean, I had money on yours giving up on the rollers lol

10-10-09, 08:22 PM
thanks graeme!

engine is sound, the bits around that fall apart

11-10-09, 12:51 AM
i know exactly what corner your on about on the 53! thats where i got caught speeding in my corsa....come out of the corner and boot it, 111mph they got me for lol

ive slowed down a lot now!