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View Full Version : Mate fail! + 9/11 LOLs (not what you think)

06-10-09, 10:50 PM
First up is this nugget taken from an MSN convo tonight:

mick says:
i took a pic of the sky before, same direction as a kid looking out the window , she thought i was taking a pic of her
laura was watching me take the pic, said she started talking to all the kids and they all looked up at my window lol
Liam says:
HAHAHA neighbourhood nonce!
mick says:
aye ffs
Liam says:
Not good like
Would have been worse if u had ur knob out tho
Things can always be worse lol

Then this, which made me LOL:
(talking about a guy that worked at the world trade center)
<@PowrSlave> this poor **** is getting divorced cuz of 9/11
<@PowrSlave> lol
<@PowrSlave> his wife filed
<@PowrSlave> he didnt go into work that morning and went to his mistresses' house instead
<@PowrSlave> had his phone off
<nonzeRo> haha
<nonzeRo> lucky guy
<@PowrSlave> he turned it on at around 11:00 and his wife was like "OMFG ARE YOU OKAY WHERE ARE YOUR?"
<@PowrSlave> hes like "im at the office honey. whats the matter?"
<@PowrSlave> lol

06-10-09, 11:09 PM
LMAO @ 9/11 guy. Class lol what a muppet lol lol lol lol

07-10-09, 03:57 PM
Mick ftw

07-10-09, 05:30 PM
9/11 guy what a planklol lol lol

07-10-09, 06:23 PM
Lol that's funny. I heard about the couple who got a divorce because 'he' was sleeping around on that 'real life' game on the net. lol

07-10-09, 11:16 PM
9/11 guys life was saved while in bed and skiving work.

Win tbf, not a plank.